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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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If Mark McGwire can be forgiven by baseball & actually hold down a job as a position coach, then why can't baseball forgive Pete Rose? It's a shame that the all-time hit King is not in the Hall of Fame, put whatever asterisk or pox mark on his plague that you want but get him in. The sad thing about is, Pete will probably be long dead before MLB even considers giving him a second chance.

Well Pete knows that when he leaves this Earth they will and must put him in. They are just trying to punish him while he is alive and its stupid. There is no way to justify leaving him out. As for McGuire, Chris Davis said publicly that he is chasing Maris's record and respects that as the record and not Bonds. 61 is the magic number,. If Chris doesn't get moving he will not get there. I have a feeling he will crack one tonight. But he certainly should vs the White Sox in the upcoming 4 game series with them. We are only 2 back of Tampa. And Boston must play Detroit and the Yankees. And Tampa is 0-9 on the West coast. I hope that continues.

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Quite the pitcher's duel going on in Boston. Biggest moment of the game so far, Miggy grounding out with the bases loaded....

3 run homer by McClouth in the 9th to almost pull it out. Davis and Jones with two God awful at bats. I mean, Jones swings at a pitch that was wild, 5 feet off plate and it went to the back stop. He was not allowed to run to first because Davis was there already. Davis struck out on one when the fucking ball hit him. If you can believe that shit. Why doesnt Buck pull these two aside and tell them to look at pitches. I just do not get how bad Davis can look at the plate at times. Lots of good pitching by the Orioles young relievers. Britton gets the call over Gonzalez tomorrow for reasons unknown to me. But Britton is good just like many of their young guys. We need to win tomorrow and come home and crush the White Sox and then the Yankees who got lucky tonight. They go to Boston after tomorrow and should be ragged ass whomped when they get to Baltimore. Their pitching stafff will be overextended in that series. Hoping Tampa loses again tonight. But either way this race is going to the wire. A guy on MLB who i respect alot picks Baltimore to survive the second wild card. I hope so

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Tough series for the Birds in Cleveland, but you do catch a break with the White Sox coming up next. Got to take care of business against the Chi-Sox, especially since Oakland is playing their favorite whipping boy, the Astros and the Rays have the Mariners, and I don't know if King Felix will appear during that series. Better check the schedule...

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^^ Was I throwing dirt on the Yanks back then, I honestly don't remember. But the fact that the Yankees are still in it this late in the season is another reason why Joe Girardi should get some manager of the year consideration. Not actually win the award, just some consideration.

8 days from now the Yankees will be back where they belong. Now they get Boston and then 4 in our nest. We get the dirty White Sox now. Finally a break in our schedule. Time for us to make a big big move

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On top of the AL East? That's mighty nice of you, Rick! ;)

I think not. They have no depth at pitching. Jeter is only there because of his past merits. He is a sure ground out when he bats now. They know it but how do you tell him its time to hang it up? They may win tonight as I do not think Peavy is that good. But Boston is sure to hammer them at least a couple of nights. We need to win our games and then be in a good spot when they come in

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I think not. They have no depth at pitching. Jeter is only there because of his past merits. He is a sure ground out when he bats now. They know it but how do you tell him its time to hang it up? They may win tonight as I do not think Peavy is that good. But Boston is sure to hammer them at least a couple of nights. We need to win our games and then be in a good spot when they come in

They've had no pitching depth all year and yet here they are - actually no depth at all. No right-handed power, inexperience all over the field and yet here they are. It really is remarkable, like them or not.

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They've had no pitching depth all year and yet here they are - actually no depth at all. No right-handed power, inexperience all over the field and yet here they are. It really is remarkable, like them or not.

Well the schedule maker finally gave us an edge. So far so good. And we get the stripes 4 at home next week and we lead the series still. And we lead vs Boston too. The guru on MLB channel picked Baltimore to get that wild card yesterday. We need to kick some ass at home

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I just checked the schedule, King Felix won't pitch again until Wednesday, but the way the Rays are scuffling it may not matter.

If they are going to get beat in Seattle its tonight. The Japanese pitcher whose name I cant spell, beginning with the letter I is their best guy this year and probably a Cy Young candidate. He has better numbers than King Felix who probably wants a trade. I feel good about sending Feldman to the mound now. He has been great. As for the Yankees, Pettite is up against it IMO. I think the Red Sox will get to him early

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IMO it is time for electronic technology to take over the calling of balls and strikes. Too many human errors have cost teams big games. Last night watching the Angels with runners on 1st and 3rd with 1 out the numb nuts umpire behind the plate might as well have been Oliver Hardy. Calling fucking strikes at the ankles twice he cost the Angels the inning. Luckily it did not ruin them and they came through and won the game. The call in the Yankees game was huge. The Red Sox got away with one. Yes the Yankees have gotten away with far more if you ask me simply because of their reputation and have been given the benefit too often. They have the technology to take it out of human error. Sure we need them to call the other plays. But challenges will be given I assume with the new reviews coming in next year. Soriano really screwed up and got caught off the bases in a key situation. He was very close to running off the path to try and avoid the tag. But they nailed his sorry ass nonetheless.

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I think human error will always be apart of the game as it is in other sports; don't know if calling for robot umpires is the answer if that is what you are suggesting Rick. We can only hope things will get better with expanded replay next year.


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