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^^ November 3rd, 2012 Heat 119. Nuggets 116

November 15: Heat 98, Nuggets 93

OK. Thanks. So they put up a fight. They are playing better than I ever imagined. I think they are good offensivly but I still dont think they are as good as the Clipper, San Anton or OKC? OKC is at Memphis tonight and the line is Memphis by 1 1/2. Due to the fact they are rested, home and OKC played last night. I do not like how Memphis has played since the trade. I dont have the balls to take them. I am sitting that one out. I won on that Sacramento play. now tonight I have really lost it. I have a 3 teamer or two. One has the Charlotte kitty cats plus 6 at home vs Toronto. I just dont think Toronto can spot anyone 6 on the road. I also took Milwaukee plus 6. I love them with 6. They are in Atlanta. Too many damn pts dont you think Paul?

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^^ Sorry Rick, but all that points talk goes over my head. Your Clippers are at home tonight against the 76ers, you laying any money down on them?

The streak rolls into Cleveland tonight, can you say 24?

I took Philly plus 10. rested and too many points. And Philly must play in Denver tomorrow night. Yikes. Nice schedule huh? So tonight they will bring their A game

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Lets take a look at this streak of the Miami Heat and lets try and compare this team to the mighty Lakers team of 1971. First of all, the Lakers had one of two players in NBA history that there was no answer to. And I am not talking about Jordan either. Wilt Chamberlaiin and Kareem Abdul Jabaar ( once known as Lew Alcindor) were two of the old school big centers that you could not stop. No way on Earth to stop them. Kareem was even a good free throw shooter and had the infamous "sky hook" that nobody on Earth could stop. These two legends had some memorable games against each other. Wilt usually got the best of Kareem. Wilt Chamberlain is the only player to ever score 100 pts in a game. He had a guy at guard named Jerry West. My co favorite player of all time with Rick Barry and also Dr J. West was simply incredible. That Laker team was great. I say greater than the teams with Kareem and Magic and I am sure some including Strider will come at me on that one. I saw them both play and I stand by it. Lebron has been compared to Micheal Jordan and of course Kobe is in the conversation and he should be. I say that Dr J and Rick Barry should also be in the conversation. Dr J had it all. he was simply nuts. And Rick Barry? He took the Golden St Warriors all the way to the NBA title without a real great center. He could shoot your lights out. And he scored 70 in a game and there was no 3 point line in those days. i wish I had the film and had someone see how many would have been 3 pointers? Jordan was great. But to me he gets more attention than he should because Dr J and Rick Barry could light you up just as well. True, Barry could not compare on defense.

So this Heat team is up to 23. Very impressive. The biggest obstacle they will face is a game coming up at San Antonio and I hope they lose. Why? Because there is no doubt in my mind the Lakers were better. And Ill take Jerry West over Duane Wade any day. Did you ever see the NBA logo? That guy on there is Jerry West. West hit an infamous shot from his side of half court with two seconds on the clock to tie the game at Madison Square Garden vs the Knicks in a playoff game. They eventually lost the game but it was a thing to behold.

Time will tell if the Heat can do it. You know they are looking at it and going for it. Why wouldnt they. And what is denver up to now? Their streak is impressive too. I am going to predict that San Antonio will make sure the Lakers 33 game streak stays in tact. I do not know if there is anyone else on the schedule that could stop them? Of course if you have to play back to back nights, anyone can beat you on a given night especially if they are hitting 68 percent and you are having an off night.

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^^ I have a question, hope it's not a dumb one; Did that Lakers team that won 33 straight win the NBA title? I only ask because in the end I think that's all that matters. If the Heat don't end up winning the big gold trophy at the end of the season, then I don't think anyone will care about their streak, whatever the number gets to. Maybe I'm wrong but that's just my $0.02...

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^^ I have a question, hope it's not a dumb one; Did that Lakers team that won 33 straight win the NBA title? I only ask because in the end I think that's all that matters. If the Heat don't end up winning the big gold trophy at the end of the season, then I don't think anyone will care about their streak, whatever the number gets to. Maybe I'm wrong but that's just my $0.02...

Yes, the Lakers team of 71-72 won the title. Beat the NY Knicks 4-1 to win their first championship in Los Angeles, after years of agonizing losses to the Celtics and the Knicks. This was just a month or two before I saw Led Zeppelin at the Forum for the first time.

What a great year 1972 was...Lakers won a title, USC and the Miami Dolphins both went undefeated and won their respective championships, and saw my first concerts.

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Yes, the Lakers team of 71-72 won the title. Beat the NY Knicks 4-1 to win their first championship in Los Angeles, after years of agonizing losses to the Celtics and the Knicks. This was just a month or two before I saw Led Zeppelin at the Forum for the first time.

What a great year 1972 was...Lakers won a title, USC and the Miami Dolphins both went undefeated and won their respective championships, and saw my first concerts.

And we got the monkey off our back as we had lost to the Knicks when feeble ass Willis Reed pulled the upset in game 7 in NY the year before I believe? Or maybe it was 2 years before? Not sure. But i saw the game. And I loved those Lakers. I later became a Buffalo Braves fan during their short history. They were a good team though and had the leagues leading scorer in Bob McAdoo. The present day Clippers are the old Buffalo Braves.

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Probably spent the day passing the crack pipe and reading how good they are. It goes to show, in any sporting event, anything can happen on a given day.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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^^ Well, the streak had to end at some point. It's no skin off my ass as long as the Heat win when it really counts in May & June.

The game is not over either. But catching one of the great streaks in all of sports will be over if they do not rally. It is a record I have said will never fall

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I don't think I like this Avatar very much Paul. But anyways, what are we at? 24? Now you get two shitty teams, Detroit and Charlotte so I think its safe to say you will get to 26 without much trouble. The visit to San Antonio and whatever game follows that one are the ones. Ill tell you why the game after could be huge. When San Antonio beat the daylights out of OKC and sent them a message the next night they were taken apart by a bad team. I cant quite remember who it was? Maybe the T Wolves? But the message is clear. After a big win teams tend to just show up and not really have any heart for the game and like last night, the Heat went into Cleveland after reading how good they were and almost blew it. Letdowns are common in sports after a big win. I took a course in sports psychology in college just for the record.

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I think the Heat can only be stopped from catching the magic numbe of 33 in a row by either falling asleep like they did against Cleveland, and against a team better than Cleveland or the visit to San Antoniio. That game will be a monster. San Antonio can beat anyone in their building or any building. The Clippers beat the 76ers after playing the night before and did it by over 20. They will be ready when the playoffs come. I do believe Miami gets a pass so to speak as they will not have the battles that the western teams will have. Miami is the only great team in the East. Indiana is very good but not great. The Knicks could be somewhere in the middle if they were healthy but they are far from healthy without Stoudemyre. The west has several great teams. The Clippers, San Antonio, OKC, and Memphis and Houston are probably better than anyone in the East other than Miami.

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