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Gay Marriage, Freedom of Speech and Chicken Sandwiches


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[you guys understand sarcasm]?

It's the lowest form of wit.

Do me a favour and learn how to spell. It's bad enough having to try and follow your posts at the best of times, without you destroying the English language completely.

Stick that in your parenthesis!

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It's the lowest form of wit.

Do me a favour and learn how to spell. It's bad enough having to try and follow your posts at the best of times, without you destroying the English language completely.

Stick that in your parenthesis!

[i spelled something incorrectly]?

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[i'm not sure why everyone is hating me for cutting to the point in a few words]. [maybe it's because you can all sense the mockery i'm making]?

[everyone else here is saying the same things i am, they're just hiding it in a 250 word column with some sensitivity mixed in]

[i'm pro gay/i'm not pro gay]

[i'm pro abortion/i'm not pro abortion]

[around and around and around]

[and then everyone gets mad because i define the word 'retarded']?

[ :rolleyes:]

[edited to make bold and add brackets]

Edited by docron
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Christian Site's Ban on 'G' Word Sends Homosexual to Olympics

By Mary Ann Akers

July 1st, 2008

The American Family Association obviously didn't foresee the problems that might arise with its strict policy to always replace the word "gay" with "homosexual" on the Web site of its Christian news outlet, OneNewsNow. The group's automated system for changing the forbidden word wound up publishing a story about a world-class sprinter named "Tyson Homosexual" who qualified this week for the Beijing Olympics.

The problem: Tyson's real last name is Gay. Therefore, OneNewsNow's reliable software changed the Associated Press story about Tyson Gay's amazing Olympic qualifying trial to read this way:

Tyson Homosexual was a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has.

His time of 9.68 seconds at the U.S. Olympic trials Sunday doesn't count as a world record, because it was run with the help of a too-strong tailwind. Here's what does matter: Homosexual qualified for his first Summer Games team and served notice he's certainly someone to watch in Beijing.

"It means a lot to me," the 25-year-old Homosexual said. "I'm glad my body could do it, because now I know I have it in me."

You might think it's a joke, until you read the original AP story, which begins this way:

Tyson Gay was a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has.


Edited by zemun
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What it sounded like is because the medical industry is screwed up we should screw up the government worse by expanding government institutions. By the way, one day I will never be gay, ever.

Nope, that's not what I said, and it's not what I meant. I was using the medical care example because it's a situation most people can envision happening. Most of us will probably at some point in our lives know someone who is ill and hospitalized.It's regrettable that you took it so literally.

It was an example used to make a point... which you. still. did. not. get. :slapface:

I never said you were gay or ever would be gay.

Sounds gay to me. If partner isn't gay it makes no sense because it makes a presumption onto my personal life which is inaccurate.


I said partner because I don't know the status of any romantic relationship you might be in, now, or in the future. I used the word partner because it is deliberately non-specific. I've heard of people referring to their spouses as their partners, I've heard people refer to their long-term lover, with whom they may or may not cohabitate (or "live with" if that's easier for you), regardless of whether or not the relationship is heterosexual or homosexual. Not long ago< I read a note from someone who told me that he'd recently married his life-partner, a woman with whom he'd lived with for several years.

I 'used "partner" because I wasn't making any assumptions about you. There is no need for you to convince me that you're not gay. I believe you. Now... maybe, you could try reading that post again and see if any of it makes sense to you or if you gain a smidgeon of understanding about the issue behind the hooplah.

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Well, as an artist, I have been upset for some time that the rainbow was co-opted by the gay community.

I used to use the rainbow/spectrum in many things I created, because I've always loved how colors blend from one to the next.

Now if I use the rainbow, it is assumed to be connected to the gay community somehow.

Just kind of joking, not really "upset".

But I do resent them taking my rainbow.


I remember when I was wearing my Dark Side of the Moon sweatshirt and my moron gay friend asked if Pink Floyd were a gay group. When I asked him why he said that the album had "adopted" the gay colours. I told him to fuck off and pointed out that DSOTM was released before he was born, and the word gay didn't exist, when I was young they called them arse bandits or turd burglars. He had never heard any of those expressions so I told him a few more. He was shocked that they were treated that way, I then told him about the phase of queer bashing, he didn't realise how lucky he was to be living in a far more tolerant society.

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[i'm not sure why everyone is hating me for cutting to the point in a few words]. [maybe it's because you can all sense the mockery i'm making]?

[everyone else here is saying the same things i am, they're just hiding it in a 250 word column with some sensitivity mixed in]

[i'm pro gay/i'm not pro gay]

[i'm pro abortion/i'm not pro abortion]

[around and around and around]

[and then everyone gets mad because i define the word 'retarded']?

[ :rolleyes:]

[edited to make bold and add brackets]

[nothing]? [really]?

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Well, as an artist, I have been upset for some time that the rainbow was co-opted by the gay community.

I used to use the rainbow/spectrum in many things I created, because I've always loved how colors blend from one to the next.

Now if I use the rainbow, it is to be connected to the gay community somehow.

Just kind of joking, not really "upset".

But I do resent them taking my rainbow.


FWIW, they use a 6 stripe rainbow,


edited for a posting oops.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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