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Rotterdam, Holland- Ahoy- June 21, 1980


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This was the fourth show of the European 1980 tour. It is a very good show but all through the show Robert Plant gives the audience a hard time for being too restrained and quiet. This makes me laugh because at the previous show in Brussels 6-20-80 and then at the show in Frankfurt 6-30-80 they are too loud. So loud that during White Summer at both shows Jimmy Page stops midway while playing and gets on the microphone and asks for the audience to quiet down a bit because he can't hear himself play.

This is one of my fav shows from the 1980 tour and one of the first I ever got for my collection. There was a record store on Westheimer in Houston, Texas called Infinite Records and they had a catalog of live tapes you could order and then you come back in a week and pick it up. It was a good deal. Each 90 min tape was $5 so for a full show it was $10. I got this show as a audience source in 1986 and the Frankfurt 6-30-80 show as a audience source. The SBD sources wouldn't appear till about 2 years later in 1989 and I first got those on vinyl. That record store's location moved but they sponsor a record convention every 2 months in Houston to this day.

Highlights are a very blistering version of Trampled Underfoot. A great version of Achilles Last Stand and Kashmir. Then there is the fantastic version of Heartbreaker. Jimmy's guitar cuts out for a little while during Rock and Roll.

I remember back in the 1980's that anytime I saw pics from this show I always thought they were from the last show in Berlin. Then I started digging deeper and got all the books on the band and realized it was Rotterdam.

I think Jimmy looks really cool at this show in the clothes he is wearing and his slip on red shoes ( he only wore the red shoes in Rotterdam but John Paul Jones wore his red shoes at quite a few more shows.) In fact I liked the shoes so much that in my senior year of high school I found some like them at Macy's and bought them. They actually look more like the red shoes that John Paul Jones is wearing with shoe strings. Jimmy's shoes are slip ons but he did wear some more like Jonesy's in the video for the ARMS concert from London 1983. I taped this show off of MTV and at the beginning where it shows the various people rehearsing in a studio- it pans down to Jimmy's shoes and they are a red leather shoe with shoe strings. Jimmy didn't wear the shoes during the ARMS concert just in the quick rehearsal footage. I still have these shoes and am temped to wear them out sometime. haha

Video footage:


Train Kept a Rollin'

Nobody;s Fault But Mine

Black Dog

In The Evening

The Rain Song

Hot Dog

All My Love

Trampled Underfoot

Since I've Been Loving You

Achilles Last Stand

White Summer ~ Black Mountainside


Stairway to Heaven


Rock and Roll


Train Kept A Rollin'


Train Kept A Rollin'


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


Nobody's Fault but Mine


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