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sugar is evil

slave to zep

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Obesity is a plague these days. When I see someone so overweight I actually feel sorry for them, but then they only did it to themselves. T :rollin:

True. Yet, this begs the question: Why can some people scarf junk food and never gain an ounce while the rest of us must watch our calorie intake if we don't want to pack on the pounds? A related question: If processed food additives are the chief culprit in the obesity epidemic why don't they affect everyone in the same way? Most Americans eat some of these foods but not everyone who eats them becomes morbidly obese.

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Natural brown sugars (not the brown sugar stuff that is actually white sugar) vs. white granulated sugars massive difference

Too true. I should have signified the difference.

I am fortunate in that I know how to cook and can make anything from scratch and live in an area where fresh ingredients are available all-year-round. Even though I kid CJW about his H2O intake, he's right, and I imbibe at least 6-8 tall glasses of water a day.

I'm not saying I'm in perfect shape...I'm not. I am far from my high-school weight. But even though I have added the pounds, it has to be that I eat lots of fresh food and limit the intake of processed and fast-food that has allowed me to still get a clean bill of health at my last full-physical. My heart, pulse, colonoscopy, cholesterol levels...everything perfect.

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I just read an interesting article in the Huffington Post on this topic. It implicates high fructose corn syrup not only in the current obesity epidemic but in several other health problems.


Edited by Disco Duck
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Yes, genetics, that is why someone like me who exercises, runs, hikes, and eats right still has to drink 1 oz of apple cider vinegar and a glass of psyllium husk every day just to keep my cholesterol at 190 - 200. My mom has been overweight her whole life and currently weighs 215 at 5'10" and 71 years old, eats whatever she wants (does not overindulge) yet does not have high blood pressure and her cholesterol is always 150. Go figure???

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Yes, genetics, that is why someone like me who exercises, runs, hikes, and eats right still has to drink 1 oz of apple cider vinegar and a glass of psyllium husk every day just to keep my cholesterol at 190 - 200. My mom has been overweight her whole life and currently weighs 215 at 5'10" and 71 years old, eats whatever she wants (does not overindulge) yet does not have high blood pressure and her cholesterol is always 150. Go figure???

Hell, just look at our own Paul Carruthers...Popeyes, Burger King, Mountain Dew by the gallon; the guy eats like a teenager and survives.

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Too true. I should have signified the difference.

I am fortunate in that I know how to cook and can make anything from scratch and live in an area where fresh ingredients are available all-year-round. Even though I kid CJW about his H2O intake, he's right, and I imbibe at least 6-8 tall glasses of water a day.

I'm not saying I'm in perfect shape...I'm not. I am far from my high-school weight. But even though I have added the pounds, it has to be that I eat lots of fresh food and limit the intake of processed and fast-food that has allowed me to still get a clean bill of health at my last full-physical. My heart, pulse, colonoscopy, cholesterol levels...everything perfect.

my cholesterol, blood pressure has always been perfect despite the extra weight. underweight people can often have these problems.

neither of my brothers ever had a weight problem, nor my parents.

my extra weight came on after my thyroid was removed, and thereplacement hormone medication used just doesn't do the same job :(

but all that aside, i still know that i am addicted to sugar. i see a lot of you talking about longing for that glass of wine/beer/smoke ....

i'm usually dreaming of coffee and chocolate!

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Diet and exercise is important to maintain health.

I have read where people don't like this or that fruit or vegetable and in the same sentence complain about having certain health issues that eating those same fruits and vegetables would control if not cure the ailments. Just because they can be bought from local markets does not mean they have been grown without chemicals. I know people who grow their own produce and use dust on tomatos along with snail and slug POISON and unless they are washed before consumption are still dangerous to humans and all creatures in general. There are many herbs and plants that can be planted in gardens to control pests that can add flavour to meals and consumed wihout any harmful side effects.

As pointed out earlier sugars and salts are found in all foods and life forms. Sugar and salt are like everything else, taken in moderation are not as evil as some think. The same can't be said about the additives and substitutes found in processed foods.

Over indulgence is another matter altogether. Like that clown in Supersize Me who ate McDonalds every day for a month (or whatever it was) and then blamed McDonalds for his weight gain.

