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New 1977 soundboard - Landover 25/5 & 30/5 - Empress Valley release

Triplet Kick

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I've just finished listening to the 25/5 show (I received the Moonshine box recently) and I have to say that this is a great show - cannot wait to listen to the rest. The band is really into it and the set list rocks. I won't judge the packaging, as anything other than plastic jewel cases always makes me happy. We are spoiled brats and should limit our complaints to the price we pay for these gems. But honestly, can't wait for all the soundboard to be out so we can stop spending so much money! :)

All in all, very satisfying purchase.

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i'm a newbie- hi everyone!

where can I get d/loads etc?

can some kind person tell me?


Not really a question you want to be asking on the official Zeppelin site ;)

Suffice it to say that Google is yer friend in this case.

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Someone please explain to me what a soundboard is.

When a band is playing a venue of any size larger than a modest bar, their sound is going into a soundboard first (essentially a big mixing board), where it is mixed by a soundman, and then the hopefully perfect mix is fed through the venue's PA to the people in the audience. When I say the band's sound is going into the soundboard, I mean via microphones - the guitarist's amp is mic'ed up, the bass amp, drums, etc., etc...and all these mics are fed into the soundboard. It is possible for a soundman to record the show, as it is picked up by the soundboard microphones, and recordings such as these are almost always much clearer than those made by fans in the audience. So people get excited about them. Sometimes these soundboards sound dry, because there is not as much ambiance from the venue, compared to audience recordings. However, sometimes these "raw" soundboard recordings - recordings of the sounds as they were picked up at the time for PA purposes - are tweaked afterwards by the band, engineers, etc...for maximum stereo effect, EQ, various other effects, etc. And people get REALLY excited about these soundboards.

I'm kind of tired and maybe this sucked...but hopefully it helped a little.

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^^^ Just to add something obvious to that, when I talk about "mixing," I'm talking about adjusting the volume levels of each instrument (including vocals) so that the entire sound is nicely balanced. A soundman with a mixing board has that luxury, whereas the sound picked up by an audience member is captured as it is where the audience member is standing more or less. So if the guy in the audience is near the guitarist's amp, his recording is going to sound really guitar heavy and maybe you'll barely hear the singer...not to mention the fact that you'll hear the guy next to him screaming or throwing up. But the soundguy who is doing his job is recording everything nicely balanced...and all you hear is what the onstage mics are picking up. If you hear someone throwing up on this recording, it's one of the band members on stage kneeling near one of the microphones.

Like, I said, I'm tired.

Oh and by the way, the microphones used by the soundguy probably kick major ass over those used by the audience guy.

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I guess these Landover soundboards came just in time... there's likely going to be footage coming from the 25th soon!

That would surprise me... I was at this show, and the video screens were definitely not used that night. I'd heard they were used the next night though...not sure about the rest of the Largo shows.

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Apparently it's 8mm film. I don't know many details, some guy on an eBay auction says that he has films from all the shows that he attended.

And no offense, LZF, but the more it gets mentioned here and over at RO ;) the bigger the chance that some ratbastard from a bootleg company -since they do monitor these sites for news of new previously uncirculated material- will get hold of the guy, buy the film, and then some poor son of a bitch is gonna have to buy whatever new Super Duper New And Improved Landover '77 package just to get the damned DVD of the 8mm footage included in the set just to share it with the masses. Loose lips sink ships, as they say...

Edited by Nutrocker
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That is correct indeed, never thought about them. This will definitely happen sometime soon with the newest France recording as well. Some bootleg label will get ahold of that tape from the source and call it their own. Bastards....

All the more reason to keep the acquisition of this '77 8mm footage on the down low...

That new '69 recording was bound to be bootlegged from the minute it was announced in Tight But Loose, it just got shared out online first, but we'll see bootleg versions, for sure. They couldn't not bootleg a show like that :lol: And that's the fucking point...

Guaranteed that if this Landover stuff does come out, I can just about guarantee you that we'll end up seeing a complete Landover '77 box set (of which there already is one) along the lines of the Great Chicago Fire set, the recordings and a DVD of all the available footage from the shows.

I want to say the only circulating Landover '77 video is that clip from 30 May Sam shared out a while back...

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He shoots...he scores! Eventually.

A little later than I planned...New Year's and the Super Bowl made me miss the last two record shows, but I finally picked up a copy of "Double Shot", the soundboards of the 25th and 30th, today. I'll give them a listen later tonight after the concert and movie I'm seeing.

They are CD-R's, with artwork...cost me $20, which for 6 cds is worth it to me. Saves me the hassle and time of buying blank cds and downloading and burning. I don't have a burner anyway. If I feel the shows are worth having on silvers, I'll upgrade at a later time.

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He shoots...he scores! Eventually.

A little later than I planned...New Year's and the Super Bowl made me miss the last two record shows, but I finally picked up a copy of "Double Shot", the soundboards of the 25th and 30th, today. I'll give them a listen later tonight after the concert and movie I'm seeing.

