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Star Wars or the Godfather?


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Both are great, but for me, definitely Star Wars. It's the classic good vs evil struggle, combined with the writers' ability to create a believable other world (much like Harry Potter too). And I have a Yoda quote in my sig.

Not to diminish the Godfather at all though; I love that one too. It just didn't make quite as much of an impact (on me) as Star Wars did.

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Although I hold the first "Star Wars" movies (IV, V, VI) in the very highest of regards, I think that I would have to choose the "Godfather" (I, II, III) trilogy over the "Star Wars" trilogy.

As a kid seeing the "Star Wars" movies I was and still am hooked on these movies (even the prequels, though not as much as the originals). As someone mentioned earlier, seeing the very beginning of "Star Wars" and the "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." is very Powerful stuff (to me). George Lucas was an innovator and visionary when it came to revolutionizing the Science Fiction genre. Thank you George!!!

As an adult seeing the "Godfather" movies, I will always be fascinated with the direction, acting, plot, etc... of the "Godfather" saga. I, too, have read the book at least five times over the years. Francis Ford Coppola did an amazing job adapting the book into the movie(s). I can and have watched the first two "Godfathers" back to back numerous times and individually I have probably seen both at least 100 times. No exaggeration. It is a testament to Francis Ford Coppola that the first "Godfather" is ranked as the second greatest movie of all-time. With that praise, praise must be also given to Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duval, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, John Cazale (poor Fredo), Richard Castellano (Clemenza) and the rest of the cast of this Great, Epic and Timeless American trilogy.

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse"

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."

"Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever."

This clip is one of the Most Powerful scenes in movie history. Watch how the camera slowly moves closer in on Michael Corleone as he discusses how he plans to kill McCluskey and Sollozzo. Look at the way he sits in the chair and how calm he is. I think this is a foreshadowing of how he is destined to become the next Don.


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'So, you're going to put me in the fruit cellar ey?'

I thought a good parody of the shower scene would be for Janet Leigh to be a martial arts expert and she fends off every stab with lightning speed, then kicks Norman square in the nads. :^)

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'So, you're going to put me in the fruit cellar ey?'

I thought a good parody of the shower scene would be for Janet Leigh to be a martial arts expert and she fends off every stab with lightning speed, then kicks Norman square in the nads. :^)

Sorry to say this and this is my opinion , but "Psycho" does not even come close to "Star Wars or the "Godfather" movies.

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The actual scene where Michael Corleone "makes His bones" and kills the corrupt NYC police captain McCluskey and the international heroin financier/dealer Virgil, the Turk, Sollozo.

Look at Michael's eyes when he sits down. He is nervous and scared at the same time. He waits until the train goes by in the background before He pulls out the pistol that Clemenza left for Him. Again, if you are a fan of this movie, very Powerful stuff indeed.


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Sorry to say this and this is my opinion , but "Psycho" does not even come close to "Star Wars or the "Godfather" movies.

I disagree completely. "Psycho" is a classic. I've watched it loads of times and never get bored of it.

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I disagree completely. "Psycho" is a classic. I've watched it loads of times and never get bored of it.

I may agree with you if this was a topic devoted to "Psycho" and "Dances with Wolves" but it is not. This was (and is) a topic based on and devoted to "Star Wars" and the "Godfather" trilogies.

How "Psycho" came into this conversation is beyond me. If you choose to devote a topic to how many times you watch "Psycho" and never get bored of it, then that is your prerogative.

All I ask is that the responses be to the topic at hand. If some choose to stray, then so be it. I cannot stop that, however, I feel that this is an interesting topic that has and can be devoted to these two "classic" movies.

Back to the main theme, "Star Wars" or the "Godfather"?

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All I know is, I can take a day and watch the Godfather trilogy back to back with no problem (yes, even The Godfather Part III) but when I try doing that with the original Star Wars movies I tend to lose interest once they rescue Han in Return Of The Jedi...Jedi just gets too soap-operaey after that (Han and Leia, Luke and Vader...gag me with a spoon :lol: )

I just hope that these new Star Wars movies that Disney is planning on making don't suck...or are at least better than Episodes 1-3...

