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Does anybody still listen to vinyl?


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Anybody out there still listen to records? I love to put on a record and just let it spin and listen to a whole side just start to finish! I have a pretty nice collection, thrift shops and hand me downs from my parents. I like listening to stuff on youtube, but if I can listen to it at home on my turntable, I much prefer that!

Here is actually the first guitar lead I ever learned, a great song from a great BB king album

anybody else have a love for vinyl?

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I'm a vinyl junkie! Got over 1000 records collected over 36 years. First was Led Zeppelin IV in 1977.

I swear vinyl played on a quality system will beat digital recordings every time - you can't replicate that warm bass sound like you can using vinyl.

Mp3s with their compressed flat sound don't let the music breathe.

Then of course you have the artwork on the sleeve to admire - better still if it's a gatefold!

Don't get that with downloads eh?

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Really nice vinyl collection you have got there. I gave my collection away when cassettes came along, but I still miss the release of new vinyl in the days when bands put so much effort into the album's artwork. It was helpful whenever they printed the songs' lyrics inside.

Hope you are getting on ok :)


Vinyl just does it better.

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Yes!! Only a small collection so far, 228 to be exact but it's made it to where when I'm in the States I can't drive past a yard sale or a resale shop :P I actually got Led Zep II and IV for 50 cents each at a yardsale! Only red/green label but still!! :D And when in the UK I'm on ebay constantly! I love records the art, the sound, even the smell! :P

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I started collecting a couple of years ago. I have a tiny collection of maybe 50 albums but I am rather picky. I try to collect only those that were released prior to CDs. I like the original.

There is a warmth to the sound and a tactile quality to holding the records and playing them that you don't get with CDs.

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When it comes to listening to music for pure pleasure, damn right I still listen to vinyl...artists can digitally remaster till they're blue in the face but IMO provided you have the right pressing of the LP (and a good turntable, of course) nothing beats vinyl for sound quality.

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I own several LPs and I also own a turntable which I recently bought. However, I don´t listen to vinyl, I transfer the sound to iPOd and that's how I listen. I don't have the time to actually sit down to listen to music, I hear those albums when I drive, walk, jog or otherwise I'm doing something and moving around the place with the headphones on, I just don't have the time to listen to a vinyl record.

Yet I like to buy my favourite albums / artists on vinyl for collection purposes.

Edited by Janvier
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Sorry I also wanted to add that some vinyl records do not seem to be affected by the loudness wars which are affecting the sound of CDs, I know for a fact that some LPs are mastered differently, which is why ripping the sound off vinyl provides a much better audio experience than that of the CD, this is a reason why I bought some of my recent vinyl LPs, the volume on some CDs just makes them unlistenable.

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Really nice vinyl collection you have got there. I gave my collection away when cassettes came along, but I still miss the release of new vinyl in the days when bands put so much effort into the album's artwork. It was helpful whenever they printed the songs' lyrics inside.

Hope you are getting on ok :)

Thanks, Kenog for asking

Feeling amazing for the last 2 weeks............for some reason my creativity had drastically blossomed and gets me thru the periods of blues that sometimes pop up on unexpected moments. All in all I realize I am far better off right now than before.


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I love to put on a record and just let it spin and listen to a whole side just start to finish!

anybody else have a love for vinyl?

You know who else loves vinyl? Women! Most people here are probably older and married but as a younger fellow I can tell you that 20 something girls, most of whom have never handled a record, really dig it. I've never had a girl be impressed with my CD rack but they love it when I play a record for them. B)

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Well you know what they say... NOTHING's FINAL TILL ITS VINYL! :P

Vinyl and ONLY Vinyl!!!

Started actively collecting about 4 years ago. Half of my humble collection is comprised out of the LPs I've inherited from my Dad. The other half are the ones that I bought either through vinyl get-togethers or at Amazon/E-Bay/Discogs...

I try very hard to be sure that I buy only the early first pressings of the vintage bands and albums. I also collect some of the modern bands and albums that I think are really worth it...

My recent purchases and additions to my collection are:

Blood Ceremony - Living With The Ancients

Black Mountain - In The Future

Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Blood Lust


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