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The Bible also says wearing blended fabrics and eating shellfish is immoral. The Bible also says that women should marry their rapists, and that the rapist should pay 25 shekels to the woman's father, because she's now defiled property that he can't marry off for a larger sum. The Bible also condones beating your wife, slavery, and of course there's the wonderful story of Lot's daughters and how they got him drunk on wine and then fucked him. Or the story of how that same man offered his daughters up to be gang-raped by a mob of angry men, provided said angry men didn't kill two angels. Only they didn't want the daughters, they wanted to rape the angels.

What does all that mean? It means there's a lot of incredibly disturbed things in the Bible. It should be taken at face value. Also, I find it quasi-hilarious that the people who beat the Bible the most, and use it to justify anything and everything, never focus on the New Testament at all. You know, the book with that new guy, Jesus. The one who said love thy neighbor, do unto others, help the poor, shit like that. No, fuck that guy.....we need the angry God of Leviticus! The one who damned people to hell and ordered them around like a dominatrix with PMS.

Alright you want something from the New Testament? You might not like it...

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral

nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mennor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

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Why would I not like it? I'm an atheist. It's all hogwash to me. I'm saying that the most fervent people I've seen use the Bible to justify their bigotry, do so by quoting the Old Testament, which is the angry, bitchy, "all of you piss me the fuck off" God.....not the kind, loving, peaceful hippie socialist son he created which you can find in the New Testament.

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If a book as influential on human history states something, then yes, it is a legitimate topic of debate imo.

It is a topic of debate, yes, but the grounds you cite for its legitimacy are spurious. If I don't subscribe to an old testament religion, how can the bible define for me what is moral? Only a logical argument can do that. It is not a logical argument to say "well the book says so". So it is not legitimate.

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It is a topic of debate, yes, but the grounds you cite for its legitimacy are spurious. If I don't subscribe to an old testament religion, how can the bible define for me what is moral? Only a logical argument can do that. It is not a logical argument to say "well the book says so". So it is not legitimate.

I didn't say that you personally should accept it. I only said because the book said so and what the book has meant to human history it should be debated and cannot be tossed under the rug. You are under no obligation to accept it and "the book said so" is not a legitimate reason for you to believe it. But "the book said so" is a legitamte reason to not disregard any debate over it.

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[ive seen your eyes as they fix on me what on earth is he doing]?

[he is the big mighty creator and I'm not like you]

[i dont want your advice or your praise, or to move in the way that you do]

[and i never will]

[ive seen him with girls of the night, he needs roxeanne to put on her red light]

[i bet shes delighted when she sees him]

[a'put it in and give and early eye]

[because she must be fucking freezing]

[they say he changes when the sun goes down around here]

[god's a scumbag, don't you know]?

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Why would I not like it? I'm an atheist. It's all hogwash to me. I'm saying that the most fervent people I've seen use the Bible to justify their bigotry, do so by quoting the Old Testament, which is the angry, bitchy, "all of you piss me the fuck off" God.....not the kind, loving, peaceful hippie socialist son he created which you can find in the New Testament.

You would have to research why it is like that. I could explain it but I wouldn't want to waste my time typing if nobody is interested in it. And btw Jesus is not the person you perceive Him to be.

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But "the book said so" is a legitamte reason to not disregard any debate over it.

But then I am not debating with a person, I am debating with a book. And no matter what logic I provide, the book will never change its text. So what is the point?

I don't agree that a magical book absolves someone of the responsibility of proving their point logically. If you can't demonstrate why homosexuality is immoral without relying on a book, then you lose the debate, don't you?

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You would have to research why it is like that. I could explain it but I wouldn't want to waste my time typing if nobody is interested in it. And btw Jesus is not the person you perceive Him to be.

The Bible says Jesus hung around with the dregs of society, cured the sick, raised the dead, turned water into wine to keep a party going, he had long hair and a beard, wore sandals.....he's a tie-dye shirt away from being a Deadhead. Also, he was Middle Eastern, which makes me wonder why Republicans love him so much. They hate Muslims, but their main dude looked like one. Not to mention, the same God they pray to, Jews and Muslims pray to as well. All very baffling.

