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Awkward Zeppelin moments?


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Mine was back in my high...school days. During lunch break we would sometimes walk across the street to a friend's house to catch a buzz and crank some tunes since his mom worked and we had the house to ourselves.
One day there were about five of us down in the basement passing a couple bongs around with Led Zeppelin II blaring and a girl was doing this somewhat suggestive dancing along with them. She was a little rowdy one. She liked wearing a cheerleader outfit to school sometimes even though she wasn't really a cheerleader. She was wearing it that day in fact, so maybe it was the outfit more than the dance itself that seemed suggestive, or it could have been a combination of both along with the music.
So I was thinking about all this while taking a bong hit, and was the only one in the room to notice my friend's mom(Who obviously had decided to come home for lunch that day as well) standing there in the doorway just staring at us with a WTF look of shock on her face as Plant was explaining, very loudly, that the way you squeeze his lemon he's gonna fall right out of bed, with the girl really getting into her dance at that point and I started coughing a huge geyser of smoke I could no longer hold.
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But what is the end of the story? :o

I can't say I had any socially awkward LZ moments...I think you had more fun than I did in high school...I was a moody loner and none of my friends were as into Zeppelin as I was. The only awkward moment I remember was when the Led Zeppelin poster I had on my wall kept falling down because the putty I used to stick it to the wall was no match for the humidity of a Washington DC area summer...

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The end of the story? The parental unit confiscated the bongs. We went back to class, and didn't see our friend for a few weeks.

A few years later I had another awkward moment involving a speeding ticket, Misty Mountain Hop, and a cop that had an odd sense of humor.

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In high school, there was a guy in one of my classes named Scottie Galler.

I didn't know him well, and I didn't know anyone who did.

He had kinda long hair, but seemed almost to be possibly mentally challenged, although he was in normal classes.

I sometimes thought he might be such a serious burnout that he just SEEMED retarded.

Either way, somehow one day he discovered I was into Zeppelin.

Lo and behold, so was he.

And quite intensely.

So from then on, he constantly talked to me about LZ, which I didn't mid, but sometimes he would get quite focused on discussing LZ to the exclusion of whatever else was going on, like, say, class.

This was a rather small thing, but it really stuck in my head as an indication of how strangely obsessed with Zeppelin he was -

Somehow the discussion in class included New Orleans, and when the teacher actually said "New Orleans", suddenly Scottie got my attention, and when I looked at him, he had this goofy, conspiratorial grin on his face as he whispered loudly, "ROYAL Orleans!", then kind of giggled.

So yes, that was an awkward Zeppelin moment.

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Mine was back in my high...school days. During lunch break we would sometimes walk across the street to a friend's house to catch a buzz and crank some tunes since his mom worked and we had the house to ourselves.
One day there were about five of us down in the basement passing a couple bongs around with Led Zeppelin II blaring and a girl was doing this somewhat suggestive dancing along with them. She was a little rowdy one. She liked wearing a cheerleader outfit to school sometimes even though she wasn't really a cheerleader. She was wearing it that day in fact, so maybe it was the outfit more than the dance itself that seemed suggestive, or it could have been a combination of both along with the music.
So I was thinking about all this while taking a bong hit, and was the only one in the room to notice my friend's mom(Who obviously had decided to come home for lunch that day as well) standing there in the doorway just staring at us with a WTF look of shock on her face as Plant was explaining, very loudly, that the way you squeeze his lemon he's gonna fall right out of bed, with the girl really getting into her dance at that point and I started coughing a huge geyser of smoke I could no longer hold.
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Thinking about it I do have quite a few awkward moments that occur when I wear a Zeppelin t-shirt, for example: I'll be in a queue and some 60 year old bloke is like "I like Led Zeppelin too!!!!" this kind of situation has happened about half a dozen times over the years and I'm not really sure how I'm meant to respond. Unfortunately, it's never happened with some hot Zeppelin loving chick.

