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Conspiracy Theories...


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I know and You know that you are not what he said. You are a cool chick and you have your opinions just like he does and I do.

Do not take offense to what anyone may say to you or about you. Words are just that, words. Words like that can only hurt you if You let them hurt you.

With saying that, I personally do not think that the terrorist attacks on the United States of America on September 11, 2001 is or was an "inside job" perpetuated by any faction within the United States Government. (I know that there are thousands of people in the U.S. and around the World who may think this, but I am not One of them).

The United States of America was "attacked" by Islamic "jihadist" who hijacked and killed innocent Americans that were unfortunate to have been on those early morning flights originating from the American East Coast and heading for the American West Coast. Sadly, what is done is done, however, those 19 cowards also died in the name of their false god (and who can name their names and praise them now. What they did was devastating but they are long dead and those that do worship them will join them in their stupid and vain attempt to "bring America down").

The United States of America is a "Mighty" and "Formidable" Country. It has been since Its formation. Sure, there have been bad and unfortunate things that have happened to it, but what makes the United States of America the Greatest Country in the History of the World is that AMERICANS know how to Fight, defend, protect, and cherish the things that WE LOVE. There is nothing in the world that came Break our History or Resolve.

For those that wish to say Negative things about what I just posted, fell free. That is your right unless you live in a country that is the total opposite of America.

I enjoy criticism. Again, the right to Free Speech is paramount to a free and honest society.

Just for the record I did not call out anyone individually by name with my comment about crazy 911 myths. When I made my comment I didn't even know anyone here believed that garbage.

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if you don't believe it is/was possible, then maybe i should pity you.

lots of things about the " official " story do not add up.

Failed logic. Lots of things about the conspiracy theory do not add up. Yet you don't question that.

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If you believed he was silenced then then you are supporting the possibility of another person other than Oswald being involved. Are you not? No wiggle room on this one. If you say Ruby did it to silence him then you are saying others were involved yet you say you believe in the one gunman theory. Perhaps Oswald was the only shooter, but if he was paid, that means he did not act alone. I am still on the fence on this and always will be unless new evidence comes to light. I have always been fascinated by this and disgusted also as I liked JFK alot. This day disrupted the lives of Americans in a huge way,. It was a day I remember and I was 6 and 1/2 yrs of age. I have seen every single special and all the Zepruder films hundreds of times. I do believe there could have been a gunman in the grassy knoll. Ruby's killing of Oswald left us without answers. Now they are almost certain Siran Siran did not act alone, they recently reported there was a second gun. So what does this bastard have to lose now by coming clean on all? Or perhaps he has told them more than they are telling us?

Sorry Rick. I just saw this last night or I would have replied sooner.

Just to be clear, I don't think Oswald acted alone.

But, I think it's been proven that all of the shots could have been fired by one gunman.

There was nothing magic about the magic bullet. The History Channel has an amazing documentary breaking down the Zapruder footage frame by frame. It shows that the magic bullet didn't turn and curve and do somersaults. It was a straight shot.

I always thought the fatal head shot looked like it came from the front too.

This documentary is a must see.


I don't think we'll ever fully know who was involved and why it happened.

Too many theories floating around as it is.. But I definitely don't think Oswald acted alone... and never said that.

He might have been the only shooter.

I hear you Rick. Being 7 years old at the time, I'm sure it is a crystal clear memory for you even today.

I was only 8 months old so obviously I have no memory of it. But, I grew up in an Irish Catholic family from Massachusetts who were huge Kennedy supporters.. so it had major impact.


True story .. I was in the same Hospital (Boston Children's) as The Kennedy's 3rd child, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy.

Patrick died 2 days after he was born. I was around 5 months old and was being checked for Epilepsy and seizures.

My parents came to see me, had to get through Security etc to get to the section / room we were in.. The nurses told them they just missed The President and that he was sitting there for a while holding me.

I hope I gave him some sort of comfort when obviously he was going through such a tough time.

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if you don't believe it is/was possible, then maybe i should pity you.

lots of things about the " official " story do not add up.

There were oversights and mistakes made all around..

Looking back, you would think alarm bells would have gone off at the flight schools these "assholes" went to.

There should have been some concern that these future "pilots" didn't care about take offs and landings....only how to steer and fly while in the air..

But an inside job to drum up anger so we could declare war and get oil? ... no fucking way. sorry.

