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What Made You Happy today?


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Thanks guys! It went very well. They were impressed with my qualifications, my experience, etc.

I think I did a good job. It's for night school, and night school teachers are hired on an as-needed basis, so I have to wait to hear about the enrollment. They said once I was "in," they may call me when school starts and ask me if I'm ready. Therefore, I'm technically "on call."

Let's hope there's a need for 9th and 11th grade English, eh?

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Thanks guys! It went very well. They were impressed with my qualifications, my experience, etc.

I think I did a good job. It's for night school, and night school teachers are hired on an as-needed basis, so I have to wait to hear about the enrollment. They said once I was "in," they may call me when school starts and ask me if I'm ready. Therefore, I'm technically "on call."

Let's hope there's a need for 9th and 11th grade English, eh?


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...and the principal just called to ask me for more information to contact my references!

He said that they're not at school yet, so he needed personal emails, etc.

Best of luck to you young lady, I always admired teachers ;)

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a work collegue was asking me if i had kids ( yes ) and what their ages are ( 23, 21 and 9 ) and he said he was really surprised, cos he thought i was only about 34 ......... i'm 47 !!! woohoo!

As one who's seen you "in the flesh" slave, I can only say I'm not surprised that he was surprised :) TOOTOR ;)

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