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My girlfriend (at the time) and me were walking around Soho (NY) one evening when a very obvious and very drunk drag queen walked by wearing a Led Zeppelin tee shirt and singing Black Dog at the top of her / his lungs. My girlfriend who was not a Zeppelin fan looked at me and said, "Wow, Zeppelin really does cross all boundaries."


Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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LOL, I wanted to bust on him on that one, too.

*Looking under hood, hands on hips* Now, see, there's your problem right there...

If your girlfriend isn't a zep fan how is one going to be able to name their daughter "Page" and their sons "Bonzo" "Plant" and "John Paul" :Thinking:

Edited by Pagesbow
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If I'd had a daughter, I would have named her Page (and if I'd had a son, I would have named him Blake).

Not sure why a couple of the scenes above were awkward...someone says they like Led Zeppelin too, they're just making conversation. A drag queen bursts out into song--they're into histrionics, that's what's fun about them. Jimmy Page liked (likes?) drag queens...am I picking up on some "homosexual panic" here?

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^ No, no, not homosexual panic at all, you simply had to be there as this guy was so over the top. I would have felt the same way if it was some out of control redneck waving his cock around while singing squeeze my lemon. I like to think that all people who love Zeppelin are intelligent, cultured, kind, and well mannered. I know that is naive but that was the source of my embarrassment.

BTW, damn right that would be a deal breaker now but the well adjusted and relatively self confident chap you see before you now did not exist in 1994. In those days I was fresh out of the military, very confused, and had very low self esteem. I probably would have dated a serial killer if she said she liked me and was somewhat kind to me. The journey from that person to who I am today is why I went into psychology (other reasons too). Just to give you all an idea of how screwed up I was back then I would not wear a Zeppelin shirt in public myself because I did not want my favorite band to be associated with the likes of me...Existential crisis was an understatement.

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March 27, 1975 at the Fabulous Forum of Inglewood. The end of a very long four day stretch of concerts and some irresponsible behaviour finally caught up with me and I dozed off during "Moby Dick". I was woken up during "Dazed and Confused" by a buddy and totally felt embarrassed for falling asleep.

Edited by Strider
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If I'd had a daughter, I would have named her Page (and if I'd had a son, I would have named him Blake).

Not sure why a couple of the scenes above were awkward...someone says they like Led Zeppelin too, they're just making conversation. A drag queen bursts out into song--they're into histrionics, that's what's fun about them. Jimmy Page liked (likes?) drag queens...am I picking up on some "homosexual panic" here?

Percy for a boy maybe? :P maybe not....Page would be the only realistic one, for me.

Jimmy Page likes drag queens? you learn something new everyday....

BTW, damn right that would be a deal breaker now but the well adjusted and relatively self confident chap you see before you now did not exist in 1994. In those days I was fresh out of the military, very confused, and had very low self esteem. I probably would have dated a serial killer if she said she liked me and was somewhat kind to me. The journey from that person to who I am today is why I went into psychology (other reasons too). Just to give you all an idea of how screwed up I was back then I would not wear a Zeppelin shirt in public myself because I did not want my favorite band to be associated with the likes of me...Existential crisis was an understatement.

I get that, back in the day I found it hard to wear a zeppelin t-shirt in public as I was socially phobic and I didn't want to stand out or bring attention to myself; which is partly why I became a drag queen. Yes, many a night have I sung Black Dog at the top of my lungs - I just can't help myself.

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I get that, back in the day I found it hard to wear a zeppelin t-shirt in public as I was socially phobic and I didn't want to stand out or bring attention to myself; which is partly why I became a drag queen. Yes, many a night have I sung Black Dog at the top of my lungs - I just can't help myself.


Well, any wanker who gave me s*** for wearing a Zep shirt (the 80's and 90's,in my experiences) quickly got the 1 finger salute and two words and they weren't Merry Chistmas! :lol:

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