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Why did Abraham Lincoln not receive the same attention as JFK..

I really don't follow on that one.

What do you mean? There have been more books written about Lincoln than there have on JFK. Lincoln's assassination got plenty of attention and still does to this day.

Edited by Strider
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I don't think Oswald was the lone shooter, I believe there were at least two others and the final head shot, shown in the Zapruder film, came from the front and right of Kennedy, impossible for that shot to have come from the front. Also, if there were only one shooter and the shot came from behind why was the Kennedy autopsy falsified? Why was all the evidence destroyed?

That History Channel story was pure BS, I saw that and their "theory" on how the magic bullet was not magic was crazier than believing in the magic bullet theory to begin with. Fist off there was no way they could know the exact position of Kennedy and Connoly in the car, they simply lined up the dummies they way THEY wanted them to be in the car and say that is how they were in the car. Thats called making the evidence fit the crime and that dog don't hunt.

Who did it? I don't know, all I know is that from the evidence Oswald did not act alone, evidence was destroyed intentionally, and a cover up was in place.

I agree with Salve to Zep, I think there are some fishy shit with 911. I don't think the government had anything to do with it per se except for the Pentagon thing, that "attack" is pretty much proven NOT to have been a plane. I live out by Luke AFB and when an F-16 crashes into the ground at Mach 2 on occasion, there is always debris and the major engine parts are fully intact. Where did those pesky 767 engines go? How did a 767 fit into a 15' round hole? Where was all the luggage and body parts? Most importantly, where were the countless video tapes? How come the FBI confiscated all the tapes from surrounding businesses???


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I don't think Oswald was the lone shooter, I believe there were at least two others and the final head shot, shown in the Zapruder film, came from the front and right of Kennedy, impossible for that shot to have come from the front. Also, if there were only one shooter and the shot came from behind why was the Kennedy autopsy falsified? Why was all the evidence destroyed?

That History Channel story was pure BS, I saw that and their "theory" on how the magic bullet was not magic was crazier than believing in the magic bullet theory to begin with. Fist off there was no way they could know the exact position of Kennedy and Connoly in the car, they simply lined up the dummies they way THEY wanted them to be in the car and say that is how they were in the car. Thats called making the evidence fit the crime and that dog don't hunt.

Who did it? I don't know, all I know is that from the evidence Oswald did not act alone, evidence was destroyed intentionally, and a cover up was in place.

I agree with Salve to Zep, I think there are some fishy shit with 911. I don't think the government had anything to do with it per se except for the Pentagon thing, that "attack" is pretty much proven NOT to have been a plane. I live out by Luke AFB and when an F-16 crashes into the ground at Mach 2 on occasion, there is always debris and the major engine parts are fully intact. Where did those pesky 767 engines go? How did a 767 fit into a 15' round hole? Where was all the luggage and body parts? Most importantly, where were the countless video tapes? How come the FBI confiscated all the tapes from surrounding businesses???


thanks, sag.

and where are the black boxes?

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What do you mean? There have been more books written about Lincoln than there have on JFK. Lincoln's assassination got plenty of attention and still does to this day.

No on seems to dispute Lincolns shooting.

What I mean is people do get shot, with Kennedy ,when I was younger everyone would mention where they were when they heard the news, now it seems more about theories.

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No on seems to dispute Lincolns shooting.

What I mean is people do get shot, with Kennedy ,when I was younger everyone would mention where they were when they heard the news, now it seems more about theories.

I think there are huge differences here to consider. Since Booth was actually seen shooting Lincoln there was no dispute what happened. Then, the conspiracy itself between Booth & has compatriots was easily discovered, Booth killed, and the conspirators rounded up, tried, and hanged in public. It don't get anymore cut and dried then that!

No one saw Oswald shoot anybody. He supposedly made three shots in under six seconds, two of which were perfectly on mark, with a POS mail order Italian crap rifle with an unadjusted scope; a possibly magic bullet which was responsible, or not for three woulds; an autopsy which was completely covered up and ALL of the evidence missing or destroyed except for the pristine magic bullet itself; Jack Ruby coming out of nowhere and assassinating Oswald in front of a whole police department in a supposedly secure building.

Way, way too much going on there for coincidence. The mathematical probability is most likely in the billions to one. Occam's Razor Baby!

