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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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Who cares? Shit series. Boston should bury them I will admit.

I care. It's baseball! There won't be any more for 5ish months after this is over. That's sad.

Besides, I have friends who care a lot. And I care about my friends.

And did I mention it's baseball?? I love baseball.

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Who cares? Shit series. Boston should bury them I will admit.

I care too.

Just because your Dodgers are Dead (actually Murdered by the Cardinals) and Buried does not mean that the "Mighty" Saint Louis Cardinals versus the Boston Red Sox is going to be a "Shit series" as you so eloquently put it.

Now it seems that I have a new "rival(ry)" with ebk. You say "Go Saux" and I say "Go Cards".

Let's hope to agree to agree and say May the Best Team Win.

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What an amazing turnaround for The Boston Red Sox.

Unbelievable.. :D

I'm happy for John Lackey. He took a lot of crap the last couple of years.

He was playing hurt and didn't cry about it.

Detroit is a great team. Their pitching is awesome and it was an excellent series.

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What an amazing turnaround for The Boston Red Sox.

Unbelievable.. :D

I'm happy for John Lackey. He took a lot of crap the last couple of years.

He was playing hurt and didn't cry about it.

Detroit is a great team. Their pitching is awesome and it was an excellent series.

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I care. It's baseball! There won't be any more for 5ish months after this is over. That's sad.

Besides, I have friends who care a lot. And I care about my friends.

And did I mention it's baseball?? I love baseball.

Did I mention you're the best?

Well, you are! :-)

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Prince Fielder of the Detroit Tiger is a waste of food.

Prince Fielder had the same number of RBIs this postseason as I did...ZERO!!! And I was sitting on a couch 3,000 miles away wolfing down pizza and beer.

I'm with ebk, GO SAWX!!!

Did anybody have Boston before the season began? Anybody?

I didn't think so. Everybody was on Baltimore or the Dodgers or the Angels or Washington or Tampa or even Toronto, ferchrissakes. Boston put the Nightmare on Valentine St. behind them and shocked everybody coming out of the blue like they did this season.

They deserve congratulations on a helluva season and I am especially pleased to see former Angels Lackey and Napoli do well. I don't think this Boston-St. Louis WS will be as easy for Boston as the last one. The Cardinals will put up a better fight this time, I think...they have a little more intestinal fortitude than the La Russa teams did.

But I'll be cheering for Boston all the way. Like ebk said, I have friends who love the Red Sox and I like to see my friends happy.


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Awwwww,,,,, :blush:

I was toasting you last night as I enjoyed this lovely pumpkin ale I found in my fridge! :)

OMG, that was so random that I found that pumpkin in July!! Glad you enjoyed it, my friend.

Got me a Shipyard Pumpkin Ale for this afternoon. (Or 2)..

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I've always enjoyed watching baseball and have followed the MLB for years. I don't comment in here, because i'm an Aussie and shit, what does a stupid Aussie know about baseball! But I know enough and watch the few games we have screened live on our tv and (probably sadly and pathetically), I also watch the MLB.com website's live game on my computer if i'm really interested in that particular game. It's a slight delay, but keeps me up to date with the game score.

For the record, i'm a Red Sox girl. One of the highlights of my trip to the States a few years ago was going to Fenway Park and watching a live game. We had great seats and they played Oakland. I have some great photo's and also still have my game ticket too. Wow! what an experience that was! Although the hotdogs were pretty foul.

So count me in with the Go Sawx cheer squad.

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I've always enjoyed watching baseball and have followed the MLB for years. I don't comment in here, because i'm an Aussie and shit, what does a stupid Aussie know about baseball! But I know enough and watch the few games we have screened live on our tv and (probably sadly and pathetically), I also watch the MLB.com website's live game on my computer if i'm really interested in that particular game. It's a slight delay, but keeps me up to date with the game score.

For the record, i'm a Red Sox girl. One of the highlights of my trip to the States a few years ago was going to Fenway Park and watching a live game. We had great seats and they played Oakland. I have some great photo's and also still have my game ticket too. Wow! what an experience that was! Although the hotdogs were pretty foul.

So count me in with the Go Sawx cheer squad.

