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Jobs For Celebrities & Politicians


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OK guys & gals, this topic is open season on any celebrity or politician no matter if they're a movie star/music star/left/center/right/independant/etc.

I just thought it would be fun to assign a job to many of these overpaid types so they can see how the rest of the hoi polloi have to make a living.

My picks:

Jamie Foxx: Clean Porta-Potties

Rush Limbaugh: Run a jackhammer

Brad Pitt: Auto assembly line worker

Woody Guthrie: Lumberjack

Ronald Reagan: Run a snow plow

Susan Sarandon: Work for Colt Firearms

Rosie O'Donnell: Work for Krispy Kreme

Steven Tyler: Work on an oil rig

Axl Rose: Prison guard

You can also assign jobs to those I've named.


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John Paul Jones - Parking Lot Attendant

Nancy Pelosi - Proctologist's Asst.

Ted Nugent - Humane Society Volunteer

Governor Chris Christie - Manager, Golden Corral

Mr. Steve Jones - Annoying Japanese Papparazzi

Michael Vick - Race Horse Owner

Morgan Freeman - Wal-Mart Greeter

David Letterman - NBA Basketball Coach

Tom Cruise - Apple Store Tech

Congressman Eric Cantor - Dentist

Dick Cheney - Catholic Priest

Adele - Tim Horton's

Robert Downey Jr. - Auto Parts Counter Help

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Boy George -- street cleaner

Keith Richards -- coconut climber

Wesley Snipes -- license plate manufacturer

George could write a song about the dirty streets.

What is a coconut climber? :lol:

Snipes is doing just that I believe.

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George could write a song about the dirty streets.

What is a coconut climber? :lol:

Snipes is doing just that I believe.

It's not funny I guess when I have to explain. Don't you remember he almost died afew years back, when he fell out of the palm tree.

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