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Celebration Day Movie - Forum Reviews

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Well I saw it again tonight for the fifth and final time in the theater. My God it isn't a fair fight is it? All of these other bands pack a swiss army knife and Zeppelin shows up packing a bazooka!!!! I just cannot for the life of me get over how big a sound those 4 guys have. It's just asbolutely unbelieveable. I was blown away more tonight than I was the first night (and I didn't think that was possible).

Long live Led Zeppelin!

Edited by racerrr
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WOOHOO!!! Just got out of my third viewing of "Celebration Day". It just keeps getting better and better!

This time around I saw it at the AMC Century City 15 in the Century City Shopping Complex along Santa Monica Blvd. Yes, that's the same Century City that Tom Petty sings about in his song of the same name.

Full report tomorrow, I promise. But a few particulars...

The theatre was about midsize, capacity about 200-250. The screen was 60 feet wide. Theatre was about 2/3rds full. Mostly 30 and older, but surprisingly many women. About 60/40 split between male and female. A few youngsters including one 7 or 8 year old boy with his dad, already a little Zephead.

Lots of whoops and clapping after songs, crowd getting into the movie...there was one woman who was extremely vocal, but not obnoxiously so.

Lots of excited and buzzing conversation after the movie was over, people full of praise and in wonder at the excellence of the band's playing and presentation. Lots of people wishing they could have been at the concert and wishing they would tour the U.S.

Most saying they can't wait to get their hands on the DVD when it's released.

I plan on seeing this at least two more times in the theatre; it's scheduled for the 15th, 16th, and 21st here in L.A. and my friends at the American Cinematheque have confirmed a screening in December.

All I've gotta say is watching this on the big screen is overwhelming...it's 2 hours and 4 minutes of GREAT TIMES! I rocked...I rolled...I wept...I cried...it became a part of me.


Edited by Strider
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Hello all! Long time reader, another "Celebration Day" viewing has prompted a posting. Looking forward to more reviews from everyone. Will post my own after I gather my thoughts.

"It just keeps getting better and better!"

My sentiments exactly Strider! The nuances, the raw and guttural posing, the pure sparkling joy of it all. And lovely foot wear ta boot! ;)

Summarized so emphatically for me by Robert in his expression and delivery during Kashmir as he opens his arms around him and sings out "the path that led me to this place". A full gamut of emotions.

:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: Yes indeed.

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Jason Bonham did one helluva job.

A friend of mine who is an accomplished drummer and is on staff at UNT watched Kashmir and Black Dog with me last night in my home theatre and he pointed out hundreds of tiny things that I had not noticed. It's amazing what a died in the wool professional sees. The guy could barely watch the videos, he kept asking me to pause and rewind it then play it back.

His most profound comment about Kashmir is that "Bonham had multiple opportunities to grab a spotlight and passed on the temptation- he chose many times to keep it about the band..he did not overplay a single note..."

Regarding Black Dog- "the band pushed into free time and open time a great deal, Bonham took a ridiculous number of risks and the amount of confidence that takes from the other band members to land on the beat is something I have not seen- the tempo moved at will and they were all together..."

Strider we are waiting on your review... tick...tick...tick...

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Just logged into Amazon and see this!! Early XMAS!! :stereo:

Shipping Soon

Track Package


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Status: Shipping Soon Latest Event: Order Received - Oct 11, 2012 12:51:46 PM Description: We've started preparing your shipment for delivery and it should leave our facility in the next few hours to a few days. We'll send you an e-mail once your order has shipped. The length of time your shipment spends in shipping soon does not impact your delivery date.


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My first post and sorry it's a bit of a gloat: I bought the DVD/2CD pack today here in Australia. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it on the shelves 2 days early. I wanted the Blu-ray/2CD/ bonus DVD but that won't be in-store until next week so I reserved one of those too. I also have the vinyl on pre-order from Amazon (happy Christmas indeed). Today's buy will end up as someone's present - after I've watched it a few times.

For what it's worth, it's great to see/hear the concert at appropriately loud volume at last. I picked out a few different things from the cinema screening. Too many to mention, except I'm still surprised that they edited out the 'sounds like my little honey bee' segment from IMTOD but that's about my only quibble.

I can see why they'd be very happy at leaving this as their legacy: like a heavyweight champion retiring undefeated. It's a titanic performance, and they're having such a good time. It's like seeing a light click on - maybe during For Your Life - when there are plenty of smiles as they realise they're all on fire. And the highlights come thick and fast. I don't think I've seen another example of a band/artist laying it out so strongly as Zep in this performance - no examples of the comeback kind anyway. Jimmy Page was exceptional. JPJ brilliant. Robert Plant didn't leave anything in reserve - showing a bit of strain near the end, but what a brilliant version of Rock and Roll to end. And Jason Bonham was perfect in the role. Like everyone else who's seen it I am so happy this has finally come out and I can see it again and again.

Edited by PoSmeagol
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still anxiously awaiting this arriving in sweet home chicago.......according to amazon it hasn't even shipped yet, but is supposedly guaranteed by 8pm on Monday...........just cannot wait to see not only the actual show, but the rehearsal footage, i know someone posted a pic of the rehearsal, just wish a video from it would pop up on youtube or something to hold me over....

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I picked up the 2CD / DVD / Tshirt pack yesterday for $32.

As reported earlier, for some reason the "Shepperton edition" isn't available as yet?

That's for another day.

I was surprised the bass was so low in the mix but that can be fixed with an EQ.

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thank you Jeff, they did a nice job reviewing the Blu-Ray

They and the folks over at AVS do an outstanding job on reviews. I "cheated" the post man and went and picked mine up at the post office yesterday afternoon, hence my he he smiley face moment! I agree with the reviewer that Roberts voice gets drowned out from the band from time to time. I haven't seen the whole concert yet, but Kashmir is just so powerful it's scary.


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This truly IS a Celebration Day for us ! What a treasure this DVD is. Forever and a day, I shall be able to see my guys, up close and personal. By 7:09 this evening I was gently weeping to Stairway, not just for the beauty of it tonight, but also to the memory of seeing it live and realizing how quickly life flies by. I knew from the day I set my eyes on them and gave a listen, that they would be an integral part of my life.They have and they always will be. This DVD just sweetened the memories, for I see the love that they once had for each other.

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