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for those who attended or may have seen portions.....what is your fave moment?

mine: when hearing about Jason bowing and then Jimmy, JPJ & Robert got them all together for a bow.

(also the 21 second clip ...the only one i have so far)....ok it's hard to have one favorite alright!! :)


My favorite moment was hearing Robert singing the opening chords to "Good Time Bad Times" at the start of the concert. I got goose bumps all over my body from disbelief that LED ZEPPELIN was actually performing live on stage in 2007. ROCK ON!

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...during the opening of GTBT everyone's mouths were literally hanging open... so intent wondering if they could pull this off after all these years, but when they rolled right into ramble on all i could think was holy shit...not only are they pulling this off they sound fucking amazing!!!

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Kashmir for me, too--plus that huge adrenalin rush when I realized they were playing the intro to IMTOD, my favorite ever.

Oh, and my other favorite moment was when the kindest guys in the world cleared a space for me in front of them so that I could actually see!! Not perfectly, but a whole lot better than the nothing I could see before. :thumbsup:

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The whole show was what i wanted but perhaps didn't expect.

Kashmir was earth moving. But there were so many highlights. But just being there was enough. And meeting up with some beautiful and fantastic people from here, 3 of whom are just above me in this thread.

The guys did themselves, their music, their legacy, their legend, the fans, Ahmet and of course Bonzo proud. That says it all really.

Another poud moment in my Zepfan life. It what and will always make them the greatest band ever in my view.

I had to be there and I was. B)B):rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Jonesy does some tasty runs on the last bars of "For your Life", including the very last where he doubles Page and then adds another flurry of notes. From when Robert goes for the high one in Black Dog til the final funky notes of Trampled Underfoot are the highlight for me... the moments keep coming of course, but I had to pick something. When was the last time Led Zeppelin played a show that was this consistent all the way through?

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My favorite moment of the 02 reunion was every single second..I will never forget that incredible experience..the coolest thing I have ever done in my life...I wanted to see Zeppelin so bad ..we went to london from chicago with no tickets..and was determined to get in..we were incredibly lucky to meet a ticket broker that just got off the phone with someone that didnt want their tickets...If we would of met him second later we never would of got the tickets..we dont have tons of money...but I will tell you it was worth every single penny it took to be there...I took in every second of that reunion and will never forget every move they made on that stage....it was amazing the diversity of people around us ..young..old..all different people from all over the world....and yes I had tears in my eyes at the end ..to see how robert,jimmy and john looked to jason like they were his father..priceless..priceless..I feel so lucky...........................................................................


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Plant's high note near the end of Since I've Been Loving You really caught me off guard. I was like, "Holy HELL, I didn't know he could still do that!" I mean, sure, it wasn't quite the same as in the good old days, but it sure came close.

There's also Jimmy's violin bow solo and Plant's performance in Kashmir.

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Plant during Kashmir..

especially his live "improv" of "lemme sock it to you" or whatever he says leading back into the main riff after the interlude before the first bridge.

"Woman, talkin' to ya!"

I agree, this is, IMO, one of the most awesome moments of any live version of Kashmir!

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There were alot of highlights of the night for me personally, especially hearing stairway by LED ZEPPELIN, live in person... that was severely a huge moment in my life...

but what took it for me was (kinda) introducing Rock and Roll by screaming it at the top of my lungs, and the whole crowd going mad, and the band kicking into it.... (apologies to robert plant for interupting what he was about to say though) - im still looking for a bootleg that captures me shouting it.

the only one i found just had the enormous crowd roar from the people around me who heard me :)

Did you yell, "ROCK AND ROLL!!!!" ? Because I have an O2 boot that captures someone yelling that.

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I wasn't there, but have seen the vid's of the show. For me FYL was absolutely unreal! Plants vocal, the sick ass groove JPJ was laying down, coupled with the mind blowing tone coming from Jimmy's "new" Black Beauty guitar let everone know who were and are the best band in the world anytime they take the stage! :D The spookiness and brillance of No Quarter, as well as the drumming of Junior on SRTS also were highlights for me.

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I cannot believe its been 9 months since the gig, the opening chords of GTBT, the violin bow sec of DaC, For Your life really cut through and sounded amazing, but for me Kashmir was SO cool, my bones shook with the floor as the iconic chugga chug riff tore through the speakers and my heart...breathtaking.

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I cannot believe its been 9 months since the gig, the opening chords of GTBT, the violin bow sec of DaC, For Your life really cut through and sounded amazing, but for me Kashmir was SO cool, my bones shook with the floor as the iconic chugga chug riff tore through the speakers and my heart...breathtaking.

Let's hope there will be more memories to be made in the near future. Hoping for a full blown reunion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought No Quarter was awesome and I would love to hear a clearer recording of it because from what I can hear Jimmy really nails the solo.

This whole show is really up there with a lot of their live stuff. I think you could put this up against any of the '77 shows, especially Plant's vocals (there are parts of the O2 where I find myself shaking my head and saying "damn that's freakin awesome, this guy is 60 years old and can still hit some of those notes" ) and Page's playing was spot on. They were all very focused and determined to put on the best show they could and it shows. The whole thing is CLASSIC!! :D

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