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The Bands 'Body Language"

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For those who were there, up front and close.

Tell me how they interacted with each other?

From the little I saw, it was very different. At a point or two, it felt like Jimmy and Robert were like gunslingers, or fighters in a ring -if you will- sort of prowling around each other.

Not like the days of old when they were Very interactive.

It just seemed a bit odd.

I'm hoping Robert wasn't thinking......."glad when this is over".....but it felt like he did.

I know Jonsey and Jason interacted alot.

What were your observations. Especially those in front. * You can really understand them better up close*

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For those who were there, up front and close.

Tell me how they interacted with each other?

From the little I saw, it was very different. At a point or two, it felt like Jimmy and Robert were like gunslingers, or fighters in a ring -if you will- sort of prowling around each other.

Not like the days of old when they were Very interactive.

It just seemed a bit odd.

I'm hoping Robert wasn't thinking......."glad when this is over".....but it felt like he did.

I know Jonsey and Jason interacted alot.

What were your observations. Especially those in front. * You can really understand them better up close*

halfway thru the set you could see them all smiling, even Plant, there were also the odd glance as if to say...this is good, we are pulling this off !! So for me I thought it was all positive !! Plant was fantastic on the night !!!

Edited by leddy
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Hi all,

For those who were there, up front and close.

Tell me how they interacted with each other?

From the little I saw, it was very different. At a point or two, it felt like Jimmy and Robert were like gunslingers, or fighters in a ring -if you will- sort of prowling around each other.

Not like the days of old when they were Very interactive.

It just seemed a bit odd.

I'm hoping Robert wasn't thinking......."glad when this is over".....but it felt like he did.

I know Jonsey and Jason interacted alot.

What were your observations. Especially those in front. * You can really understand them better up close*

I was not there,I just saw the wonderful,on,then off again YouTube,reports and retorts on Monday night.

My view? It was a big stage,didn't anyone notice how the band kept so close?Jimmy in front of Jason,as he use to be right in front of Bonzo? JPJ, he seemed happy, way too happy!LOL!Robert kicking the mike stand during 'Ramble On?' Singing 'In My Time of Dying' after the s*** he went thru,.....?

I would like to ask this question,what band could pull this off,27 years after their last gig? That was not,Live Aid,not Atlantic 40th,nor ROH (gag) that was Led Zeppelin,not the Nobs,not the New Yarbirds and that was a event to benefit a good cause,.....

I don't care,if they tour, or if this was a one-off.That Monday night they again said,.......here is the music.

Smile,it takes less effort,.... :D


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I could swear when the lights went down Robert turned to Jimmy and said:

"Ok, we'll do the bloody wedding song but keep your solo short"

Must have meant STH!!! From my observations Page was remarkable and willed the show to be a success. You can see the others feed of his complete determination. JPJ is a generous musician and gave Page the room and support to blow us away second by second. The balls of Duane, The soul of Jimi and the sweet vibrato of E.C. all met their match. I'm glad for Page cause he really wanted this, Swan Song.....

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I was not at the show, and have only seen the YouTube and other vids...my interpretation of the band's body language would be the exact opposite of the Hotplant...

They all actually looked like they wanted to be on stage together playing those songs...

Robert looked beside himself with joy...

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halfway thru the set you could see them all smiling, even Plant, there were also the odd glance as if to say...this is good, we are pulling this off !! So for me I thought it was all positive !! Plant was fantastic on the night !!!

Thank You Leddy, that is what I was trying to decipher, and couldn't from youtube.

So, by midset they were all beaming then.

Fantastic! :D

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From the videos I've seen they looked a little awkward together at times - getting to know one-another as a unit and also wondering if this was the last gig ever or if there was a future together on stage.

Kashmir was the track that seemed to open-up the 'old-Zep' intensity that really moved them as one.

If we could imagine there would be future gigs/tour, the O2 gig would almost be like a pre-warm up, where they try to iron out the kinks and get to know one another on stage again.

One thing I found interesting was Page's use of his 'Zoso' symbol - not used since his '79 warm-ups.

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From what i saw on the clips, very focused...plant can always move around and still sing. I think he felt the power of the music, or the moment towards the end of -tsrts and after, introduced -jason and his double bass pedal or whatever it was. But with jimmy, going back to the drum kit as usual and jonesy standing by the drum kit on the clips...it seemed the same, but more focused/less moving around, in regards to jimmy i guess.

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I watched the youtube video of Kashmir from 1988 after looking at the O2 performance 9 or 10 times (obsessive.) The difference in body language in night and day. In 1988 Robert looked pained to be onstage. The camera never touches JPJ and JP looked (sorry to say) drunk. The difference in 2007 is unbelievable.

Also, a beach ball nailed Robert in the kidney in 1988. A mess all around! So I'd say the body language was pretty good!

