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2013 NFL Predictions Game


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I have a deep feeling of foreboding about my picks this week. I sense impending doom. Just couldn't get a sure grasp on several games...flip-flopping back and forth between teams. Tonight's game was one such conundrum...Kansas City or Philadelphia? Obviously I chose wrongly.

Bad omen for things to come this weekend? A lot of you may be passing me in the overall standings Sunday.

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That division is a MESS right now (NFC LEast that is)! Just like last year, whomever gets hot from Thanksgiving on, will win that division.

Is KC good or is Philly just bad? How will KC do against Denver? Things are looking very good for Dallas right now in that division but its early. And the Rams could catch them overconfident

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I'm getting those Sunday morning jitters. I'm already in an 0-1 hole, and there are a lot of tough games today that might not go my way (I'm looking at the Cowboys and Dolphins in particular).

Me too...but I'm also excited for the same reason. Because so many games could go either way...save Seattle-Jax and Denver-Oakland...we could see a lot of wacky games today.



Edited by Strider
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The Buffalo Bills, same old Bills... :rolleyes: 5-9 after 14 games, hopefully the night games won't destroy me completely...

Buffalo in 'caps' did me no favors either.

Looking forward to Rick's profanity laden response.

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Buffalo in 'caps' did me no favors either.

Looking forward to Rick's profanity laden response.

Two starting secondary players out and I had NO FUCKING IDEA that the Byrdman was out. That is why we lost. We tie it at 20-20 and then that numbskull rookie allows a stupid touchdown, does not look for the ball. If we have Gilmore or the Birdman we win. That other quote Anj was in reference to Buffalo vs Miami which comes later. Still have a ton of faith in Manuel. Pittsburgh about to go 0-3. SF score was shocking. Minnesota blows it. Houston is in huge trouble. Look at their schedule now. We will be a different team when we have our secondary back. The dirty Jets were called for so many penalties the refs finally gave up and did not want to look bias by calling any more. They should have called many more on those dirty bastards.

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