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I may agree with you if this was a topic devoted to "Psycho" and "Dances with Wolves" but it is not. This was (and is) a topic based on and devoted to "Star Wars" and the "Godfather" trilogies.

How "Psycho" came into this conversation is beyond me. If you choose to devote a topic to how many times you watch "Psycho" and never get bored of it, then that is your prerogative.

All I ask is that the responses be to the topic at hand. If some choose to stray, then so be it. I cannot stop that, however, I feel that this is an interesting topic that has and can be devoted to these two "classic" movies.

Back to the main theme, "Star Wars" or the "Godfather"?

I wouldn't have mentioned "Psycho" if you hadn't, so enough of the snotty-nosed attitude, thank you.

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I wouldn't have mentioned "Psycho" if you hadn't, so enough of the snotty-nosed attitude, thank you.

I would say that you have the attitude, not me. I just want to read other peoples comments, opinions, etc... on this topic (if they have any).

My post (#25) was to show that:

As you can see, the "Godfather" is #2. "Star Wars" is #13. Not that this matters, I just wanted to post this list.

By the way, "Godfather Part II", is listed as the 32nd greatest movie of all-time.

By posting this list I do not want to diverge from the main theme and make this into everyone's opinion of what movie should be ranked where. That is a topic for another topic about movies.

The list mentions "Psycho" and 19 other movies. Hence the top 20 movies according to the AFI. Me, personally, did not mention "Psycho".

Do you know what the word diverge means?

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Sagittarius Rising,

There is ironically a strong parallel between the two films (RoJ and GF3) in that GF3 was made specifically because Paramount pictures had been pressuring Coppola for another GF sequel in what turned out to be a shameless money grab. Coppola himself has even said so, and eventually could not turn his back on the millions that the studio was willing to throw into that project.

One of the problems with GF3 for me was that Michael Corleone, just like his father, would have never included women in his business dealings (Michael's estranged wife Kay and his sister Connie) to the extent that he did in GF3. In GF 1&2, as well as the book, the la cosa nostra (our thing) was shown to be a all male society in which women were never included in the discussions of "business" in any significant way. In GF2 Michael goes to his mother to ask her what his father the don felt when he was "being strong for the family", and if by being strong one could actually lose his family. But Michael never explains to his mother what he actually meant by being "strong" (i.e., ordering the deaths of his enemies within the "family" for their betrayal), and she was confused by the question since "family" for the la cosa nostra has two definitions.

In the Sicilian mafia society that we are introduced to in GF 1&2; the men respect their mothers and their wives, but only in the rolls they see women assigned to. The men had no problem with relationships with other women. But only as long as those relationships were kept outside of the view of their own wives and children, and did not get in the way of "business." The character of Michael Corleone in GF3 was a significant departure from the man we knew in GF 1&2; the decorated Marine war hero who reluctantly stepped in to save his father and his father's criminal enterprise with such natural ability and clear authority. The unsure and reluctant Micheal Corleone in GF3 is a different man, one who can not be recognized as the same one in GF 1&2. Godfather III should have never been made; GF 1&2 was a complete story already.

BTW, I don't recall the specific "gay ending" you described in Return of the Jedi. Were the Ewoks a society being depicted which embraced same gender relationships? If Lucas included something like that in his film, I would say that he was being progressive for his time. I think that would be an interesting topic to explore in another discussion forum. Thanks for adding to the conversation.



Hello KF,

I was simply joking regarding the ending to ROTJ, if I hurt your feelings by making a silly remark I apologize. I was not being insensitive of the whole LGBT community nor insinuating that fictional, non-existant Ewoks represented any type of known sexuality, after all, they are supposed to be from a galaxy far, far away and maybe asexual. What I was referring to in my usual sarcastic way was George Lucas ruined a very good story for the sake of money. The Ewok sub-plot, and the whole ending in general was stupid and saccharine. Regarding the Godfather III, thank you for the film school dissertation of a movie you obviously hated. I was only trying to say the plot referencing the 78' vatican banking scandal was a good one.

Man, you must be a real hit at parties; lighten up, relax, it's all good.

