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How is your collection organized?


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This isn't really for people who have their Zeppelin music collection on their computer, although it can be I suppose. It's for people with vinyls, cd's, dvd's etc. It can be fun organizing your collection. Does anyone take special care in organizing your studio and live official and unofficial Zeppelin and post-Zep music collection?? Does anyone put all your official releases and unoffical stuff in chronological order together? I think it's neat to store them chronologically. So are you a chronological type of person with your Zep and post-Zep stuff? And also do you keep them out, shelved, or boxed in safe crates/containers? Or no particular order at all?

Edited by luvlz2
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I have organized all albums alphabetically (by last name/band name)

Abba/ Beatles/ (Alice)Cooper etc.

All the albums by one artist are then put in a chronological order, including bootlegs. I try to fit in bootlegs by the date they were recorded.

Edited by reswati
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Alphabetically by artist>chronological by release date has always been my habit for vinyl/cassette/CD (sorry, no 8 tracks :lol: )

Naturally my 'puter files everything alphabetically, live gigs go by tour date (i.e. 6/21/77)

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Generally speaking everything is archived chronologically but segregated according to artist, type and format:


Official Releases: Albums / Singles & EPs / Samplers

(Formats: CD, LP, Cassette, 8 track, etc)

Led Zeppelin

-Page & Plant

-Jimmy Page

--Session Era

---Yardbirds Era

---Post-Zeppelin Era

----The Firm


-----Other Collaborations

-Robert Plant

-John Paul Jones

-Them Crooked Vultures

--Other Collaborations

-Jason Bonham

--Virginia Wolf


----Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience

-----Other Collaborations

-Tribute Artists

--Dread Zeppelin

---The White

----Assorted Tribute Artists

Radio Programs:

(as above)

Television Programs:

(as above)


(as above)

Bootleg Recordings (Audio/Video):

(as above)

Publications are filed in strict chronological order, segregated into 1) books, 2) newspapers and magazines

Everything else is pretty much chronological order segregated by artist

I'm hoping to digitize the archive to the furthest extent possible to create a virtual archive

Edited by SteveAJones
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Cheers to you if you organize your Zep/post-Zep chronologically by date (from beginning to present, the official releases mixed in with your unofficial etc. all by release/performance date), or if you put any sort of attention to your collection in that way at all. :thumbsup:

Edited by luvlz2
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I organise mine much the same as the rest - by artist alphabetically, and then chronologically.

I was wondering if anyone here has ever used one of those cd cleaning kits. I don't believe for a minute that they can help with scratches, but if anyone has had a particularly good or bad report about them, I be grateful to hear.

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With the CD's it is mixture of Feng Shui and it must be around here somewhere.....!

True dat, especially when it comes to CDR copies of bootlegs I listen to once or twice and then stash away in a box...three years later I'll get a hankering to hear such and such show and spend half the goddamn day digging through boxes of old CDs looking for it :lol:

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This isn't really for people who have their Zeppelin music collection on their computer, although it can be I suppose. It's for people with vinyls, cd's, dvd's etc. It can be fun organizing your collection. Does anyone take special care in organizing your studio and live official and unofficial Zeppelin and post-Zep music collection?? Does anyone put all your official releases and unoffical stuff in chronological order together? I think it's neat to store them chronologically. So are you a chronological type of person with your Zep and post-Zep stuff? And also do you keep them out, shelved, or boxed in safe crates/containers? Or no particular order at all?

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Ooh audio geek time! :)

My digital bootlegs are listed using the Year-Month-Day calendar system that's common among music & bootleg sites. In case you don't know this, today would be listed as 2013.05.30 - it's dead handy for chronological listings, plus you can easily separate multiple gigs at the same venue (e.g. Earl's Court '75, L.A. '77 etc).

As for my vinyls... sadly all got mixed up on my last house move in February. I do have a private date planned for me and my records - an alphabeticising party if you will. Some things a man must do alone... *cough* :hysterical:

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As for my vinyls... sadly all got mixed up on my last house move in February. I do have a private date planned for me and my records - an alphabeticising party if you will. Some things a man must do alone... *cough* :hysterical:

Indeed, my wife doesn't even like to touch my records/turntable, not even for dusting or anything like that...I'm the house vinylophile, she sticks to CDs and her mp3...:lol:

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This article in the New York Times features a question and answer about preservation of audio recordings as well as preservation of photos and other items:


Not a bad article. Based on my own experience, though, I'd suggest that people maintain the physical items as well as possible -- hard-drives die, too, and more often than I've had a CD that won't play.

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Additional to my last post:

Now that I have a fast-moving, hands-a-grabbing 18-month-old, my vinyls and CDs are gradually going up the world. The most valued & valuable items to the top shelves; the ones I can afford to lose to the child claws are on the 2nd highest shelves.

Consider it a test of practicing selective non-materialism. Other parents and some animal owners will know what I mean.

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Alphabetical, except I have The Beatles & their solo releases first, and Led Zeppelin and their solo releases last. CDS are just placed in racks, the only order is that I put each group/artists together, so when I play a CD I just have to look for the artist. Cassettes are in two plastic boxes in no particular order.

Edited by Plantpothead
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All cd's by Alphabetical order... in case of bands I have Official and bootleg releases... first all the official albums... then all the bootlegs by recording dates... (In the case of studio outtakes bootlegs, I put them between the official releases and the live bootlegs)

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