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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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This trade deadline had to effect some teams.

Houston 11-0 over my O's

Arizona 7-0 over Tampa and its not over

SF 9-2 over Phil

and more. alot of crazy scores. I say we bounce back with a vengeance tomorrow. I know we are not that bad and we certainly know houston and arizona are not that good. They caught us and Tampa sleeping. Buck will wake them up. Fucktard cocksocking overpaid lazy bastards.

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Nice looking family & the Rangers win again.

Suspensions coming down tomorrow is what I heard on the radio this morning. Oh yeah and A-Roid wants to be a role model for the kids out there! Seriously?!? He really is the biggest narcacist ever!

Great pic of you and your girls, Zepscoda! :)

Thanks guys.........Rangers get another walk off HR win tonight....3rd game in a row!

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Thanks guys.........Rangers get another walk off HR win tonight....3rd game in a row!

A-Rod is a joke. He's all me and such a narcissistic individual. Very cold. Not a team player. Hope he get what he serves and a lifetime ban from the game!

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Great pitchers duel between Kershaw and Kuroda tonight turns in Yankees favour thanks to a bad call by the umpire and a blunder in the outfield by Puig.

Tons of celebrities at both games at Dodger Stadium.

Not as much trade deadline action as I thought would happen. Peavey to BoSox? Questionable move.

Edited by Strider
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I don't know if I would go as far as putting A-Rod in the same class as Ty Cobb, but I do wish MLB would hurry up & get this situation over and done with. Enough A-Roid already.


They are trying to give me a heart attack. I just get a text saying that Buck said "if A Rod gets banned Matt Wieters will be a Yankee". Are you Fucking kidding me? My Orioles jersey is Matt Wieters. Yeah, the real one I paid for. This better not fucking happen. I have Trent Edwards in my closet. Former Bill. I hope Selig does not allow the Yankees to benefit financially over this. Buck is right. They signed him. They should be stuck with the ramifications

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I don't know if I would go as far as putting A-Rod in the same class as Ty Cobb, but I do wish MLB would hurry up & get this situation over and done with. Enough A-Roid already.


Cobb was a real bad guy and pretty much a racist too back in his day.

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Darvish has 10 strike outs in 4 innings so far tonight !

make that 12 in 5 innings....

The Rangers and O's are both up!!!!! Heavens rejoice!!!! Until the fat lady sings at least. Nice inning other than Adam Jones swinging at garbage. I got the text on your boy Darvish. I am waiting to hear what they do about this damn A Rod. I hope they do not reward the Yankees or I am going to be one pissed off SOB> I would like to know how Girardi feels? I know how Buck feels. And its not good. And I am with him. Its not good for sports, any sport to let a team buy wins the way the Yankees do. What message does it send? You need to build a team through the farm system and be legit or you are a phony.

Bud Norris looking good

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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^^ I'm guessing if the Yanks miss out on the postseason & the Birds get in, you'll feel a lot better. Btw, how is Bud Norris doing?

He gave up 2 solo homers. We have come back and are now leading. So far, so good...

They just showed Dennis Martinez on my TV. He's the bullpen coach for the Astros. I never would have been able to pick him out of a lineup...

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Seems to be :) And now, the Mariners are totally folding. Sigh.......

Gadzooks! You're right, E...how did Seattle blow that game?

Ok Rick, since you rarely roam off the range, I'll make it easy for you and post the photos of my day at Fenway Park. Taken on Friday, July 19, for the Yankees-Red Sox game. Red Sox-4 Yankees-2.

Having drinks before the game at Cask 'n Flagon.


The scene outside the Green Monster side of the Park.


Yawkey Way.




Entering the hallowed park...my first glimpse of The Green Monster in person.



The view from our seats.



RED SOX WIN! Cue the Standells "Dirty Water"!


I only wish I had had enough space and battery juice on my phone to video the crowd singing along to Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline"...one of the goofiest moments I've ever experienced at a baseball game.

A perfect night at a great ballpark. I couldn't ask for a better experience for my first game at Fenway Park...or better company. :)

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