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Australia vs. United States: Anger rises over Chris Lane murder


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I'll probably get crucified for this, but I had to laugh when I read about the rally to ban SAJ! I thought my Aussie friends were thicker skinned than that! Has the entire world gone into a "nanny state" mentality where people get their feelings hurt so easily?

I mean, come on, this whole thread was started because of the stereo-typed views of the former Australian Deputy PM calling the the U.S. "murder mayhem". Crikey....a foreign tourist in Australia has a better chance of dying from a spider bite, snake bite or sting ray barb to the chest than an Aussie tourist has of being murdered by some brainless gangsta wanna-be in the U.S.! I've lived in the U.S. my whole life and the only guns I've seen were the ones used by hunters or law enforcement. I can't say the same for some of the other 56 countries I've visited/lived in. I've been in countries that indeed had murder mayhem and have three bullet holes in my torso to prove it. And as a traveling American, I've dealt with numerous prejudicial views of the loud, arrogant, over-weight American (none of which I am BTW). I've learned to just blow people like that off.

Come on Aussies, you guys are tougher than that! :friends:

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I don't bully, never made racist comments nor do I put shit on people or insult them like a certain member (whom I shall never acknowledge), does.

I have opinions like everyone else and we don't always agree with one another and unless pushed I try keep it civil, regrettably, I have lowered myself down to engaging in undignified arguments on occasion but that is in the past.

The only people who seem to get upset with me are the gun crowd because I dare to question certain things about SOME gun owners, once again we shall never agree so they can.do and think whatever they like, I know I will.

As for you mate, pot, kettle, black?


You should talk Reggie... Practice what you preach.

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Fair enough Chase.

They may have "come across" as anti American but that was never the case. Anti senseless violence, yes.

My stance on guns being in the wrong hands will not change and the incident which raised this thread only cements my position.

Unfortunately, when emotions run high in discussions we tend to let them get in the way of rational debate.

If anyone crosses the line they need to reminded of it, it's not hypocritical to reiterate guidelines as long as we all endeavour to follow them.

Stryder no risk of crucifixion mate, so you're safe there!,

We are in the middle of an election campaign here at the moment and Fischer is a retired politician with a book he's promoting, so it's just the usual grandstanding to sell copies and you're right we are thick skinned.

This shooting is an isolated incident and it doesn't matter whether the victim was a tourist or a local, it's the mentality of the criminals to do it out of ennui.

It has been argued whether it was a hate crime or not but I've never heard of a love crime, and if so called crimes of passion are committed out of love then heaven help us.

When people step over the line and admittedly I have once or twice, the admins tap the shoulder and rightly so, but the (my) perception is that some are immune or protected.

Reporting someone does not necessarily mean they should be banned, rather they just back off and keep it civil.

Having said that I don't think those that have been banned didn't deserve it.

One thing I have learned is, don't drink and post!

Reggie, So many of your anti gun threads came across as very anti American.

If you've had a change of heart, that's great..

I have NEVER insulted your great country.

I called you out on something I found hypocritical..

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Fair enough Chase.

They may have "come across" as anti American but that was never the case. Anti senseless violence, yes.

My stance on guns being in the wrong hands will not change and the incident which raised this thread only cements my position.

Unfortunately, when emotions run high in discussions we tend to let them get in the way of rational debate.

If anyone crosses the line they need to reminded of it, it's not hypocritical to reiterate guidelines as long as we all endeavour to follow them.

Stryder no risk of crucifixion mate, so you're safe there!,

We are in the middle of an election campaign here at the moment and Fischer is a retired politician with a book he's promoting, so it's just the usual grandstanding to sell copies and you're right we are thick skinned.

This shooting is an isolated incident and it doesn't matter whether the victim was a tourist or a local, it's the mentality of the criminals to do it out of ennui.

It has been argued whether it was a hate crime or not but I've never heard of a love crime, and if so called crimes of passion are committed out of love then heaven help us.

When people step over the line and admittedly I have once or twice, the admins tap the shoulder and rightly so, but the (my) perception is that some are immune or protected.

Reporting someone does not necessarily mean they should be banned, rather they just back off and keep it civil.

Having said that I don't think those that have been banned didn't deserve it.

One thing I have learned is, don't drink and post!

Thanks Reggie. that was an excellent reply.. consider this dropped on my end.

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I'll probably get crucified for this, but I had to laugh when I read about the rally to ban SAJ! I thought my Aussie friends were thicker skinned than that! Has the entire world gone into a "nanny state" mentality where people get their feelings hurt so easily?

I mean, come on, this whole thread was started because of the stereo-typed views of the former Australian Deputy PM calling the the U.S. "murder mayhem". Crikey....a foreign tourist in Australia has a better chance of dying from a spider bite, snake bite or sting ray barb to the chest than an Aussie tourist has of being murdered by some brainless gangsta wanna-be in the U.S.! I've lived in the U.S. my whole life and the only guns I've seen were the ones used by hunters or law enforcement. I can't say the same for some of the other 56 countries I've visited/lived in. I've been in countries that indeed had murder mayhem and have three bullet holes in my torso to prove it. And as a traveling American, I've dealt with numerous prejudicial views of the loud, arrogant, over-weight American (none of which I am BTW). I've learned to just blow people like that off.

