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Romney VP loves his LZ


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Mitt Romney's pick for VP, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, is a huge Led Zeppelin fan! He said in an interview he alternates on his ipod between recordings of budget meetings and Led Zep! Also listens while he works out in congressional gym. Wonder if he and Condi Rice have ever spoken about the boys, traded favorite songs...Probably still won't get my vote, even though I'm from WI, will probably write in Aaron Rodgers!!! But cool to know!

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Welcome to the board sarapage!

Led Zeppelin does seem to pop up in all sorts of people's iPods. In fact, whenever a name pops up on the political scene, it seems we know the contents of their iPod before more relevant information like their economic views and congressional voting record.

The very first instance I remember of Led Zeppelin popping up in political news was when word got out that President Gerald Ford's kids' favourite band was Led Zeppelin. This was around the time of Physical Graffiti and the 1975 US tour.

It was strange because at that time Republicans still thought of rock and roll as some kind of commie plot. Which, in light of how rock music was banned in China and the USSR, shows how ridiculous that notion was.

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Thanks for the Welcome, Strider! Yep, Condi Rice is a BIG Zep fan, saw an interview quite a while ago, but she seemed to really be a long time fan.

I will be attending "Get the Led Out: The American Led Zeppelin in less than a month here in Madison. Has anyone seen them? Saw a couple You Tube clips and read some reviews and they seem pretty cool, would appreciate any feedback if anyone has caught them lately!


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Is Condi Rice a Zep fan too? I thought she was a classical pianist. Not that you can't have both - Paul Ryan likes LZ & Beethoven.

Yep. She loves Led Zeppelin. Her favorite song is 'Black Dog'. I watched a video about I believe on YouTube but, I can't seem to find it. Maybe somebody will find it & post it on here.

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Is Condi Rice a Zep fan too? I thought she was a classical pianist. Not that you can't have both - Paul Ryan likes LZ & Beethoven.

I would think a classical pianist would appreciate John Paul Jones contributions and overall musical talent.

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Don't blame me...I voted for Bill and Opus.

+1 :wtf:

You and KB are too young to remember, but there was harsh reaction to rock and roll from politicians; mostly Republicans and conservative Democrats.

At first, it was limited to the "Oh my god! White kids are dancing to Negro music! Oh my lord, they're dancing with Negroes!" Sex, drugs and ruinization can't be far behind!"

By the time of the Beatles and the acid-rock period that coincided with the anti-draft and anti-Vietnam war demonstrations, there was a significant belief by the FBI and the Nixon White House that rock and roll was a Commie plot to indoctrinate the youth of America and foment anti-American sentiment and cause violence and chaos.

That's why the FBI started their file on John Lennon and wiretapped him...eventually the U.S. tried to deport him.

Yes, it may seem hard to believe nowadays when you have Condi Rice and Ryan admitting their love for Led Zeppelin, but there was a time when rock and roll was considered a scourge and no Republican could dare admit to liking rock music and hope to get elected.

Do you think Richard Nixon would ever allow some rock band like Led Zeppelin near his beloved Super Bowl in 1972? Hell no! Instead, during Nixon's reign in the White House, we got Carol Channing, Up With People, and school marching bands.

Nixon would have been aghast at what the Super Bowl halftime show has become.

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I would assume Romney is a big Pink Floyd fan, as his famous car rooftop riding dog was named "Seamus". Should have been called "Fearless" (same album), though...

Coincidentally, DEVO has just announced that they will be releasing a new song about Romney's dog, called "Don't ROOF! Rack Me, Bro". No word on whether it will contain howling, or squirting noises...


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Condi Rice told Jay Leno in 2009 (on the Tonight Show) she was a big fan of LZ, and has said same many times prior.

I missed that, but then I wasn't a big fan of W.'s administration, to put it mildly.

I always thought she was kinda prim-looking. Fun to think of her blasting out "Wanton Song" after a tough day at the office.

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The Republicans thought rock n roll was a commie plot and tapping phones etc sounds like a conspiracy theory. Is there any concrete evidence for the fact this happened and that it was primarily from people on the right? If not I'll file this under the same category as JFK faked the moon landing and bigfoot is a secret agent working for the CIA.

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