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Didn't catch that, but that's the kind of despicable behavior Philly Fan is known for. They cheered when Michael Irvin sustained his career-ending neck injury in a Eagles/Cowboys game. Other notorious incidents of Philadpelphia fan behavior are listed here...


Oh, and their affinity for throwing batteries is well-documented.

im a philly fan and have to say its true. we are a bunch off a-holes as a whole. i was at the game when reyes got his head knocked in and everyone was cheering he got hurt. i didnt, and thought it was wrong but if you dissagree with philly fans at a game in philly you're going to get your ass kicked. i have seen cops take sides just cause someone was wearing a yankee hat.

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im a philly fan and have to say its true. we are a bunch off a-holes as a whole. i was at the game when reyes got his head knocked in and everyone was cheering he got hurt. i didnt, and thought it was wrong but if you dissagree with philly fans at a game in philly you're going to get your ass kicked. i have seen cops take sides just cause someone was wearing a yankee hat.

I thought Philly was the city of brotherly love? :D

I think a lot of sports 'fans' take themselves way too seriously.


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The new parks being built in New York will seat considerably less people, with lots of luxury suites that are guaranteed to make you feel like you're someplace else (why go ?), and proposed ticket prices that will not be affordable to most families. I think it sucks, and probably will no longer attend games. Not that the owners will suffer...

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how come they haven't knocked it down yet. Its been 10 years since they left for comerica.

Because there's already 15 buildings over 20 stories high that are waiting to be demolished in the city, including this monstrousity.......


....and this one too, which has been vacant for over 50 years. Wanna buy a Packard ? :rolleyes:


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Because there's already 15 buildings over 20 stories high that are waiting to be demolished in the city, including this monstrousity.......

....and this one too, which has been vacant for over 50 years. Wanna buy a Packard ? :rolleyes:


Its funny, that looks exactly like the studebaker factory in South Bend, which i do belive they were owned by the same group one time.

There was a big special about building being demolished in Detroit on The Discovery Channel. Plus your mayor being more crooked than the Chicago mayor scares me also.

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There's plenty of shit areas and people that need to go in Detroit. Take care of those first. Yeah, it's too bad about the stadium but we all knew it was coming. It's just like in Baltimore with that cunt O'Malley getting rid of Memorial, except that Memorial had been even more recently used.

I'm surprised the Orioles are still above .500. I wonder how long it will last.

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Yeah, that was a nice team! Not that familiar with them, but reading through their roster, it was pretty impressive! Brooks Robinson, Frank Robinson, Boog Powell, Jim Palmer...


Went to the 40th anniversary celebration of that team at the Babe Ruth Museum in Baltimore. It was wonderful to hear the team talking about the great years they had, but it was a little scary because they were so...old. I can't possible be that old. :D

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The Jays suck large at the moment...Tonight's game with the Royals was dismal.

Also, in the first few weeks I was feeling pretty good about our starting pitchers but Burnett's been struggling and Halladay, well, he hasn't been the Halladay Jays fans know him to be. Hopefully it's a minor slump and they turn it around soon.

Edited by the queen without a king
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The East has been in a little more flux than people have come to expect in recent seasons, especially at this point in the season. Most of the teams have been on a bit of a roller coaster, but that can make for some very interesting baseball. I'm tired of the recent perennial status quo, obviously.

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The Red Wings beat Colorado today to take a 2-0 series lead. Darren McCarty even got into a fight for old times sake.

Can't beat this...

Greatest hockey game ever, save the Miracle On Ice. I remember watching that and screaming so loud, I went to school hoarse the next day. And I love having Mac back on the team.

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The question is starting to be asked around Detroit, "what is wrong with Justin Verlander?" He was supposed to take that next step and be an elite ace, a top-tier pitcher in the league. He's 1-4 so far this year, and just hasn't looked very good. His ERA is high, he's not lasting very long into games, he's throwing a lot of pitches (often has 100+ pitches by 4th or 5th inning), and is velocity is down. On the radio they threw out a stat...he hit 100mph on the radar gun in games 17 times last season. He hasn't hit over 96mph so far this season. 96mph is still nice, but he's not bringing the heat like before. This makes his change-up less effective too.

Could just be a slow start, or a fluke bad stretch, but he isn't looking very good so far, and that doesn't bode well for the Tigers...

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The question is starting to be asked around Detroit, "what is wrong with Justin Verlander?" He was supposed to take that next step and be an elite ace, a top-tier pitcher in the league. He's 1-4 so far this year, and just hasn't looked very good. His ERA is high, he's not lasting very long into games, he's throwing a lot of pitches (often has 100+ pitches by 4th or 5th inning), and is velocity is down. On the radio they threw out a stat...he hit 100mph on the radar gun in games 17 times last season. He hasn't hit over 96mph so far this season. 96mph is still nice, but he's not bringing the heat like before. This makes his change-up less effective too.

Could just be a slow start, or a fluke bad stretch, but he isn't looking very good so far, and that doesn't bode well for the Tigers...

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Cubs lost agian.

still the greatest tirade of all time happen 15 years ago

Lee Elia

This is the fuunnest thing ever, even better if you know the cubs of the 80's

Plus quick shoutout to Rick Monday who grabed an american flag while a father and son was going to burn it at dodger stadium.


I personly sent him a letter when i was a kid. He still does get dozens of letter everyday for this great play.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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