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Who will Romney choose for Vice President?


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I love that you won't leave me alone! I'm so flattered that you are enjoying this debate. So I'll give in one more time.

I wouldn't know about that Obama marketing BS because I don't follow his website. Fully agreed, it's ridic! I may NOT even vote for him - I know he'll win all the electoral votes in NY, so maybe I'll write in Hillary!

I know it's hard for Cons to accept that some Liberals are/were neither fooled nor seduced by Obama's charisma/intelligence but some of us do have an intellect that demands more than just the superficial (and I know there are a few GOP the same!)

You didn't initially cite a source for your 8-10 point error rate for polling and it's conventional GOP to say only feminists are pro-choice. And you still haven't, so it's pretty obvious it's Fox. Just like if I quoted some stupid, misogynist, blowhard partisan shit from Chris Matthews as truth.

I never said I spoke for all women just that 3 respected, non-partisan polling agencies show Romney behind Barry in the women vote.

Truly, I've never met a woman who wasn't pro-choice for all women (even if she herself would never choose to terminate a pregnancy). I've only actually met men with that opinion which is pretty amazing considering 16 years of Catholic education in the Midwest (i.e., Kansas and Missouri).

But as I always say to men, "If you and all your buddies would wear a condom every time, abortion wouldn't be an issue."

As I noted earlier, every First Lady since Jackie Kennedy has been pro-choice - including 5 GOP ladies.

Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, and Laura Bush.

Yes, Abigail, even if the men didn't remember the ladies, the ladies did. Every single time.

See you in November!

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I love that you won't leave me alone! I'm so flattered that you are enjoying this debate. So I'll give in one more time.

I'm only responding to comments you directed at me first.

There's no requisite that you continue countering my responses.

Unless you're a last-word freak, in which case I'll drop it now.

You didn't initially cite a source for your 8-10 point error rate for polling and it's conventional GOP to say only feminists are pro-choice. And you still haven't, so it's pretty obvious it's Fox.

I actually watch very little Fox.

I get a lot better idea of how damaged the media is by watching CNN and even MSNBC sometimes (although in small doses, as the shrill, retch-inducing propaganda is hard to stomach).

I'm not as interested in like-minded political opinions as I am in those whose opinions are in conflict with my own.

Say what you want about Fox being conservative, you can't dispute that they regularly give voice to opposing viewpoints that are legitimate liberals.

However, if you'd paid attention to what I said about the Fox polling, you'd realize it's not a supportive statement.

The point was made (quite logically, I might add) that the more accurate determination was an average of all of the 4 or 5 top polls, in which case the numbers are much closer.

But as I always say to men, "If you and all your buddies would wear a condom every time, abortion wouldn't be an issue."

And if a woman makes the wearing of a condom mandatory for any man wishing to have sex, it wouldn't be an issue, either.

Again with the typical response - it's a woman's choice for abortion, but it's a man's responsibility to wear a condom.

I'm pretty certain not a lot has changed since I exited the social sex scene nearly 20 years ago in that the female ALWAYS has the last word regarding having sex.

Pro-choice most often means none of the responsibility before a pregnancy occurs, but all the freedom after a pregnancy.

Truly, I've never met a woman who wasn't pro-choice for all women (even if she herself would never choose to terminate a pregnancy). I've only actually met men with that opinion which is pretty amazing considering 16 years of Catholic education in the Midwest (i.e., Kansas and Missouri).

Sounds like you haven't spent much time in the south.

definitelty half black................


That's not a distinction I place any value on.

My 3 children are half-black, and much like the joke about Tiger Woods being so many different races until he ends up in a police car, then he's black - I understand.

Half-white isn't white to the people who care about such distinctions.

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When it comes to abortion, until the day comes a man can conceive and maturate a fetus to term, and then deliver it, the ONLY people who should have an opinion on this is women. A man should never be asked, period. I have my opinion on the subject but again, I am a man thus my opinion is irrelevant.