Well I'll bet you know your Rugby? If so, do post the rules and how to score? How many pts do you get for a Touchdown? Is it called a touchdown? I know its big in South Africa too? And I believe New Zealand?

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Well I'll bet you know your Rugby? If so, do post the rules and how to score? How many pts do you get for a Touchdown? Is it called a touchdown? I know its big in South Africa too? And I believe New Zealand?

I actually do know all the rules of baseball, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy watching it, or there'd be no point in me following the game for years. Obviously you guys know more of the finer details etc, so I just enjoy reading all your posts and I leave the comments to your expertise. Plus no one would listen to my ballgame ramblings anyway ..... hahaha

I'm assuming by "rugby" you mean rugby union and not rugby league. Both games are popular and played in Europe, Britain, Sth Africa, NZ and here in Australia, plus many other countries too.

As for the rules ..... that'd be like me asking you to explain how to play your football game ....... which by the way, I have tried and tried, but cannot understand, let alone like (don't be offended)

No touchdowns in rugby league or union, we score 'tries', which are scored by placing the ball over the try line at each end of the field. The whole complexity of these games are different to American football though and our football runs to a specific time limit ...... not 10 hours like yours :ph34r:^_^:lol: We have no time outs, no coach pep talk breaks, no change of offense/defence and no lets break for a little snack .... lol. Each team that runs on the field consists of both defence and attack and they all stay on the field the whole game.

Basically, run the ball up the field and put the ball down over the try line. Ball must always be passed backwards and the opposing team has 6 allowed tackles to stop the attacking team. If a try is scored, the scoring team then attempts to convert it, by kicking the ball over the goal posts.

R League is 4 points for a try, with 2 for a conversion kick, 2 for penalty kick and 1 for a field (drop kick) goal. R Union is 5 for a try, 2 for conversion kick, 3 for a drop goal and 3 for a penalty kick (over the posts).

There's obviously lots and lots more to it than that though ..... scrums, kicking, line outs, tactics etc. Best described while sitting with you actually watching a game. You're a sporty person, so I know you'd have no problems easily picking up the rules and flow of the games.

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I have been a Saint Louis Cardinals fan since I first moved to Saint Louis (from Houston in 1982) when I was almost 12 years old. My father took me to the first game of the 1982 World Series against the Milwaukee Brewers. Unfortunately, the Cardinals lost that first game 10 - 0, but I was there and remember the excitement of the crowd. (Saint Louis won that Series 4 - 3).

I just want to say this: I am Loyal and Proud fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. Since that day till this very day. I believe that Saint Louis has and is the Better and more Dominant team in Major League Baseball. This is the 3rd year in a row that Saint Louis has been in the NLCS and the 4th time in 10 years that They are in the World Series. That and that alone Speaks volumes in and of itself. Even if you are not a Cardinals fan, you have to admit that that is a pretty Impressive feat and accomplishment.

I know that the last time these two teams met in the World Series (2004), the Boston Red Sox swept the Saint Louis Cardinals. That was 9 years ago. The Cardinals are a better team now (even without Albert Pujols and actually better without Pujols).

Regardless of the outcome, if Saint Louis is defeated, I am still going to be the Proud and Loyal Saint Louis Cardinals Fan that I will always be (albeit a little sad for a day or two).


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I have been a Saint Louis Cardinals fan since I first moved to Saint Louis (from Houston in 1982) when I was almost 12 years old. My father took me to the first game of the 1982 World Series against the Milwaukee Brewers. Unfortunately, the Cardinals lost that first game 10 - 0, but I was there and remember the excitement of the crowd. (Saint Louis won that Series 4 - 3).

I just want to say this: I am Loyal and Proud fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. Since that day till this very day. I believe that Saint Louis has and is the Better and more Dominant team in Major League Baseball. This is the 3rd year in a row that Saint Louis has been in the NLCS and the 4th time in 10 years that They are in the World Series. That and that alone Speaks volumes in and of itself. Even if you are not a Cardinals fan, you have to admit that that is a pretty Impressive feat and accomplishment.

I know that the last time these two teams met in the World Series (2004), the Boston Red Sox swept the Saint Louis Cardinals. That was 9 years ago. The Cardinals are a better team now (even without Albert Pujols and actually better without Pujols).