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The Bible says Jesus hung around with the dregs of society, cured the sick, raised the dead, turned water into wine to keep a party going, he had long hair and a beard, wore sandals.....he's a tie-dye shirt away from being a Deadhead. Also, he was Middle Eastern, which makes me wonder why Republicans love him so much. They hate Muslims, but their main dude looked like one. Not to mention, the same God they pray to, Jews and Muslims pray to as well. All very baffling.

long hair, long beard, and sandals doesn't make him a hippie. Everyone had that attire. A hippie was someone who was opposed to the vietnam war.

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You have a lot of learning to do about hippies if you think that is all that defines them.

There are some other things, yes, that is not my point. My point is that Jesus can not be a hippie because hippies were not around that time...

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I can't help but noticed how people who have never read the Bible love to debate what it says. Especially so when it comes to Jesus.

I know. It's like people who are not gay opining on whether it is a choice or not.

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There are some other things, yes, that is not my point. My point is that Jesus can not be a hippie because hippies were not around that time...

Hippies existed long before the 1960's as well, which is my point. They may not have called them "hippies" but groups of people with the exact same mindset were in existence long before then.

I can't help but noticed how people who have never read the Bible love to debate what it says. Especially so when it comes to Jesus.

How do you do know who has and hasn't read the Bible? Personally, I spent three years in a Christian school when I was 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. That is, until my father (who was a Republican, by the way) took me and one of my brothers out because they were brainwashing us with religion. That may have been a long time ago now but it's not so long ago that I've forgotten that we studied the Bible each and every day for three years. It was also used as punishment. If you did something wrong, you had to sit out recess by copying entire passages out of the Bible. It by no means makes me an expert on the Bible but it's not as though I'm stranger to it either.

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Hippies existed long before the 1960's as well, which is my point. They may not have called them "hippies" but groups of people with the exact same mindset were in existence long before then.

I know I know, but do you really think that hippies existed 5 B.C.?

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I'm sure hippies, as a form of gathering citizens picking up ground trying to get voices heard and protest parts of society they disagree with, while using a common ground that wasn't music, did exist back then. What is a society without hippie-like groups?

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Do you know that they didn't?

Some people refer to a group of Ancient Greeks as hippies but it was totally different than the hippie that Electrophile was referring to. She was referring to the beads in the hair, sandals, beards, long hair, "love and peace" kind

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Reminds me of when my family was out to eat at a restaurant in Boone, NC back in the 70's. The so-called "Christians" that ran the place refused to serve us and proceeded to ask us to leave because my oldest brother had long hair and a beard, pretty much like the guy they had a picture of hanging on the wall. Fucking hypocrites. Things really aren't that much different today. They supposedly preach love and acceptance yet are actually quite the opposite. As Ghandi once said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so much unlike your Christ". There are exceptions of course but I'd be hard pressed to agree with that sentiment any more strongly. Tim Easton even wrote a song about that very subject called, "Jesus, Protect Me From Your Followers". I especially love the line in the song where he sings, "Jesus, protect me from your followers, not all of them. Just the ones that turn love into fear and hatred".

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Reminds me of when my family was out to eat at a restaurant in Boone, NC back in the 70's. The so-called "Christians" that ran the place refused to serve us and proceeded to ask us to leave because my oldest brother had long hair and a beard, pretty much like the guy they had a picture of hanging on the wall. Fucking hypocrites. Things really aren't that much different today. They supposedly preach love and acceptance yet are actually quite the opposite. As Ghandi once said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so much unlike your Christ". There are exceptions of course but I'd be hard pressed to agree with that sentiment any more strongly. Tim Easton even wrote a song about that very subject called, "Jesus, Protect Me From Your Followers". I especially love the line in the song where he sings, "Jesus, protect me from your followers, not all of them. Just the ones that turn love into fear and hatred".

I am very sorry that happened to you. I agree that many many Christians do evil things, and I try not be like them. But everyone fails at some point. I hope I am not being hypocritical...if I am I will definitely try not to be.

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The Bible says Jesus hung around with the dregs of society, cured the sick, raised the dead, turned water into wine to keep a party going, he had long hair and a beard, wore sandals.....he's a tie-dye shirt away from being a Deadhead. Also, he was Middle Eastern, which makes me wonder why Republicans love him so much. They hate Muslims, but their main dude looked like one. Not to mention, the same God they pray to, Jews and Muslims pray to as well. All very baffling.

:D:rollin: I love it! Especially the line..."he's a tie-dye shirt away from being a Deadhead."

Very true.

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