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Not at all. I thought the whole thing was bullshit and I don't like McDonalds (or fast food in general), much.

It illustrated what would happen if you did have it for every meal, everyday.

Enlighten me, please, what was the point IYO?

Interesting that you only commented on that portion of my post?

You totally missed the point of "Supersize Me" then, if that's your take on it.

Edited by Reggie29
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Not at all. I thought the whole thing was bullshit and I don't like McDonalds (or fast food in general), much.

Enlighten me, please, what was the point IYO?

Interesting that you only commented on that portion of my post?

reggie, he was showing how bad fast food was for you - he wanted to show graphically how bad fast food is.

he wasn't blaming the fast food, he was trying to PROVE his pont.

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Not at all. I thought the whole thing was bullshit and I don't like McDonalds (or fast food in general), much.

Enlighten me, please, what was the point IYO?

Interesting that you only commented on that portion of my post?

I commented on that part of your post because that's the only part that didn't make sense. The rest I agree with and has been discussed at length already.

The point of Morgan Spurlock's "Supersize Me" was exactly the same point you make in your post...that's why I was surprised by your view on it. Perhaps you only read a synopsis or saw a clip and didn't watch the whole documentary.

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I watched enough of it to know where he was going with it and it was a radical way of proving a point and the consequences that most intelligent people already knew.

Perhaps he inadvertantly singled out Maccas, I don't know, but all fast foods are shite.

So what is wrong with reiterating what has already been discussed?

I commented on that part of your post because that's the only part that didn't make sense. The rest I agree with and has been discussed at length already.

The point of Morgan Spurlock's "Supersize Me" was exactly the same point you make in your post...that's why I was surprised by your view on it. Perhaps you only read a synopsis or saw a clip and didn't watch the whole documentary.

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I watched enough of it to know where he was going with it and it was a radical way of proving a point and the consequences that most intelligent people already knew.

Americans are dumb. We need to be hit over the head with a hammer before something registers. That's why our television news is all shouting and exclamation points. If Morgan had done a nice, subtle NPR-BBC style report, the message would have been lost to the very people who need it the most.

So what is wrong with reiterating what has already been discussed?

Nothing. If you or someone else has made the same point I was intending, there's no need for me to regurgitate it unless I have something new to add. That's all.

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Americans are dumb. We need to be hit over the head with a hammer before something registers. That's why our television news is all shouting and exclamation points. If Morgan had done a nice, subtle NPR-BBC style report, the message would have been lost to the very people who need it the most.

Nothing. If you or someone else has made the same point I was intending, there's no need for me to regurgitate it unless I have something new to add. That's all.

Hear, hear!!! Ain't that the truth!!!

BTW, he singled out the largest contibutor. I don't think it would have had the same impact if he would have used the local Filiberto's as his example.

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I'm eating a lot healthier now than I was. No more white stuff (rice, flour, pasta, potatoes); and I've almost entirely cut out dairy and added (and a lot of hidden) sugar. I've also cut way back on wheat; haven't gone GF, but have cut way back. Only whole grains now; and very limited foods with labels (peanut butter and a few similar products; no more canned soups, packaged foods, etc.). I make my own granola bars now and they are much better! I feel better with the sugar gone. I have more energy and even though I'm over 40 I believe sugar makes my face break out.

I gave up sugary sodas about 10 years ago, and diet sodas about 2 years ago. Was a little disappointed with Weight Watchers in retrospect; I lost weight with them before, but there's a reliance on sugar free/fat free processed foods that caused me to consume more aspartame, not realizing then how horrible it is for you. Then I was getting headaches, and other symptoms. (I haven't done WW in 5+ years now, so they may not do this anymore).

Nowadays, pretty much all I drink is water, coffee and green tea. I've cut back on coffee but can't quite give it up yet. I do take periodic breaks.

I'm following Dr. Mark Hyman's recommendations as much as I can (the food part; not the pricey supplements); not perfectly, but it is good common sense. I do agree with the need for functional medicine; not just treating symptoms without determining how they are related. If you are concerned about the effects of sugar, I recommend checking him out. He is also on Facebook.



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