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They interacted well with each other. Jimmy often had a big grin on his face. Robert was harder to read, but I did love his interplay with Jimmy: one particular moment that stood out to me was at the beginning of "Kashmir" when Robert & Jimmy were moving almost in unison, stalking back to Jason's drum kit - like pacing out the beat, very focused in their energy.

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From what I've seen, the thing that came to mind was this quote, which sums them up for me-

JPJ, talking about Knebworth.."although it seemed like this really huge event from afar,actually when you get really close-up it's still the same four people all in a huddle together on the stage"

I guess they are the only band I've seen where the inter-band communication, concentration and ability to listen to each other and respond in a live setting isn't hidden or lost. The size of the venue doesn't seem to matter too much. Zeppelin look like a band,not just a collection of individuals running through a routine.

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From what i saw on the clips, very focused...plant can always move around and still sing. I think he felt the power of the music, or the moment towards the end of -tsrts and after, introduced -jason and his double bass pedal or whatever it was. But with jimmy, going back to the drum kit as usual and jonesy standing by the drum kit on the clips...it seemed the same, but more focused/less moving around, in regards to jimmy i guess.

You know what it made me think of? When the DVD came out a few years ago, I remember Jimmy saying (and I'm paraphrasing), "in the Royal Albert Hall shows you can see us all huddled together, facing each other because we're really intent on getting it right. By '73 in the Garden you can see our confidence and showmanship has grown, etc."

I viewed the O2 show as something of a rebirth in the mold of RAH in '70. They hadn't played a "real" gig together in 27 years and they really wanted to concentrate on what they were doing and get it right. When I saw the clips on youtube the RAH comparison immediately came to mind. I think it was the right approach!

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For those who were there, up front and close.

Tell me how they interacted with each other?

From the little I saw, it was very different. At a point or two, it felt like Jimmy and Robert were like gunslingers, or fighters in a ring -if you will- sort of prowling around each other.

Not like the days of old when they were Very interactive.

It just seemed a bit odd.

I'm hoping Robert wasn't thinking......."glad when this is over".....but it felt like he did.

I know Jonsey and Jason interacted alot.

What were your observations. Especially those in front. * You can really understand them better up close*

It's strange that you bring up this question, Hotplant, but actually I felt quite the same when I first saw the clips on YouTube. You can evidently see Robert enjoying himself at times, but still, something's missing. He's too reserved. When I heard the news that they are going to perform together and subsequently learned that the forum moved from Electric Magic to the official site I said to myself - that's it, Percy got into it again, they are going on tour. Now, I'm not sure about it anymore...

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Gee, I donno. What do you think?


I did get the feeling for a brief moment earlier in the concert that RP looked like he would have rather of been somewhere else but other then that, I think they had a great evening together.

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seems as though you are a big fan hotplant, and i was concerned about the same thing to be honest. I was a little afraid of Plant's attitude before that show started. But I was very close and by the time they made it to "black dog" I remember feeling so relieved because they were all really smiling and soon after- Plant is on his tipee toes really singing. They all had great moments at different times. But they were having them together.....You could almost feel it form where I stood. I have seen them all live at different points in the past. But playing together they were as, if not more- passionate. Especially after the first few songs. Everyone around me felt similar. We were also all proud. They really did it. It wasn't perfect- but it was way better than I even hoped or expected. Including the concerns we both shared hotplant. Happy holidays everyone!

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I was there, albeit not up front, but with binox trained on them a great deal of the time, and one of the things I was keen to observe was their way of dealing with each other's presence on stage. And up to a point, they struck me as resembling apex predators who had grudgingly learned to share the same water hole. But eventually, I felt they were being drawn towards each other in a way that could not be resisted. It had become that kind of experience...a lot of things evolved as their performance continued heating up, and their way of relating to each other was certainly one of those.

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Tricky judging body language from a mobile phone clip on YouTube shot from the Upper Tier but it looked to me that after the first three songs they increasingly relaxed, having 'taken care of the audience'. After that they got into being themselves in Led Zeppelin ONSTAGE! The stills I've seen show a bit of 'Can you believe this?!!' among them and not a little 'Jason's channelling him!!'


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One thing about Jimmy is he's often inclined to stand in front and slightly to the right of the drum kit, especially for solos. Some of the You Tube clips show him all but scurrying back to this spot all night long. It did seem to me this was done on account of feeling nervous or uncertain, as it wasn't necessarily for a solo.

The media have made remarks about they didn't utilize the stage space provided, but he's never needed it. He's not going to do a Keith Richards and start strumming up and down gang planks. If he's not doing the occasional duck walk, theremin demonstration or stomping on a foot pedal, he's going to stay in the vicinity of his sweet spot.

Edited by SteveAJones
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^ Yeah, man. I really liked the way they stayed tight together. That's what a band does. It was one of the most hopeful signs that this was something more than for the fans because if it was just for the fans then it really probably will be 'We gave it ya'. But the togetherness will linger and, in time, will pull them into its spell.


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