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New box sets including unreleased material


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^or late April, perhaps?

I mean, we just got IV and Houses on Oct. 28, going by the three month thing, seems likely to be announced late Jan/early Feb. And the last batch late 2015. I know Jimmy hinted that it would be released on the 40th anniversary, but c'mon, we know ol' Jimbo isn't great with dates/deadlines.

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^or late April, perhaps?

I mean, we just got IV and Houses on Oct. 28, going by the three month thing, seems likely to be announced late Jan/early Feb. And the last batch late 2015. I know Jimmy hinted that it would be released on the 40th anniversary, but c'mon, we know ol' Jimbo isn't great with dates/deadlines.

I have nothing to go on, obviously, but I do think PG will be February or maybe March. There seemed to be more than a few here who expect PG to be released by itself, and Presence to follow as a solo soon after. Maybe.

If May is the next release, that seems like a pretty big gap from fourth and HOTH. The announcement for those was less than two months after the first three were released.

Time will tell.

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I have nothing to go on, obviously, but I do think PG will be February or maybe March. There seemed to be more than a few here who expect PG to be released by itself, and Presence to follow as a solo soon after. Maybe.

If May is the next release, that seems like a pretty big gap from fourth and HOTH. The announcement for those was less than two months after the first three were released.

Time will tell.

Yea you're right about the two month thing, don't know why I thought three. Hopefully you're right and it comes sooner that later!

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Well between the first 2 batches it was June 2-October 27 so about 5 months! So in that pattern we are looking at March 20 or so.. Has Page ever said PG will likely be released Feb 24 (correct me if that's not the exact date) for its 40 year anniversary? If its going to be an epic release that would make sence and it should be a standalone release as well in that case, but if it's just another release like what we have seen then might as well wait until March and do Presence at the same time. I think we might be seeing something about it real soon.

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Well between the first 2 batches it was June 2-October 27 so about 5 months! So in that pattern we are looking at March 20 or so.. Has Page ever said PG will likely be released Feb 24 (correct me if that's not the exact date) for its 40 year anniversary? If its going to be an epic release that would make sence and it should be a standalone release as well in that case, but if it's just another release like what we have seen then might as well wait until March and do Presence at the same time. I think we might be seeing something about it real soon.

Very good questions. We only have one interval between releases to judge from. Is 5 months going to be the norm? (I rather hope not!)

The best we have from James is that a reporter asked if PG would be released to coincide with the Feb 24th anniversary. I believe his response was something like "maybe. Good sleuthing." Non-committal, as usual, but makes you wonder.

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I called Atlantic but they seemed vague march/ april for Pg... Presence late summer/ early fall In through the Outdoor Oct/nov 2015 No info on a rerelease of Coda But having said that PG could come tomorrow for all i know i heard they want this to stretch through 2 holiday seasons(Winter)...With jimmy's slowness I could see this being true as i said i dont have a stereo system just car and computer and i still think 2008 definitive Rhino set sounds the best especially from 2 onwards. So i will just keep playing my burns of those...cheers to those patient ones among u but even on friend's expensive system felt a little more bass but did not detect much difference...and yes. maybe I am going deaf...

For those enjoying them tho I hope they get out sooner rather than later...having said that Ill probably still buy the 9.00 single disc editions just for completion...am hoping ITTOD is noticeably mastered better.

Edited by ksgemini
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I have an inkling that Physical Graffiti will be released by itself in two box-sets, or one giant box-set.

Why does PG need two box sets? The first album was three vinyl and was one box. The PG bonus material won't necessarily require two vinyl, making 4 total.

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With jimmy's slowness...

I thought Jimmy Page said he had completed his part of the remastering? That's why he would be free to record new music and tour next year. I'm thinking that the timing of the releases has little to do with him and more to do with licensing, technical details and other factors.

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PG is coming out on its 40th anniversary - February 24, 2015 (although recently there's been an indication that the UK/Europe release will be one day earlier, which would follow the pattern of the prior releases).