It is also a shame the obvious bias of the health care industry when insurance fails to cover birth control (which would save them BIG bucks) but covers viagra. That is simply wrong on so many levels...what's next, stop covering mammograms and start covering hair replacement and dick enhancements?

Oh, and so not to be off topic, Ryan was the best choice for the ticket. And though TypeO and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum he is correct regarding the republican strategy. If they focus on the economy it is their best bet. I also think Ryan will win the debates against Biden, unless Biden hammers him on his plans for SS which may level the playing field. That is Ryan's biggest problem, his plans for SS. Either way, it's gonna be interesting. Maybe not 1828 interesting, but then again even Nixon in 72' was not as dirty as Jackson and Adams in 1828. Nasty!!!

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When it comes to abortion, until the day comes a man can conceive and maturate a fetus to term, and then deliver it, the ONLY people who should have an opinion on this is women. A man should never be asked, period. I have my opinion on the subject but again, I am a man thus my opinion is irrelevant.

It is also a shame the obvious bias of the health care industry when insurance fails to cover birth control (which would save them BIG bucks) but covers viagra. That is simply wrong on so many levels...what's next, stop covering mammograms and start covering hair replacement and dick enhancements?

Actually, I'm not as anti-abortion as most conservatives.

I don't support it, but I don't vote on whether a candidate opposes or supports it.

It's a non-issue for me.

I'm not out to see Roe v. Wade overturned.

I'd just hate to see us get to a point like India, where abortions are so common that it's performed even for conceiving an unwanted gender.

That's truly sad.

I just despise the inherent laziness and lack of accountability in the idea that contraception (condoms) are the man's responsibility but abortion is a woman's choice.

So yeah, I'm strongly conservative on many things, but not so much on some issues that most people lump in with the conservative label.

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"7 Fun Facts About Paul Ryan

by Matthew DeLuca



6. He Loves Led Zeppelin

Just because he likes to spend a lazy day out in nature doesn’t mean the Wisconsin native doesn’t have a bit of an edge. Ryan seems to has a taste for hard-rock bands like Rage Against the Machine, and one of his favorite groups is reportedly Led Zeppelin."

I thought the earlier comment Led Zeppelin on the ipod was a joke. Whether or not his candidacy/card is any good or not he has good taste. :lol:

Anyways, my thoughts on the Ryan pick is that Romney is taking his pick seriously and not just using it as a vote getter. Still doesn't mean I'm gonna vote but at least he is taking it seriously even if the VP pick is more of a campaign strategy than a serious investment in the nation's future most of the time.

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Anyways, my thoughts on the Ryan pick is that Romney is taking his pick seriously and not just using it as a vote getter. Still doesn't mean I'm gonna vote but at least he is taking it seriously even if the VP pick is more of a campaign strategy than a serious investment in the nation's future most of the time.

What makes you think this? Paul Ryan is being chosen because he has a better chance of getting the GOP base energized than Romney is doing. Sounds like a vote getter to me, which is the name of the game when trying to get elected, btw. His budget plan is controversial at the very least...and his record is going to be tough to overcome, IMO.

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Maybe you'd feel different if your partner had aborted your child without even consulting you?

I guess that all depends on the choices one makes in life, I always took responsibility and used a condom even in relationships. I also learned from my friends who shacked up with a "poor" choice in a mate and either wound up raising a child they did not want on their own or stuck in a loveless marriage. Though I have to say you got me on that one Major, since most women are maternal by instinct you must have found a rare bird in that one. Though for the sake of discussion if I were faced with such a scenario yes, I would be upset and very pissed, however I would still agree the choice is still the woman's to make.

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Didn't Romney introduce him as the next President of the USA......Oops! bit of a Bush gaffe

Obama did the EXACT same thing introducing Joe Biden in 2008... :rolleyes:

Only difference is I actually would prefer Ryan over Romney for president in this case

Edited by docron
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