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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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How many times have you been banned Rick?

You are not the admin here so do me a favor and do not talk to me again. I am not going to get sucked into one of your endless rants. What has happened in the past does not and never did concern you. It was with other members that no longer come here.

Back on topic, MLB analyst has said Boston may chose to rest several players last three games? Would make sense. I still think the Dodgers will wake up in the playoffs Paul. what do you think of Boston resting players in the last series? We can sweep them tonight. Would be huge. Then on to Tampa

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You are not the admin here so do me a favor and do not talk to me again. I am not going to get sucked into one of your endless rants. What has happened in the past does not and never did concern you. It was with other members that no longer come here.

Back on topic, MLB analyst has said Boston may chose to rest several players last three games? Would make sense. I still think the Dodgers will wake up in the playoffs Paul. what do you think of Boston resting players in the last series? We can sweep them tonight. Would be huge. Then on to Tampa


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BoSox have clinched at least a playoff spot, the division soon to come...

I do not understand how this lineup of ours can be so good one night and then they swing at shit in the dirt. Even Hardy who is usually smarter than this, was off his game. Its damn near impossible to win every game. But the O's of old managed to win 28 of 32 to rally and win the division. This team has to win about 9 to have a shot. But realistically they must beat Tampa at least 3 of 4 if not all 4. Texas is at KC and they will not get out of there alive. At least they will lose one or two for sure. We must have the mindset of sweeping them. We swept in Texas. Tampa has not been hitting the ball that well lately. I worry about Hammel tonight. How good will he be coming back? He had better be good. If not Buck must go to the pen early and O Day is the guy to go to if he wants a long relief. Or K Rod. If things go south then we will look back at Johnsons blown saves as the main reason. Going forward this team has the talent. Just have to have a committed owner and GM to keep them together. They cannot ever let Machado, Davis, Jones or Hardy get away. To me those are the untouchables. Pitching will be interesting depending on how Dylan Bundy works out? I like the bullpen alot. Tillman has emerged as the ace. I would keep Chen. To me Feldman has earned the right to have a shot also. He has pitched very well. Norris too, but he could be out. Hammel? Tonight is big for him. Gonzalez I like alot and I think the kid has a good future. Here is to sweeping Tampa! :toast:

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With only about 8 or 9 games left in the season, things are getting down to the wire. Those jive ass Pirates let me down again. It's not over but it's looking more & more like the Cards will be walking away with that division.

Texas is having another late season meltdown & this one may end up costing Ron Washington his job. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that the Rangers were in first & some people were talking about Ron as possibly Manager of the Year. How fast things change.

I still think Detroit is the most complete team heading into the postseason, but if the Sawx get home field through the playoffs I may have to change my position. Can't wait for the playoffs to start.


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Going to the Nats game this afternoon. It was supposed to be the last home game of the season, but since last night was rained out, they will play tonight. I will not stay around...

I think if the O's lose today, it's over. Sigh... (I suppose the good thing is that I can go see Buddy Guy at the Birchmere)

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Ditto E! Enjoy the last home game! May you sweep Miami!

What are the Orioles waiting for? It's the last week of the season...Baltimore better get it in gear!!!

Congratulations to the Red Sox! From worst to first! I certainly never saw it coming. My girlfriend and other Red Sox-loving friends are very happy.

Now, if only my stinking Angels can reach .500 for the season this week. Goddamn that Mike Scsoscia. If the Angels don't fire him, I might have to rethink continuing supporting the Angels and look for another team.

Edited by Strider
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I seem to recall something about Oakland fading down the stretch...I guess leading the league in HRs since the allstar break, having the true league MVP at third, and the most balenced pitching staff in the AL is a symptom of fading :poke:

Not from me. I have said Oakland will hold off Texas since the All-Star break. When I posted my preview of the last month of the season I had Oakland penciled in as the likely AL West winner.

Baltimore is unbelievable...I find it hard to fathom they're going to tank the end of the season after playing so well most of the year. Luckily for them, Boston will probably rest starters during the last series, giving the Os a chance at a sweep that may squeak them into the playoffs.

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Even if we win out, 2 other teams have to collapse. Hardly likely...

And thanks for the link, but I don't think I want to watch it :)

It is beyond me how a team with this much talent can just collapse like this? No explanation? We had best hope Bundy pans out. I hope Machado is OK. He will be for next year I am sure and he is going to be a superstar for years. Must never let him, Davis, Hardy or Jones get away. Other changes will need to be made. New DH. McClouth may have to be replaced. A couple of moves in the pen. They are very close. Far better than 90 percent of National League teams on top. I never thought this would happen but they did lose alot of close games and Johnson killed us with those blown saves. Next year there is alot to be optomistic about.

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