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lol, over here we would call you a 'Last Minute Lil'. I am too usually, but I got done shopping yesterday and wrapped them all tonight - well, apart from 3 presents for the wife that I didn't even know I was supposed to be buying until just now, haha. She's very hard to please at times - but to make up for it, she's always very eager to please, if you get my drift.

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No I

'bedroom bucks', lol, haven't heard that one before, but then I don't live in America. Actually she was just down here in my office, very early for her on a non-work day. She was gyrating around beside me, striking all manner of provocative poses in her unfeasibly skimpy nightshirt. I think she was angling for yet another late gift...I just told her 'fuck off, can't you see I'm busy with Led Zeppelin', lol.

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