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RIP Common Sense


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I watched the entire video and saw none of what you are alluding to. For example: when the comic spoke about the muslim woman and her hijab issue, the comic was clear to point out his own position of being an atheist. Yes, the joke may seem to be at the expense of a particular religious group; however, taken within a greater context of 'why should anyone's particular religious practice impede on the free choices of another person', was the point. And I find that to be a very important point in a free society. One may believe what they wish to; however, if you want to shove it down my throat, I have a big problem with that entitled perspective. If I have to tippy-toe around eveyone else's sensibilities, then where is my liberty? To automatically expect another person to subscribe to another's religious/moral code and rules is tyranny IMHO.

Good words

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I find it laughable when people are offended by words.



my goodness, that list ... what is the world coming to? pc has just gotten way out of hand. we see it everyday, in small ways. it just drives me mad!

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people who are against being pc are mostly biggots. i'm so tired of people who do fat jokes or about sexual oreintation. being pc is about being polite peri

sorry can't agree with that. PC is over -kill. most people know when to draw the line.

PC is for those who can't.

or won't.

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sorry can't agree with that. PC is over -kill. most people know when to draw the line.

PC is for those who can't.

or won't.

I agree STP. The reason we have PC is that people don't have CS. We need the nanny state and libs to tell them not to offend people. It is so easy to get people upset today. Who knew that it was wrong to kill whales, make fun of the greys, and except Jesus as your personal savior? It seems that people who want to protect themselves with guns( my laser gun doesn't count) and have respect for personal responsibility are the spawn of the devil? Thanks for pointing out that everybody that thinks differently from one another is not entitled to their opinion.

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I agree STP. The reason we have PC is that people don't have CS. We need the nanny state and libs to tell them not to offend people. It is so easy to get people upset today. Who knew that it was wrong to kill whales, make fun of the greys, and except Jesus as your personal savior? It seems that people who want to protect themselves with guns( my laser gun doesn't count) and have respect for personal responsibility are the spawn of the devil? Thanks for pointing out that everybody that thinks differently from one another is not entitled to their opinion.

hmm bit confused as to whether you agree with me or not ... ?

but i am not saying that people aren't entitled to have an opinion.


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hmm bit confused as to whether you agree with me or not ... ?

but i am not saying that people aren't entitled to have an opinion.


My opinion is what ever PC allows. I don't want to go over any lines. But don't be confused I want you to have an opinion of your own.

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I watched the entire video and saw none of what you are alluding to. For example: when the comic spoke about the muslim woman and her hijab issue, the comic was clear to point out his own position of being an atheist. Yes, the joke may seem to be at the expense of a particular religious group; however, taken within a greater context of 'why should anyone's particular religious practice impede on the free choices of another person', was the point. And I find that to be a very important point in a free society. One may believe what they wish to; however, if you want to shove it down my throat, I have a big problem with that entitled perspective. If I have to tippy-toe around eveyone else's sensibilities, then where is my liberty? To automatically expect another person to subscribe to another's religious/moral code and rules is tyranny IMHO.

Again you seem to have the idea that I posted the video as an example of what I was condeming when I was actually posting it to support my arguement.

Another from Stewart Lee on the same subject mentioning one of the worst offenders in Richard Littlejohn...

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My opinion is what ever PC allows. I don't want to go over any lines. But don't be confused I want you to have an opinion of your own.

for whatever reason,unknown to me, i detect some agro from you towards me. am i correct?

anyway, that is my opinion.

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