Regardless of the outcome, if Saint Louis is defeated, I am still going to be the Proud and Loyal Saint Louis Cardinals Fan that I will always be (albeit a little sad for a day or two).


Well it sounds like you are staking a claim that the Cardinals are the best team of all time? I would say the Yankees have that hands down. They have won more championships than anyone by a country mile. I cant stand them but that is the way it is. The old Yankees I would have liked and respected. I just hate the Yankees post 1970. There are alot of teams with alot of tradition. the Cardinals and the Yankees are only two of them. The Dodgers , Red Sox, and yes, my Orioles even have alot of great past tradition and success. I also must mention the Tigers, A's and Reds.

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First off, congratulations to the Red Sox. They beat our best in Verlander and Scherzer three times....enough said. Their front office should be commended for rebuilding that team so quickly. Now it's time to get revenge for the '67 Series and kick the Card's ass.

Special thanks to Jim Leyland for 8 great years as the Tiger Manager. He immediately brought class to our organization and that never wavered. He's going to be difficult to replace.

Now here's a bombshell you'll only read here. Prince Fielder has been going thru a divorce for most of the season. That's enough to mess with any dude's head.....but it gets worse. Ivisial Garcia was traded from the Tigers because he was dorking Prince's wife....and everyone on the team knew it. It's been all over local Internet sites since the season ended. Makes you wonder what kind of atmosphere existed for a while in the Tiger clubhouse this season. Even if no one was talking, it couldn't have been pretty.

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First off, congratulations to the Red Sox. They beat our best in Verlander and Scherzer three times....enough said. Their front office should be commended for rebuilding that team so quickly. Now it's time to get revenge for the '67 Series and kick the Card's ass.

Special thanks to Jim Leyland for 8 great years as the Tiger Manager. He immediately brought class to our organization and that never wavered. He's going to be difficult to replace.

Now here's a bombshell you'll only read here. Prince Fielder has been going thru a divorce for most of the season. That's enough to mess with any dude's head.....but it gets worse. Ivisial Garcia was traded from the Tigers because he was dorking Prince's wife....and everyone on the team knew it. It's been all over local Internet sites since the season ended. Makes you wonder what kind of atmosphere existed for a while in the Tiger clubhouse this season. Even if no one was talking, it couldn't have been pretty.


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Well it sounds like you are staking a claim that the Cardinals are the best team of all time? I would say the Yankees have that hands down. They have won more championships than anyone by a country mile. I cant stand them but that is the way it is. The old Yankees I would have liked and respected. I just hate the Yankees post 1970. There are alot of teams with alot of tradition. the Cardinals and the Yankees are only two of them. The Dodgers , Red Sox, and yes, my Orioles even have alot of great past tradition and success. I also must mention the Tigers, A's and Reds.

It may have seemed like I was "stacking a claim that the Cardinals are the best team of all time". I was not. What I meant is that I believe that the Cardinals have been the most dominant and consistent team for the past 10 years. I know that many others out there can name a few teams that may also be included in and as dominant and consistent a team these past 10 years. I cannot think many (or any) for that matter. Again, I am referring to the past 10 years or say, going back to the year 2000.

I respect Major League Baseball and every team in both leagues, I just Respect and Admire the Saint Louis Cardinals above all the other teams. I also realize that all major league teams have traditions, successes, failures, etc... that makes them Unique. There is a reason that Baseball is considered "America's Pastime".


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It may have seemed like I was "stacking a claim that the Cardinals are the best team of all time". I was not. What I meant is that I believe that the Cardinals have been the most dominant and consistent team for the past 10 years. I know that many others out there can name a few teams that may also be included in and as dominant and consistent a team these past 10 years. I cannot think many (or any) for that matter. Again, I am referring to the past 10 years or say, going back to the year 2000.

I respect Major League Baseball and every team in both leagues, I just Respect and Admire the Saint Louis Cardinals above all the other teams. I also realize that all major league teams have traditions, successes, failures, etc... that makes them Unique. There is a reason that Baseball is considered "America's Pastime".


The last ten years I will give you they have been one of the best if not the best. But not of all time. No way. They had alot of great moments and unfortunately one of them turned out to be a disaster The home run thing with whats his name?

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