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Can't "Hot Pic's of Robert or Jimmy or whoever" just be called "Pics of Jimmy, Robert or whoever"


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Ah, what constitutes something being 'hot' or 'cute' or whatever? An existential question indeed.

As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there's nothing to be shy about fishhead. :D

Last time I checked, there's no crime in admiring images of your favorite musicians....or harboring man crushes either.

Seriously though, it's just a fun thread of pictures you've probably seen before *lol* Dive in and join us ladies for a cup of tea...or lemonade...whatever suits your fancy.

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I want to check out the photos too but am shy to do so.....Oh well.....Maybe i have to become more secure with my own masculinity or heteroness.....

Go on in Richard, I think some guys post photos as well as visit the threads. Every once in a while a photo will show up that I've never seen before, or one that is so gorgeous that it's worth another look. In addition, some of the comments are freakin' hilarious.

There are "Hot John Baldwin" and "Hot Bonzo" threads too, but they don't get bumped up as much :) .

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I was just having a little fun today when I posted that.....you know...... "Does anyone remember laughter".......Honestly, I get it, but as David Zoso said above, I too would have a hard time posting a picture in the "Hot Area".......(not that there is anything wrong with that)

cheers all

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I want to check out the photos too but am shy to do so.....Oh well.....Maybe i have to become more secure with my own masculinity or heteroness.....

I'm glad you had the courage to join us ladies^^ But seriously, you don't have to fear for your straightness. One can admit seeing a beautiful human being, be it man or woman, without any connection to your sexual orientation. Just admire Robert's or Jimmy's hotness like we all do^^

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Ah, but that thread is "artistic" and for "study pruposes"....

hmmm, of course - whereas the Hot Pics of Robert/Jimmy are generally for enjoying in other ways and I for one am not ashamed to admit it ;) The Robert one has gone very Carry On the last few days lol :)

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I'm glad you had the courage to join us ladies^^ But seriously, you don't have to fear for your straightness. One can admit seeing a beautiful human being, be it man or woman, without any connection to your sexual orientation. Just admire Robert's or Jimmy's hotness like we all do^^

I am straight as a 12 inch ruler like I said in the Robert Plant thread but I can also be secure in my manhood to admit when another man is handsome and I will say that Robert and Jimmy are handsome guys.
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What a hoot that this thread shows up, I just clicked on the "Hot pics..." thread for the first time today, then I spot this.

Gotta admit it though, had a man crush on Jimmy and Robert for some time now.

Guess I should go see what the hot pics of Robert are like now.

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