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Any thoughts on the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers? The Bilderbergers (most powerful people in the world) apparently meet once a year at a hidden location. I also heard the Rothchilds ( a banking dynasty from Europe starting in 1700's) are the most powerful family in the world in terms of wealth and power yet they are somewhat obscure from the media. And on a more important note, why does Jeff Beck look so young??? His body looks 30 and his face looks 50 but he is like 68!!!!!

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I don't think Oswald was the lone shooter, I believe there were at least two others and the final head shot, shown in the Zapruder film, came from the front and right of Kennedy, impossible for that shot to have come from the front. Also, if there were only one shooter and the shot came from behind why was the Kennedy autopsy falsified? Why was all the evidence destroyed?

That History Channel story was pure BS, I saw that and their "theory" on how the magic bullet was not magic was crazier than believing in the magic bullet theory to begin with. Fist off there was no way they could know the exact position of Kennedy and Connoly in the car, they simply lined up the dummies they way THEY wanted them to be in the car and say that is how they were in the car. Thats called making the evidence fit the crime and that dog don't hunt.

Who did it? I don't know, all I know is that from the evidence Oswald did not act alone, evidence was destroyed intentionally, and a cover up was in place.

I agree with Salve to Zep, I think there are some fishy shit with 911. I don't think the government had anything to do with it per se except for the Pentagon thing, that "attack" is pretty much proven NOT to have been a plane. I live out by Luke AFB and when an F-16 crashes into the ground at Mach 2 on occasion, there is always debris and the major engine parts are fully intact. Where did those pesky 767 engines go? How did a 767 fit into a 15' round hole? Where was all the luggage and body parts? Most importantly, where were the countless video tapes? How come the FBI confiscated all the tapes from surrounding businesses???


OMG that just sounds so hillarious. First of all the wing dug into the ground and sheared off, and the other wing broke apart as in struck the building. The Pentagon was built to withstand a blast with thick window glass and all. For your theory to work it would mean that thousands of people were in on the conspiracy and never talked about it. What a joke! LOL

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No on seems to dispute Lincolns shooting.

What I mean is people do get shot, with Kennedy ,when I was younger everyone would mention where they were when they heard the news, now it seems more about theories.

Two differences.

1. Lincoln's assassination was witnessed by a host of people and James Wilkes Booth all but signed his name as the assassin when he boasted from the stage with a flourish, "Sic semper tyrannis!"

2. People talk about the Kennedy assassination more today because there are still many people who were alive when it happened. Nobody is alive from when Lincoln was shot. Go back to the 1890s and you would find the Lincoln assassination a lively topic of conversation and conjecture.

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OMG that just sounds so hillarious. First of all the wing dug into the ground and sheared off, and the other wing broke apart as in struck the building. The Pentagon was built to withstand a blast with thick window glass and all. For your theory to work it would mean that thousands of people were in on the conspiracy and never talked about it. What a joke! LOL

If one of the wings impacted the building, why no damage from that wing? Where are the engines? Where is the luggage, dead people, video from one of over twenty different cameras pointed at the very location? Finally, it was proven there is no way a 767 could have made a hole that small and that deep into the Pentagon.

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There really was nothing on TV coverage that showed any debris from the plane or anything, just a hole in the building and a fire I think. I read there was an eyewitness in South Parking that saw the plane go in, but it is still a mystery as to where all the debris went as well as the people on board. I find it hard to imagine the whole jet vaporized.

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When you're young, you look at television and think, there's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want.

Steve Jobs

Sounds exactly like something Steve Jobs would say, he is the leader of the global conspiracy after all!!! Everyone knows he is not really dead right? :beat:

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If one of the wings impacted the building, why no damage from that wing? Where are the engines? Where is the luggage, dead people, video from one of over twenty different cameras pointed at the very location? Finally, it was proven there is no way a 767 could have made a hole that small and that deep into the Pentagon.

My brother said the shock alone blew the computers and tables over. He said the fuselage landed in the office next to his.

My other brother worked security on the other side on the Pentagon. A minute after the announcement came over telling everyone to evacuate. That another plane may be on the way. People were running through fire over bodies. People burning. Pitch black inside from the smoke.

My dad was called the night before. They told him not to come in. No rush on the project. They would be remodeling his office. And boy did they ever! :whistling: His office was the hole.

I don't know for certain if my brother ever saw the fuselage, or was told that. I've never asked either about 9/11. Just what my dad has told me. It's kind of one of those things I wonder if I should bother rehashing.

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