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carrie fisher is going to do star wars again


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Another Star Wars movie? You mean George Lucas didn't wring enough milk out of the cash cow with the prequels. Oh well, I won't rain on the parade of any SW nuts who may be on the board. Ciao...

Where have you been :zzz: Lucas sold the rights to Disney last year for about 9 million, bajillion dollars. Get ready for many, many sequels, prequels, spin offs whatever in the near future.


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i heard on the radio today that carrie fisher is getting in shape for the new star wars movie. this is good news.

:blink: Good news? For who? In what bizarro alternate universe would this be considered good news by reasonably sane people?

Will this be Princess Leia: The Rehab Years?

Maybe Princess Leia is now Queen Leia...and they could cast Debbie Reynolds as the Queen Mum.

Oh yeah, get ready for Disney to start cranking shit out to recoup their investment.

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I just hope she isn't planning on getting back in the slave bikini at her age.

I also heard, don't know how reliable it is though, that Disney's plan if for Darth Vader to come back from the dead.

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I just hope she isn't planning on getting back in the slave bikini at her age.

I also heard, don't know how reliable it is though, that Disney's plan if for Darth Vader to come back from the dead.

They won't make him sing and dance will they? Star Wars- The Musical a la The Lion King.

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Mind you if they were to bring him back and do a sort of "Chim Chim Cheree" ala Dick Van Dyke style, you might have something like this...(done In the style of "Snatch")

They won't make him sing and dance will they? Star Wars- The Musical a la The Lion King.

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My son loved it, if you watch it through the eyes of an adult, it is going to suck, but if you embrace escapism, you will like it.

^ Yeah, no kidding. I am sure it will suck, just like the last four...Return of the Jedi to whatever the hell the last piece of shit was called.

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My son loved it, if you watch it through the eyes of an adult, it is going to suck, but if you embrace escapism, you will like it.

True for most, but even as a kid I preferred drama to syrupy sweet children's programming. I was brought up watching The Marathon Man, Midnight Cowboy, and The Boys from Brazil. When Empire came out I loved it, more dark and deep. Then when Return came out I just about shit my pants when I saw the Ewoks, I thought, who the hell let Jim Henson in this thing? WTF happened?

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My son loved it, if you watch it through the eyes of an adult, it is going to suck, but if you embrace escapism, you will like it.

Depends on the kid. When my godson was 10, we took him to see all three original Star Wars movies when they were screened at a local theatre. He liked Star Wars okay, thought Empire was better and his reaction at the end of Return of the Jedi was: What was with those gay Ewoks?

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No she is not...and I actually enjoyed her books, especially "Postcards from the Edge". Her mom, Debbie Reynolds' books are a blast, too.

That's the thing...I think Carrie could do so much better...she deserves better than to whore herself out in another brainless Star Wars sequel.

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As opposed to what? Whoring herself out to Spiderman, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Star Trek... etc.

J.J. Abrams will be directing the new Star Wars film. He's had some reasonable success with Lost and Star Trek. I'll see how this one goes. Who knows, he may pull it off?

Why does the alternative have to be some comic or superhero franchise? All those fanboy movies you listed...is that all you can see Carrie in?

Personally, I like to remember how good she was in "Shampoo", and think she would be great in a nice smart, witty comedy ensemble piece.

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:blink: Good news? For who? In what bizarro alternate universe would this be considered good news by reasonably sane people?

Will this be Princess Leia: The Rehab Years?

Maybe Princess Leia is now Queen Leia...and they could cast Debbie Reynolds as the Queen Mum.

Oh yeah, get ready for Disney to start cranking shit out to recoup their investment.

you are such a bully. does that make you proud

i know somebody who met carrie at a hospital and she was so kind to their daughter who was sick with lukemia. its so sad that people just enjoy putting other people down.

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^ OMG, c'mon now people and lighten up. This is just silly banter, nothing more. No offense is meant and if you have ever seen the several roasts of celebrities where Carrie Fischer is involved, you will see that what Strider and others are saying is very tame by comparison. Hell, even Fischer herself makes fun of her past addictions and weight gain, she is a marvelous person with a great sense of humor...unlike some folk on this forum.


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carrie had a rough life. i don't think its easy for her sometimes. so much of what her life was reminds me of judy garlands. sometimes when people make fun of themselves its because they hurt inside. something to think about

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It's all right, people, I don't mind kipper. Probably a returning former member just trying to stir shit up.

I rest easy because I know my track record here is above board and secure...I don't harrass(sexually and otherwise) people with PMs, I don't pry into people's personal lives, I don't go on witchhunts, I don't spam or post bullshit, and while I may get in an argument or two, I'm usually the first to walk away and not let it disrupt the forum.

If kipper doesn't like me, fine. No skin off my back...you can't be liked by everyone anyway. I still have people mad at me for saying Major Major had as much right to be given a second chance here as Jahfin. Or Big Dan.

Kipper can scream "bully" all he/she wants. Doesn't bother me and it never will. Because I know the truth says otherwise and I know most people can see that truth for themselves.

If kipper had read my post a little more closely, kipper would have seen how I actually sympathize and feel sorry for Carrie. She is a woman with some talent for writing and a biting, sassy sense of humour. She could be a Nora Ephron or Elaine May, writing screenplays...and even acting in them.

If she needs the money, fine, do a Star Wars sequel. But she deserves better. That's the main point I was trying to make.

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i can only say what I saw was people being mean to carrie fisher. she is very talented and has a wonderful soul.i dont like to argue either i just call them like i see them

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