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Mr. Richard Pryor


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I would like to dedicate this topic to the Greatest Comedian of All-Time. Mr. Richard Pryor.

I think that Richard Pryor was/is the Greatest Fucking and Funniest Man ever. (John Belushi is my second favorite).

I Love the fact that Mr. Pryor was an honest man and had the "balls" to incorporate his real lifestyle and his Cocaine use into his Live act. LONG LIVE RICHARD PRYOR!!!

Some of the funniest Shit I have ever heard.

I know that I am not the only person to love the talents of the late GREAT Richard Pryor.

Edited by kingzoso
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Does James Gandolfini know about this?

I LOL'd for reals.

But to the topic at hand...

Yes, Richard Pryor is one of my favorite comedians, as well.

I think it's a measure of how funny a comedian is when even another comedian doing an impression of him is hysterical.

Tell that muthafucker to suck MY dick!

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In high school I gave the double LP release he had as a gift to a classmate I was trying to get in close with.... she played it in the living room while her parents were there. Uh-oh. Door got shut and I was called to come pick that crap up and to never talk to their daughter again.

The bit where is was talking about the monkey still makes me laugh. Great thread.

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I recently had the pleasure of meeting Richard Pryor's widow at a tribute night to Richard Pryor the American Cinematheque had a few months ago.

They showed the first two concert films he did, which were revolutionary. Before that, nobody had thought you could release a comedian's standup act as a film. The sucess of "Richard Pryor Live" and "Live on the Sunset Strip" paved the way for everyone else that followed. Watch those films now and you can see how Eddie Murphy basically stole his act...Eddie's concert movies are almost an exact replication of Richard Pryor.

Richard Pryor was the real deal. How did we go from Pryor to a sham like Dean Cook?

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  • 1 month later...

I still remember when I was driving home from work (from the TSA in Houston, Texas) when I heard on the the radio that Mr. Richard Pryor had died. I was driving home at around 10:30 at night and I actually cried the rest of my way home. It still makes me sad to remember that night.

Richard Pryor, in my opinion, was the most honest and funniest/craziest man I ever Loved, but never saw or met. (Right now, as I type this, I have actual tears in My eyes).

I do not care what Anyone thinks or says, Richard Pryor will go down in American History as the Greatest Comedian of All-Time.

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  • 11 months later...

I just came across this Great, Funny, Powerful and extremely Sad documentary about the Late and Great Mr. Richard Pryor. Even if happen to be a fan, half a fan or don't know that much about this Comic American Genius, I urge You to take the 83 minutes or so to watch this Awesome documentary. It will make You laugh and cry at the same time.


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  • 10 months later...

I liked this story that John Landis the director of Animal House told:

In the comedy film Animal House there is this scene where the frat boys end up taking their dates out to a bar in a black neighborhood where the "white boys" are not too welcome and then there is this part where they are intimidated by the "brothers" and one of the white frat boys says. "the Negroes stole our dates."

Well, the censors at Universal Pictures told Landis that he needed to delete that scene because Universal feared it was too insensitive. So John Landis asked Richard Pryor to view the scene and see what he thought, and Pryor laughed and said something like, "you white people are crazy that is funny shit leave that part in."

So the scene stayed in the film and it was funny. Thank God "PC" didn't win the day, which is what made people like Pryor, Bruce, Carlin and so many others funny. They "got it" when it came to race relations and were not afraid to put it out there for people to digest and think about stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Does James Gandolfini know about this?

Jimmy Gandolfini and Richard Pryor have been both deceased for longer then I wished.  I am an easy going person, but you hoped to call me out about this.  Jimmy and Bryan Cranston (BrBa) are two of the Greatest American television Actors of All-Time. 

Richard Pryor was the Greatest American Comedian ever.  I will stake My Life and Reputation on this statement.  Even Robert Plant was a fan of Mr. Pryor.  Am I wrong?

Edited by kingzoso
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When I was a Sophomore in college, in 1974, I ran across this Richard Pryor LP in a record store. I bought it on impulse. It was one of the funniest comedy albums I had ever heard or listened to up to that time.

I would play this album loudly in my dorm room, with the door open, and other students would come around the corner, in amazement to see what it was all about.


Track listing:
"I Hope I'm Funny" - 3:28
"Nigger With a Seizure" - 5:24
"Have Your Ass Home By 11:00" - 2:30
"Black and White Lifestyles" - 3:43
"Exorcist" - 1:53
"Wino Dealing with Dracula" - 2:11
"Flying Saucers" - 1:09
"The Back Down" - 3:37
"Black Man/White Woman" - 0:55
"Niggers vs. Police" - 1:42
"Wino & Junkie" - 7:06

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