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taylor swift gets kayne'd again

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More than three years after the most famous VMA interruption of all time, Kanye West still thinks Beyoncé is better than Taylor Swift.

And just like last time, it was an awards show that set him off. During a performance in London over the weekend, the rapper ripped into a slew of people and companies during an 11-minute rambling rant … including, once again, the “I Knew You Were Trouble” singer.

“Taylor Swift beat Beyoncé at the Grammys?” he bellowed into the mic during a tirade, which also took aim at Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake’s “Suit & Tie,” according to MTV News. “Beyoncé be dancing in heels and s**t.”

We’re not sure if Kanye was once again sipping on a bottle of Courvoisier – which he blamed for his 2009 outburst – but last we checked, Beyoncé and Swift were not even nominated in the same category at this year’s Grammys. Swift only won one trophy, for Best Song Written For Visual Media (“Safe and Sound”) and her competition was Mumford & Sons and T Bone Burnett … not Beyoncé. But the "Halo" singer did win for Best Traditional R&B Performance with "Love on Top."

After Kanye embarrassed the then-19-year-old Swift at the VMAs in 2009, she showed her forgiveness at the following year’s show by performing her new song “Innocent.” Before she sang, a video montage played of that moment when he took the mic out of her hand as she gave her acceptance speech for Best Female Video and told the audience that Beyoncé deserved the award instead. “It’s OK, life is a tough crowd,” Swift sang at the time. “Thirty-two and still growing up now/Who you are is not what you did/You’re still an innocent."

Well, Kanye is 35 now … and he doesn’t seem to have grown up too much.

How will Swift respond this time? Seems like “I Knew You Were Trouble” has a whole new meaning …

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Once an ashole, always an asshole.

It's a shame really, because I actually like some of Kanye's stuff. But he needs to STOP hating on Taylor Swift...it is classless and he comes across as a creepy stalker when he does this.

Grow the fuck up Kanye.

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^ Yes, I cannot stand Taylor Swift, to me she is talentless drivel, however what Kanye did was inexcusable, he is a total asshole. BTW, just because I think TS sucks and has no talent does not mean I do not respect her as a person, nor the people who like her as a musician. Hell, I am sure some of the people I like musically others would think are shit (Rasputina, Fionna Apple, POE, and of course Rick Springfield). Sorry about the RS but I believe full disclosure was necessary after my opinion of TS.

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I'm not a fan of either one of them but, Kanye needs to grow a pair & act like a man. But instead, he acts like a douche.

Rappers like to act all big and tough but they're all a bunch of pansies who can only act brave when they have their posses with them.

Taylor needs to Swift-Boot his ass!

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I agree. Who cares about this?

I will admit that Taylor Swift is "cute" but I have never heard any of her songs. The reason is: because I do not care to. From what I have read about her she is a countrified/pop singer who sings about all the dudes she has been with and/or have broken up with her. I have no interest in that.

As for Kanye West: Him I could give even less a Fuck about. If I can say that I have never heard a Taylor Swift song, then I can definately tell anyone that I have Never heard a Kanye West song.

I believe that alot of this has to do with publicity and marketing to stir-up controversy and sell records. I suppose it may work on the young and the weak.

The only reason I dare to comment on this absurd happening is because I think it is beyond absurd.

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^ Yes, I cannot stand Taylor Swift, to me she is talentless drivel, however what Kanye did was inexcusable, he is a total asshole. BTW, just because I think TS sucks and has no talent does not mean I do not respect her as a person, nor the people who like her as a musician. Hell, I am sure some of the people I like musically others would think are shit (Rasputina, Fionna Apple, POE, and of course Rick Springfield). Sorry about the RS but I believe full disclosure was necessary after my opinion of TS.

Hey Rick Springfield actually made

great pop music and take a listen to S/D/A/A -Its one of the hardest driving bitter post relationship end cd's I have ever heard ...when I first listened to it i thought I got another artist's cd by mistake..it was just pounding from the beginning...Kanye West...i am sick of that whole Beyonce/Jay Z/Kanye/Justin Timberlake clique... for alleged Illuminati people they sure sound and act like posing idiots...Beyonce would do well to divorce Jay Z and get back to where she was b4 he took up her time and life. I dont know Swift's music but she oughtta taser the guy on stage...

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