This also would roughly follow the timing of the other releases:

I-III announced mid-March, released approx. 2-1/2 months later in early June

IV-Houses announced mid-August, released approx. 2-1/2 months later, and about 4-1/2 months after previous releases, in late October

PG to be released February, about 4 months after previous releases

If the pattern holds, then I would guess - and I stress this is a guess:

- PG will be announced around the 2nd week of January (pattern would dictate mid-December, but they likely will delay the announcement because of the holidays)

- Presence, In Through the Out Door, and Coda will be announced around mid- to late March and released in June

It's possible that with the recent rumors/hints that Coda will contain some truly unreleased tracks rather than alt. versions of the main album tracks, they will want to release Coda on its own. In that case I would guess it would be announced in August and released in October.

However, since they released the absolutely classic Zep I, II, and III all together at once, then I can't see Presence, ITTOD and Coda warranting more individual attention, so I still think it's more likely that all three will be released together with a final "bang."

Edited by tmtomh
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Makes sense with a lot of gems on Coda as it would probably not sell that well without doing this since it was a leftovers album to begin with and its' initial release was only about 30 minutes or so in the running time. It's not like the regular albums that continue to sell well. So, it needs something to give the casual Zep fan to go out and buy it!

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Makes sense with a lot of gems on Coda as it would probably not sell that well without doing this since it was a leftovers album to begin with and its' initial release was only about 30 minutes or so in the running time. It's not like the regular albums that continue to sell well. So, it needs something to give the casual Zep fan to go out and buy it!

Well said - agree 100%

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Jimmy's quote from the recent Tight But Loose interview.

Dave Lewis: "Looking ahead, what is the plan for the Coda companion disc which provides quite a lot of scope I would think?"

Jimmy Page: "I can't give much away at this point. Let's say that if you think of what the original concept of Coda was in the first place, then I'm going to extend that."

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Jimmy's quote from the recent Tight But Loose interview.

Jimmy Page: "I can't give much away at this point. Let's say that if you think of what the original concept of Coda was in the first place, then I'm going to extend that."

Essentially Coda will be what it always was, a companion disc. Only now it will be a companion disc with a companion disc of its own.

Edited by juxtiphi
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PG is coming out on its 40th anniversary - February 24, 2015 (although recently there's been an indication that the UK/Europe release will be one day earlier, which would follow the pattern of the prior releases).

This also would roughly follow the timing of the other releases:

I-III announced mid-March, released approx. 2-1/2 months later in early June

IV-Houses announced mid-August, released approx. 2-1/2 months later, and about 4-1/2 months after previous releases, in late October

PG to be released February, about 4 months after previous releases

If the pattern holds, then I would guess - and I stress this is a guess:

- PG will be announced around the 2nd week of January (pattern would dictate mid-December, but they likely will delay the announcement because of the holidays)

Fourth album and HOTH were announced last week of July (sorry for being pedantic). Assuming PG does release on/near its anniversary, announcement first week of January seems reasonable (not consistent with pattern, but that's okay). Great way to start the New Year!

I'm not entirely convinced Presence won't be released with PG. But I guess wrapping up the reissues with the last three together in late May or June is not unreasonable either (and...would stick with every four months pattern).

i still think 2008 definitive Rhino set sounds the best especially from 2 onwards. So i will just keep playing my burns of those...cheers to those patient ones among u but even on friend's expensive system felt a little more bass but did not detect much difference...and yes. maybe I am going deaf...

Not sure I fully understand this. If these 2014/2015 remasters are the first remastering since 1990, why would the Rhino set sound better?

Essentially Coda will be what it always was, a companion disc. Only now it will be a companion disc with a companion disc of its own.

A meta companion?

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Fourth album and HOTH were

Not sure I fully understand this. If these 2014/2015 remasters are the first remastering since 1990, why would the Rhino set sound better

I don't have expensive equipment but it seems in the rare times I notice any difference at all the music drowns out the vocals. These just sound louder with the bass too much for my car and computer... I don't have expensive eqipment and don't claim this as absolute I just like the 94 masters way better

A meta companion?

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Given the relative short length of the companion discs, I think the songs on Coda and that will be found on the Coda companion disc should have been moved to the companion disc they truly belong to. Based on the companion discs so far this would result in an extra 80 minutes of music to spread over 8 releases. They discs and vinyls have room for the addition. Historically it would have made more sense and provided a better timeline of LZ's studio recording output. Coda was only put out to fulfill a contractual obligation. LZ does not need the money that the extra boxset will generate. Missed opportunity to enhance their reputation I think and value their fans.

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