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Nightclub fire in Brazil kills 230


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This tragedy is similar to the fire in Rhode Island at a Great W hitte concert where 100 people died.You would think they would ban all things that could potentially cause a fire.

Electricity could potentially cause a fire.

I don't think he meant it literally. Sure electricity could cause a fire..

But it's much more likely a fire will start when someone sets off pyro indoors in a place with shitty, dangerous sound proofing hanging off the ceiling...

Exactly like The Station..

This is such a shame.. 230 people go to a Nightclub to have fun and wind up dead ...

He's right.. This sounds way too similar to what happened with the Station Tragedy.

Edited by the chase
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...Inspectors believe the blaze began when a band's small pyrotechnics show ignited foam sound insulating material on the ceiling, releasing a putrid haze that caused scores of university students to choke to death. Most victims died from smoke inhalation rather than burns...

...It might have happened because of the Sputnik, the machine we use to create a luminous effect with sparks. It's harmless, we never had any trouble with it," he said. "When the fire started, a guard passed us a fire extinguisher, the singer tried to use it but it wasn't working."...

... said earlier that the death toll was likely made worse because the nightclub appeared to have just one exit through which patrons could exit...

... was told the club had been filled far beyond its capacity...

...security guard at the club, said it was at its maximum capacity of between 1,000 and 2,000,...

Okay, we have a nightclub filled to or over capacity, with one exit, and a fire extinguisher that didn't work when a flare caught the insulation on fire, and the resultant toxic smoke killed at least 90% of those who died. The only band member to die was the guy who went back in to try to save his accordion.

It's hard for me to use the words ridiculous and tragic in the same sentence, but this story makes it possible.

...and yeah, as others have mentioned, it's reminiscent of the tragedy at The Station.

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Many things cause fires........that's where safety codes come into play......of which it seems Brazil has none of (or at least that building didn't meet, which may be the reason for the owners being charged).

Edited by Indyfan
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Okay, we have a nightclub filled to or over capacity, with one exit, and a fire extinguisher that didn't work when a flare caught the insulation on fire, and the resultant toxic smoke killed at least 90% of those who died. The only band member to die was the guy who went back in to try to save his accordion.

It's hard for me to use the words ridiculous and tragic in the same sentence, but this story makes it possible.

...and yeah, as others have mentioned, it's reminiscent of the tragedy at The Station.

Call me callous, but that was my reaction, too, Lakey. I mean, given all the circumstances, you could almost say it was preordained...a foregone conclusion.

Given the state of many clubs and venues around the world, particularly in Third World countries, it's a wonder these tragedies don't happen more often. Frankly, it's a miracle I'm alive after some of the unsafe club and concert situations I found myself in around the world.

You might say I played with fire and lived to tell.

Edited by Strider
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I won't calls you callous and I know I didn't mean it that way... but yeah, there was so much that could go wrong and did... it looks like everybody has a part in the "how could this happen?" question. People who go to clubs go to celebrate and have a good time. They don't do the safety check with a plackard lifound in the seatback pockets on airlines or even on the backs of hotel doors.Meanwhile... friends and family members of 245+ people are grieving. It's just such a damn shame.

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Call me callous, but that was my reaction, too, Lakey. I mean, given all the circumstances, you could almost say it was preordained...a foregone conclusion.

Given the state of many clubs and venues around the world, particularly in Third World countries, it's a wonder these tragedies don't happen more often. Frankly, it's a miracle I'm alive after some of the unsafe club and concert situations I found myself in around the world.

You might say I played with fire and lived to tell.

Good point Strider it can happen anywhere anytime especially Third World Countries who knows what safety precautions they have set up. One exit to any entertainment venue is a major code violation
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Many things cause fires........that's where safety codes come into play......of which it seems Brazil has none of (or at least that building didn't meet, which may be the reason for the owners being charged).

Exactly and bear in mind this is the same country hosting the World Cup next year and the Olympics in 2016.

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