Come on Aussies, you guys are tougher than that! :friends:

excuse me? there is no " rally to ban SAJ " .

and this has nothing to do with who's country is better than who's ....

SAJ owes us aussies, and in particular, whoopie cat, a public apology at least.

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I had to laugh when I read about the rally to ban SAJ!

That's all it is. I've had two Aussie's on permanent ignore for quite some time now so they colluded with a third who has since also been placed on permanent ignore. Mind you, they've not been told to talk to the hand forever for being Australian - NO - it's for being insipid ax-grinders. I saw their carrier cat wearing a rally cap coming from miles away. Anyway, enjoy the site; I do!


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That's all it is. I've had two Aussie's on permanent ignore for quite some time now so they colluded with a third who has since also been placed on permanent ignore. Mind you, they've not been told to talk to the hand forever for being Australian - NO - it's for being insipid ax-grinders. I saw their carrier cat wearing a rally cap coming from miles away. Anyway, enjoy the site; I do!


that is a lie.

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Collusion? No, it's called backing up your mates.

Delusion on your part to even consider you're that important, methinks?

If you were just trying to be funny you failed miserably.

No axe to grind here, I called him out a couple of times, he didn't like it and he wimped out and blocked me.

I'm on here because of the band, not you and I do enjoy the site, for the most part.

That's all it is. I've had two Aussie's on permanent ignore for quite some time now so they colluded with a third who has since also been placed on permanent ignore. Mind you, they've not been told to talk to the hand forever for being Australian - NO - it's for being insipid ax-grinders. I saw their carrier cat wearing a rally cap coming from miles away. Anyway, enjoy the site; I do!


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If I may, I think this thread needs to get even more off track and stereotypical with a non-invited Frog that everybody loves to hate! Go ahead Aussies and Yankees, I'm the common enemy! Please throw me the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys, the Mururoa Atomic Murderers, the Perpetual Rugby Losers! I've heard worse and it will help revive your endangered friendship.

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I'm away from home visiting my mum in Sydney untl the weekend and it's hard for me to get on a computer.

Firstly i'd like to say I regret making my orginal post, which has steam rolled and caused problems, plus completely derailed this thread. My apologies, once again.

I'd like to thank my fellow Aussie's, Julie and Reggie for having my back. Their support and outrage is solely because of the comment SteveAJones made to me about being an Australian and then blocking me. I have no problem with him blocking me, it's his wording of "not knowing I was an Australian, which explains it all", which is the insult. If it was just about my "insipid" posts, as he later tried to say, then so be it. I also certainly don't have an axe to grind either, with the only derogatory comment I have made to SAJ, was after he insulted me, or more to the point, my country.

As for "Aussie collusion", hahaha no way. If you recall, STZ thought my original post was out of line for this thread. We are quite capable of operating with our individual brain's and each one of us have separately objected to SAJ's racist comment, which is the equivalent of me saying I am blocking a member because he/she is American, English or the colour of their skin. If it was about my boring posts, then why not say that in the first place.

We certainly have not colluded for him to be banned, nor wish it, However, an apology, or at the very least a realisation that his wording was very inappropriate and insulting .... would be appreciated.

I have not written this post directly to Steve, nor sent him a private message, because he has blocked me and can not see it. I offer this post, as an explanation for our feelings and the reason we have hijacked this thread, which amazingly, was my original grudge.

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Boredom blamed for murders: A true killing impulse?

Bill Briggs NBC News contributor

Aug. 20, 2013 at 6:26 PM ET

Sheer boredom has been cited as a motive in the murders of at least four people in recent years, including Friday’s fatal shooting of an Oklahoma college athlete, and leading experts on teen violence say that reason may be quite real in the minds of some youthful killers.

A handful of young homicide suspects and convicted killers have in recent years told authorities they were pushed by boredom to willfully take a random life -- and that state of listlessness may have ignited an urge for lethal excitement, said juvenile homicide expert Phil Chalmers, author of “Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer.”

The Stephens County Sheriff's Of
Fom left, James Francis Edwards, 15, Chancey Allen Luna, 16, and Michael Dewayne Jones, 17. Edwards and Luna were charged Aug. 20 with first-degree murder in the shooting death of a college baseball player out for a jog in Oklahoma. Jones was charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact and with firing a weapon.

“I don't think it was an excuse. I think they are being honest about being bored,” said Chalmers, who has interviewed more than 200 teen killers. “I would call (the latest attack) a gang killing by thrill killers," he said. "Thrill killing is killing someone to experience the act of murder. Just for fun."

Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian who was living in Oklahoma to play college baseball, was shot as he jogged during a visit to his girlfriend in Duncan, Okla. One of three teenagers being held in the case told police the suspects were “bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody,” Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford told The Associated Press.

“They saw Christopher go by, and one of them said: ‘There’s our target,’” Ford told the AP. “The boy who has talked to us said, ‘We were bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.’”

On Tuesday, James Francis Edwards, 15 and Chancey Allen Luna, 16, were charged with murder. The third teenager, Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, was charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact and with firing a weapon. All were charged as adults, according to the Stephens County District Attorney’s Office.

The possibility of a thrill killing is “very conceivable,” agreed Dave Cullen, who has done in-depth research on the Columbine High School massacre, but he cautioned that because the statement released by police seems to have come from only one of the three suspects, it may not represent a true group decision. Gangs of three killers are “really uncommon,” he said.

“It could be whoever the shooter was had vastly different motives of the other two,” said Cullen, author of “Columbine,” which explored the 1999 mass shootings by two teenagers.

Blaming boredom for the killing may also be masking a different motive, Cullen suggested.

“What I hear from that [boredom] statement is more like, ‘People mean nothing to me,’ or ‘I enjoyed this.’ What I hear is an extreme lack of empathy, an extreme callousness that people can’t even conceive of, and then explaining it away by slapping boredom on there," Cullen said.

After at least three other recent murders, the killers blamed their acts on boredom.

In 2010, six teenagers fatally stabbed 25-year-old pizza chef Mathew Chew in New London, Conn. They told authorities they did it because they were bored. All six were convicted and sentenced to prison.

In 2008, 22-year-old Jeromie Cancel suffocated Kevin Pravia, a Pace University sophomore, in the victim's Manhattan apartment by wrapping a plastic bag and cord around his head. Prosecutors said Cancel told them he murdered the college student because he was bored. Cancel later was sentenced life in prison.

In 2006, in the United Kingdom, 19-year-old Stuart Harling, 19, fatally stabbed Cheryl Moss after the nurse took a break from her hospital job to smoke a cigarette. Harling was sentenced to life in prison in 2007. A prison guard later testified that Harling had said he'd committed the murder out of boredom.

While the Oklahoma police initially pointed out the statement about boredom, a motivation which can make the shooting seem even more frightening due to its randomness, "there are hundreds of possible scenarios," Cullen suggested.

“Maybe he couldn’t really explain himself at all and wasn’t really prepared to and so he thought he was going to at least act cool in the moment," Cullen added. "Maybe he didn't know what the hell else to say, so he just throws out something like that.”

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This reminds me of the Jahfin vs. SAJ imbroglio.

Why all the Michelle Malkin vids? She is one of the biggest toxic dumps in news today.

Anyway, back to the case at hand...

The three dirtbags who killed Chris Lane were apparently still sufficiently bored enough to go after another target. It was the father of this second target that called the cops which led to the arrest of Edwards, Luna and Jones.


If you can handle it, the article also includes the 911 call.

I wonder how those three mugs will handle being bored in prison? For they are going to be in for a long time. I doubt Oklahoma will let them off with a light sentence.

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I'm away from home visiting my mum in Sydney untl the weekend and it's hard for me to get on a computer.

Firstly i'd like to say I regret making my orginal post, which has steam rolled and caused problems, plus completely derailed this thread. My apologies, once again.

I'd like to thank my fellow Aussie's, Julie and Reggie for having my back. Their support and outrage is solely because of the comment SteveAJones made to me about being an Australian and then blocking me. I have no problem with him blocking me, it's his wording of "not knowing I was an Australian, which explains it all", which is the insult. If it was just about my "insipid" posts, as he later tried to say, then so be it. I also certainly don't have an axe to grind either, with the only derogatory comment I have made to SAJ, was after he insulted me, or more to the point, my country.

As for "Aussie collusion", hahaha no way. If you recall, STZ thought my original post was out of line for this thread. We are quite capable of operating with our individual brain's and each one of us have separately objected to SAJ's racist comment, which is the equivalent of me saying I am blocking a member because he/she is American, English or the colour of their skin. If it was about my boring posts, then why not say that in the first place.

We certainly have not colluded for him to be banned, nor wish it, However, an apology, or at the very least a realisation that his wording was very inappropriate and insulting .... would be appreciated.

I have not written this post directly to Steve, nor sent him a private message, because he has blocked me and can not see it. I offer this post, as an explanation for our feelings and the reason we have hijacked this thread, which amazingly, was my original grudge.


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i fail to see where this is austrailia vs the usa. this is not about any of that, its about low life criminal fucks who have been brought up to believe that they are victims and are entitled to act any way they choose. too bad some nra members were not around to defend this beautiful man from these fucking animals is all i have to say.

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Welcome back kipper. Haven't seen you around in a long time. The Australia vs. USA wasn't meant literally...it was more a reference to Fischer's call for a boycott, which has pretty much fallen on deaf ears and fizzled at this point. Rightly so.

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