They are CD-R's, with artwork...cost me $20, which for 6 cds is worth it to me. Saves me the hassle and time of buying blank cds and downloading and burning. I don't have a burner anyway. If I feel the shows are worth having on silvers, I'll upgrade at a later time.

...Why pay $20 when you could have picked them up anywhere online for free? :s

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if it's the same guy, he bought the rolls from a bootlegger in L.A. not saying he wasnt' there, he just may not have been the one doing the filming

Apparently it's 8mm film. I don't know many details, some guy on an eBay auction says that he has films from all the shows that he attended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just heard the Landover 25/05 soundboard and it's a great show. Bonzo only got into it on the 4th song, the others are normal versions of the songs, but Ten Years Gone is particularly a good version, my favorite from this tour so far, and has an electric version of Rock N Roll wich is a must hear!

Achilles Last Stand is flawless but the bass is too loud in the mix.

Edited by magerogue
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  • 10 months later...

I know that the discussion about Page's playing during '77 was brought up awhile ago... but to point out that his playing "suffered" because they were playing more "difficult" songs and not a "simple" blues seems arbitrary to me... playing guitar is ... playing guitar regardless of the song... and Page put everything he had into it regardless of the song (chords structure etc)... the only difficult part about some of the material was the weight the studio tracks have in terms of overdubs... but Pages wild inventive playing... literally playing his ass off like a crazed maniac every night made the songs work... regardless of his chemical state of mind he went out and played like a "lion" and not a "lamb" ... if the occasional song fell flat atleast he gave it hell... and the comparisons to keith richards are ludicrous ... not even in the same league ... love keith love what did with the stones ... but ??? ...these days were stuck with lipsynching robotic reproductions of studio albums and people eat this shit up... these new age rockers need go back to the woodshed or maybe they should just go back to '77 lol and learn how to be expressive...improvisation...raw...this is why i respect guys like Jack White who took the rock n roll punk blues path to the max and hell he's not even that technical... hope i dont come off too snarky... talking about Zeppelin gets me fired up

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Hi all, I am new to this site and forum. I have been a Zeppelin fan since my drum teacher gave me some early Zep albums to listen to in the early 80s. I am 44 now and was too young to ever see them when they were around. In the 80s I listened to 70s music because of older influences and still to this day I mainly listen to 70s music as it is far superior to any other period when it comes to music. I am a proficient drummer and John Bonham is a childhood hero of mine. After reading many posts in this forum I would like to ask how I get my hands on good Zeppelin soundboard recordings from the 70s. I am not that savvy with internet downloading and need someone to help me in the right direction if to source this material or even purchase it somewhere. I am a nut for sound quality and am not interested in audience recorded material. You guys are the experts,can someone help please?Thanks

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Sure Frankfantastic69, we got it covered here! Do a quick search for "best sounding bootlegs" on this forum (Led Zep live) and you will find that there are a dozen or more great sounding soundboard bootlegs. Once you know which shows you want and which versions are considered the best, you will find that they are a dime a dozen for free download. If you are all technophobic these bootlegs are for sale all over the internet.

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  • 1 year later...

...So anyway, I've been up since about four in the morning with one hell of a cold...I decided to show my missus some mercy and went downstairs so she wouldn't hear me hacking my goddamn lungs out :lol: So after gulping down some Buckley's I decided to put on the May 30 Landover soundboard, which I haven't listened to since it came out. Put on the headphones and stretched out on the couch. When "No Quarter" came around, I steeled myself for the horrific job EVSD did patching in the audience source over the big cut in the SBD tape. And I discovered something interesting (actually I have no idea if I'm the only person who's noticed this), but where the audience source comes in on the EVSD, it appears that they used two different audience tapes, because part of what is patched in is actually cut on the common circulating May 30 audience tape (I checked.) The soundboard tape cuts out at 2:58 where the first very 'harsh' sounding audience tape comes in. Then the source switches via a crossfade at 3:31 to the common May 30 audience source. With me so far?

So, it's probably not a mystery that qualifies for Steve's "Zeppelin Mysteries" discussion, but I am wondering what the hell EVSD used to cover that thirty three second long bit of audience recording. An alternate May 30 audience tape they somehow got hold of? A completely different show altogether (I do know EVSD has been guilty of that kind of thing before)? To my ears it almost sounds like one of the Chicago '77 -April 6 or the 10th to be exact- recordings (same sort of 'metallic' sounding distortion on the recording), but when the first source crossfades over to the common May 30 audience tape it sounds pretty damn close to a match to me.

So to the other members of our little 1977 fanatics 'club' I suggest you bust out yer May 30 soundboard tapes and give the first four or so minutes of "No Quarter" a listen, and tell me what you think...especially if any of you can place that first audience source EVSD used.

Me, I'm gonna down another spoonful of Buckley's and zonk out on the couch for a while...

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I don't think it's the 10th, It does have the same sound as the 6'th but I'm not sure if Robert trails off the word, 'Goes' the exact same way. They seem slightly different to me. If it's not the 6th I don't know what date it is.

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