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Star Wars or the Godfather?


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This is a topic that is meant for fun (I hope).

Which of these two movies do you prefer? Star Wars (Episodes IV, V and VI) or the Godfather (I, II and III).

I realize that these two Great trilogies are as far apart as can be, however, I think that this could be a topic that may give some very interesting and possibly some very different opinions.

If anyone wants to answer, give your answer and your reason for your choice.

I will give my choice in due time.

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Star Wars. I was only 6 when I first saw it at the cinema so there is a lot of nostalgia there for me.

I still reserve judgement to give my final answer later, however, I was also 6 years old when I first saw Star Wars at the movie theater, in Houston, Texas in 1977. I am 42 years old now, but I will never forget seeing this amazing movie at such a young age.

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THE GODFATHER...and it's not even close.

The only thing they have in common besides making piles of money, is that they both went off the rails with the third movie of the trilogy. Ewoks and Sofia Coppola. At least Sofia turned into a pretty good filmmaker herself("Lost in Translation", "The Virgin Suicides").

Before anyone thinks I'm saying that the original "Star Wars" trilogy wasn't good and groundbreaking in its own right, I'm not. "Star Wars" was a fun escape at the movies, with a little Joseph Campbell myth-making thrown in along with the Kurosawa touches. The special effects were a huge eye-opening upgrade from the usual sci-fi fare at the time...see "Logan's Run" for comparison. Even the special effects in "Jaws" looked creaky in comparison. There's also no dispute that the "Star Wars" films galvanized the box office and swallowed every kid in its path.

But the "Godfather" films(particularly I and II) have a gravitas and narrative power that is simply way beyond the reach of the "Star Wars" trilogy. As for the acting, it's like comparing Led Zeppelin and Kingdom Come. Apart from Alec Guinness and Harrison Ford, most of the acting in the "Star Wars" films is uneven at best. Meanwhile, there are so many memorable performances in the first two Godfather movies, they barely had room at the Oscars to nominate them all.

"Star Wars" was a memorable film to see as a kid and it has a nostalgic pull for those pining for their youth. But when you grow up and you learn about really masterful story-telling and acting and film-craft, it is "The Godfather" that leaves the most lasting impact and will continue for decades.

It's no accident that "The Godfather" has been a regular presence on the British film magazine Sight & Sound's Ten Greatest Films of All Time polls over the last 30 years.

For the record, I first saw "The Godfather" upon its release in 1972 when I was 10 and "Star Wars" when I was nearly 15 in 1977.

Edited by Strider
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For the record, I first saw "The Godfather" upon its release in 1972 when I was 10 and "Star Wars" when I was nearly 15 in 1977.

What certificate was it on release Strider? Did you sneak in? For some weird reason The Song Remains The Same movie was a 15 in the UK on release and I had to plead to get in as I was on 14 at the time

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What certificate was it on release Strider? Did you sneak in?

It was rated "R"...no one under 17 unless accompanied by an adult. Saw it with my dad. He also took me to see "A Clockwork Orange", which was rated "X"...he snuck me into the drive-in hiding me in the trunk of the Chevy Malibu.

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The Godfather. I enjoyed the first three Star Wars films but I can't watch them over and over the way I can watch the first two Godfather films. Al Pacino's Michael Corleone is one of cinema's great characters. What a mind he has! He's always two step ahead of his enemies and outmaneuvers everyone. In my opinion, the central tragedy of The Godfather is that Michael used his formidable intelligence for evil instead of good.

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Yeah, The Godfather - especially the first one - for sure.

Funny thing for me is, the most memorable thing about Star Wars for me is I remember seeing the trailer at some other movie.

There was no internet and the associated hype-generation like today, so it was a completely unknown quantity - just another movie "Coming Soon!"

I so distinctly remember sitting there when that whole "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." came on the screen.

The next 2 minutes or so I was swept away.

I couldn't wait to see it.

And I did, and it was awesome.

But there's something about remembering seeing the trailer and having no idea the impact the movie would have.

Back to The Godfather...

For me, the characters, all the way down to the most peripheral extra, played their parts so convincingly.

You are totally engulfed in the atmosphere of real gangsters whose real life was one of extreme, yet business-like, violence.

What stands out to me is how each scene where someone dies, the camera lingers on the body, emphasizing the reality and suddenness involved.

Easily one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen.

Best part of all?

I read the book - multiple times - before I ever saw the movie.

Also an extremely powerful book, and one of my all-time favorites.

It's actually one of the first full-size, adult novels I ever read, and I was amazed how it pulled you in.

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I still reserve judgement to give my final answer later, however, I was also 6 years old when I first saw Star Wars at the movie theater, in Houston, Texas in 1977. I am 42 years old now, but I will never forget seeing this amazing movie at such a young age.

Seeing "The Empire Strikes Back" in 1980 is a great memory, too. My favourite Star Wars film.

I should watch "The Godfather" again. I haven't seen it (or the sequels) for about 20 years. I've got them on full screen VHS though. That wouldn't do them justice in this day and age!

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I love them both.. and will break the tie in this way. If had a night to spend watching either movie... if I'm at home I'll choose the Godfather, if I'm in a full-size theater, I'll pick Star Wars. Two of my favorites for sure... and I strongly prefer the orginals of each to either of their sequels..

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i only just watched the godfather series for the first time a few weeks back. loved 1 and 2, 3 not so much.

saw star wars when they were first released in a packed cinema - loved them all.

but would have to agree with everything strider said. :)


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There is a website called cracked.com that has all kinds of trivia, one of which is the original endings to famous movies. The original, scripted ending to Return of the Jedi has Han Solo dying, and Luke becoming so disillusioned with all the wanton violence he turns his back on the rebel alliance and pulls an Obi Wan. Lucas changed the ending to the Ewok fuck fest because he believed the toy franchise would do better with a live Han Solo and a happy Luke. I shit you not, Lucas ruined what could have been a great movie just for a few extra bucks. Instead, we have possibly the most gay ending of any movie outside of a Busby Berkeley flick.

I think I am in the minority here regarding Godfather III. Yes, it was the weakest story of the series but it could have been on par with the first had they just stuck with the whole Vatican banking scandal instead of running off into four other plot tangents, all of which sunk the movie.

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I would rank the Godfather above Star Wars. Marlon Brando was in Superman and stole the limelight from Christopher Reeves. He could not do that to Robert Deniro though.

chris reeves was so hot

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This is the list of the American Film Institutes (AFI) 100 greatest movies of all-time. I am only posting the Top 20:
































































As you can see, the "Godfather" is #2. "Star Wars" is #13. Not that this matters, I just wanted to post this list.

By the way, "Godfather Part II", is listed as the 32nd greatest movie of all-time.

By posting this list I do not want to diverge from the main theme and make this into everyone's opinion of what movie should be ranked where. That is a topic for another topic about movies.

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I would rank the Godfather above Star Wars. Marlon Brando was in Superman and stole the limelight from Christopher Reeves. He could not do that to Robert Deniro though.

Apples and oranges. We'll never know for sure since they never acted in a movie together.

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Apples and oranges. We'll never know for sure since they never acted in a movie together.

Actually they have. Robert De Niro and Marlon Brando (and Edward Norton) made a movie back in 2001 called the "Score" directed by none other than Frank Oz (who was the voice of Yoda).

This is a quote from Wikipedia about the movie the "Score":

"It was the only time Brando and De Niro appeared in a film together—although they had previously both won Academy Awards for portraying the same character, Vito Corleone, in The Godfather and The Godfather Part II respectively."

The "Score" is a good movie, I have it on Dvd.

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