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Just to remind anyone who cares, since I am the originator of this topic and from my first post, I said that I wanted this to be a topic done in fun. That means what I wanted it to mean. Do you prefer the "Star Wars" movies or the "Godfather" movies. I do not see how this is that difficult to comprehend to some people. One series of great movies over another series of great movies. (If people want to give their opinion, comments, etc... of other movies not related to this topic, I advise you to start a New topic devoted to movies that you prefer over these two movies).

That means that even if some people out there do not like either of these two "classic" and "ground-breaking" movies, then so be it. Not every movie (or topic) I like is meant for others to like. I just wish (and hope) that anyone who does care to respond, stick to the topic that at hand.

When I thought of and started this good topic, I never realized that it would include references to the movie "Psycho" or any "gay" or "homosexual" leanings about Ewoks and the like.

Someone recently said that I need to stop having a "snot nosed attitude". When I read that I laughed my Ass off because I am one of the most easy-going and laid-back persons you could ever meet.

Let me start anew within the same subject:

Michael Corleone or Darth Vader? ("Godfather" or "Star Wars")

"Star Wars" or the "Godfather"??? It really is not that hard, unless you are an ignorant person who chooses to argue with others just because you do not like their answers.

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I would say that you have the attitude, not me. I just want to read other peoples comments, opinions, etc... on this topic (if they have any).

My post (#25) was to show that:

As you can see, the "Godfather" is #2. "Star Wars" is #13. Not that this matters, I just wanted to post this list.

By the way, "Godfather Part II", is listed as the 32nd greatest movie of all-time.

By posting this list I do not want to diverge from the main theme and make this into everyone's opinion of what movie should be ranked where. That is a topic for another topic about movies.

The list mentions "Psycho" and 19 other movies. Hence the top 20 movies according to the AFI. Me, personally, did not mention "Psycho".

Do you know what the word diverge means?


Just sayin

Thank you.

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Thank you.

Thank you.

I would assume that YOU DO NOT know what the word DIVERGE means.

If you have any connection to the Internet, then I would assume that you can find the definition to that word very easily. Apparently, you have not and do not know what that simple word means. I feel sorry for you. I feel more sorry for you if you cannot appreciate the history or the substance that the "Star Wars" or the "Godfather" movies have on the Universal Culture.

I assume that you being from England, you do not actually realize the "historical" or "cultural" meaning that that these two great movies have on AMERICAN AND WORLD CULTURE!!! That includes Camebridgeshire, England, UK,

If You can name me a better or greater movie than "Star Wars" or the "Godfather" movies that have been made in the United Kingdom, I ask that you name such a movie.

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I do not care what anyone says or thinks about me, but I do think that ady is an idiot. Say what you will about me but I will say again that I think that ady is a moron because of the things he says in his posts. Yes, that means you ady.

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I would assume that YOU DO NOT know what the word DIVERGE means.

If you have any connection to the Internet, then I would assume that you can find the definition to that word very easily. Apparently, you have not and do not know what that simple word means. I feel sorry for you. I feel more sorry for you if you cannot appreciate the history or the substance that the "Star Wars" or the "Godfather" movies have on the Universal Culture.

I assume that you being from England, you do not actually realize the "historical" or "cultural" meaning that that these two great movies have on AMERICAN AND WORLD CULTURE!!! That includes Camebridgeshire, England, UK,

If You can name me a better or greater movie than "Star Wars" or the "Godfather" movies that have been made in the United Kingdom, I ask that you name such a movie.

WTF? How does Ady's post warrant such an attack? How ironic that you, the OP, seem to be doing as much thread-jacking and diverging as anyone else.

Ady, I know he addressed his questions to you, but I hope you don't mind if I answer them, too. Since kingzoso asked, here are a few great British films that have impacted culture and are better than "Star Wars", and if not 'greater' than "The Godfather", they are at least usually among the discussion of great films.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey

2. Lawrence of Arabia

3. Withnail & I

4. A Hard Day's Night

5. The Red Shoes

6. A Clockwork Orange

7. The Third Man

8. Bridge Over the River Kwai

9. The Long Good Friday

10. Get Carter

11. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

12. Dr. No

13. The Up films

14. The 39 Steps

Those are just a few...

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