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LED ZEPPELIN - CELEBRATION DAY (official announcement)


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I received my Deluxe Edition of Celebration Day today (2 DVD/2 CD) and thought I'd share photos of how it looks. I've also attached a still from the Bonus DVD of the dress rehearsal at Shepperton Studios. I haven't had the time yet to watch the DVD's in their entirety, so please bare with me for not posting an in-depth review!!

If you don't wanna spoil your anticipation of how it exactly looks until you receive your own copy, DON'T CONTINUE WITH THIS POST!!

the exterior:


front of box and foldcase


back of box and foldcase:


one page of the booklet:


back of booklet:






CD's (one is missing cause it was in my CD player playing For Your Life):


snapshot of dress rehearsal (NOTE: neither the angle nor the closeness changes, the snapshot depicts what you get the whole time)


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what seems so interesting about the rehearsal thing is taht you can clearly see just in that picture taht they had the other video guys set up and filming....maybe what they were doing was just straight video feeds and not recording, and if so totally understandable. Looking forward to the stationary camera thing though, looks like it gives it a cool bootleg feel even though you're getting soundboard audio.

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so .... i thought it was supposed to be released on the 19th .... ?

looks like i can buy it here today ( 16th )


I'm lucky enough to live in a country where the official release date was the 16th Nov. I had it on pre-order and they sent it as soon as it was in stock, hence the early receiving of the box..

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ANOTHER SPOILER WARNING - in case you do not want to read this until it's in your hot little hands.

Jason's contribution to the booklet in the DVD package (just beautiful)...


On June 10th 2007, Robert, Jimmy, John Paul and myself got together to start

rehearsing for what was to become the greatest day of my life.

Six months later, we were at the O2 waiting to go on stage. I kissed my wife and kids

as they left my dressing room to take their seats. I hear Roberts voice in the hallway

say, "Is he coming or not?" I couldn't even swallow let alone reply, so I walked into

the hallway to see Robert, Jimmy and John Paul chatting and laughing with each other.

They didn't look nervous at all. We stopped for a quick photo and then Robert said,

"Let's have some fun. Remember to enjoy it because no one can take that away from you."

The lights went down and I could hear the mighty roar of the crowd. I climbed onto

the drums in darkness waiting for my cue. The moment was seconds away and still I

couldn't swallow. It's time. I raise my sticks and count us off into "Good Times Bad

Times". This really is the greatest day of my life!!

The show goes better than I could have hoped. I start to relax and I'm having a

ball. With every song I'm feeling better and better. By the time we got to "Kashmir",

I was really going for it. Really this was so good. Everyone was on top of their game.

It was magical. We leave the stage and I'm in heaven. "Whole Lotta Love" is next,

and it felt fantastic.

We closed the show with "Rock And Roll", and my dream is coming to an end.

"This might never happen again", I thought. I didn't want it to stop. I felt a certain

closeness to Dad...like he was there with us and he was one with me. As I wait

for my cue from Robert, I fill up with emotion and use it as fuel to deliver the drum

break ending we all know so well in "Rock And Roll". We take a bow. Smiles are all

around me. I slowly walk to the dressing room where I collapse and burst into tears.

I had fulfilled my dream - to play drums on stage with Led Zeppelin, the greatest

band of all time. It felt good, really good!

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oh man I hate it when that happens...seriously!...the good news is I have honest neighbors in my apt building if ups leaves at door ...however these were sent usps which...well I am glad ill be able to get them in right away-pretty cold at night here and yes I had a cd freeze and crack on me one time...I dont leave town til weekend after Thanksgiving...but I have had that happen b4 and it does suck

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February 24, 2007

Led Zep statement on the passing of Ahmet Ertegun

"Ahmet's legendary contribution to a world of wondrous music has inspired generations of musicians. We were always proud of our relationship with him...

The encouragement, friendship and humour we shared through the entire life of our band, continuing on down the years, is as vivid and memorable today as it was throughout the rollercoaster ride from 1968 - 1980.

... much loved and sorely missed...."

Jimmy Page | John Paul Jones | (The family of) John Bonham | Robert Plant




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what seems so interesting about the rehearsal thing is taht you can clearly see just in that picture taht they had the other video guys set up and filming....maybe what they were doing was just straight video feeds and not recording, and if so totally understandable. Looking forward to the stationary camera thing though, looks like it gives it a cool bootleg feel even though you're getting soundboard audio.

According to the review I posted from BluRay.com the rehearsal sound is uncompressed audio, which no one has seen on a standard DVD before.


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well for the guy going away for week i can almost top that Fedex smartpost lost mine so Amazon is overnighting free replacement tomorrow so ill get it Tuesday:(...why do I have a feeling there is a fedex guy jamming to my cd/bluray as I speak? Well I can wait at least i saw it in cinema....as long as it comes Tuesday...for the people who doubt the death of the cd...I called best Buy/FYE/Target/Newbury Comics/Sears/Walmart Not ONe is stocking this locally...in 5 years the people like me that spurn dowloading will be out of options...even Jimmy Page cant turn back time....Not ONE darn store...everyone's reply ...get it online.

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well for the guy going away for week i can almost top that Fedex smartpost lost mine so Amazon is overnighting free replacement tomorrow so ill get it Tuesday:(...why do I have a feeling there is a fedex guy jamming to my cd/bluray as I speak? Well I can wait at least i saw it in cinema....as long as it comes Tuesday...for the people who doubt the death of the cd...I called best Buy/FYE/Target/Newbury Comics/Sears/Walmart Not ONe is stocking this locally...in 5 years the people like me that spurn dowloading will be out of options...even Jimmy Page cant turn back time....Not ONE darn store...everyone's reply ...get it online.

Smart Post is sent from Amazon via FedEx Ground to the Postal Service. And if it was warpped properly and not in any way open there is no way anyone would know what it is, maybe. Mine was in a "padded" manila envelope and arrived without damage.


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I know I was kidding about that part... but amazon upon contacting Fed Ex- confirmed it as lost and is sending replacement.

I would go to your local post office before the window closes with your Amazon tracking number and you can more than likely pick it up tomorrow. That's what I did yesterday. Got it Saturday instead of Monday!


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No this first one never made it ti Fed Ex actually-misplaced by Amazon...and the 2nd one ships overnight tomorrow-probably UPS...Amazon warehouse in Nashua NH actually lost it on the docks or somewhere Amazon has admitted that its why they set up free replacement- they put me on hold- called fed Ex -then came back and set up the replacement... Amazon told me tho they are thinking of dropping Fed ex Smartmail service due to numerous screwups so people will get stuff day after release in US from now on which is fine with me...if my mail comes in the day b4 as u say we are not allowed to pick it up It is sorted 5-8 am delivery day then ready for pick up or delivery there is no early pickups allowed here..I have tried ...shipments are thrown literally on a big board sealed with plastic and not touched til day they are delivered...I already talked to USPS they said they never got it and neither did Fed Ex therefore "contact the shipper" it physically was lost in Nasua NH and I am in CT

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Every Sunday, the newspaper is stuffed with the fancy ad circulars that Target, Best Buy, Macy's, Toys R Us, and others use to promote the new deals that week. They also promote most of the new cds and dvds being released that week.

Looked in the Best Buy one, and they have a small "Celebration Day" ad...prices are:

$14.99 2 CD only.

$19.99 Deluxe edition 2CD/2DVD

$24.99 2CD/Blue-ray DVD

No ad in Target...why? Target is a much bigger retailer than Best Buy at this point. There is an ad for the new Coldplay Live CD/DVD package.

It'll be interesting to see who sells more, Coldplay or Led Zeppelin?


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