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The Draft

Charles J. White

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I took my physical in Oakland in 1969. I was very spaced out on drugs and me and 6 other guys had to stay and see the psych. I was eventually classified 4-F.

But my brother (1966) and 2 nephews(1968) were drafted into the army and went the full year. They all made it back.

In later years I did demolition work and we got a job at the same building where we had to all meet to ride the bus to Oakland. I went downstairs and there was the old door that still had 'Selective Service System' on the glass. I almost wanted to take it home as a souvenir but decided against it as those years had pretty awful memories for me.

The live version of 'Fortunate Son' rocks. :^)

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I think you can make a good argument for reinstating the draft. Only this time don't allow exceptions (like college deferrals). Americans might think differently about war if every family knew their son or daughter could be drafted to fight. Right now most Americans don't give much thought to the people who do the fighting and dying in our country's military conflicts.

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They will never bring back the draft excepting an invasion from space, but then we would lose anyway so who cares. The reason why they will never bring back the draft is Vietnam...protesting and mass civil disobedience. You think the demonstrations were big in 68', shit, these days with Twitter and Facebook we would not have to levitate the pentagon, the 50 million plus would simply trample it underfoot!

They like it the way it is, out of sight, out of mind. The American people don't give two shits how many of our youth die as long as they don't have to see it on the evening news while eating dinner. Oh sure, people always say "we support the troops" and then buy a pound of coffee to send the soldiers who are dying. After all, those poor souls JOINED up of their own accord, no one forced them. If I were in the military today and some asshole sent me some coffee or some shitty care package I would send it back with a little note:

Dear Whoeverthefuck...take your care package along with your lilly white conscience and stick them both up your ass! If you really "support the troops," how about getting off your fat, lazy asses and DO SOMETHING! Write your congressman / woman, organize a march, let the powers that be know this is not acceptable.

Ps. Have a nice day!

Nope, no need for a draft, we have millions who will eagerly sign up...for amnesty and a college education in return. Yep, that's right boys and girls, our next generation of fighting men and women will be brought to you courtesy of MEXICO! Those dreamers will soon be the broken dreamers when they are given an offer they cannot refuse. Remember the last empire that did that??? Well, those illegals they conscripted with the promise of citizenship rose up against them and they stormed the golden city on the seven hills in 476 when Odovacar deposed Romulus Agustulus. The same will happen in America if we don't wise up and rejuvenate our heart. Just like the Goths, the Latinos are just human beings who want a better life and will only put up with so much BS before all hell breaks loose. I hope no President or congress will ever allow such to happen however I shudder to think this is one issue both parties may embrace, that is, granting citizenship for military service. Bad, bad idea.

So, no draft people, and hopefully one day real immigration reform allowing a path for these hard working people to become citizens without becoming America's cannon fodder.

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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They will never bring back the draft excepting an invasion from space, but then we would lose anyway so who cares. The reason why they will never bring back the draft is Vietnam...protesting and mass civil disobedience. You think the demonstrations were big in 68', shit, these days with Twitter and Facebook we would not have to levitate the pentagon, the 50 million plus would simply trample it underfoot!

They like it the way it is, out of sight, out of mind. The American people don't give two shits how many of our youth die as long as they don't have to see it on the evening news while eating dinner. Oh sure, people always say "we support the troops" and then buy a pound of coffee to send the soldiers who are dying. After all, those poor souls JOINED up of their own accord, no one forced them. If I were in the military today and some asshole sent me some coffee or some shitty care package I would send it back with a little note:

Dear Whoeverthefuck...take your care package along with your lilly white conscience and stick them both up your ass! If you really "support the troops," how about getting off your fat, lazy asses and DO SOMETHING! Write your congressman / woman, organize a march, let the powers that be know this is not acceptable.

Ps. Have a nice day!

Nope, no need for a draft, we have millions who will eagerly sign up...for amnesty and a college education in return. Yep, that's right boys and girls, our next generation of fighting men and women will be brought to you courtesy of MEXICO! Those dreamers will soon be the broken dreamers when they are given an offer they cannot refuse. Remember the last empire that did that??? Well, those illegals they conscripted with the promise of citizenship rose up against them and they stormed the golden city on the seven hills in 476 when Odovacar deposed Romulus Agustulus. The same will happen in America if we don't wise up and rejuvenate our heart. Just like the Goths, the Latinos are just human beings who want a better life and will only put up with so much BS before all hell breaks loose. I hope no President or congress will ever allow such to happen however I shudder to think this is one issue both parties may embrace, that is, granting citizenship for military service. Bad, bad idea.

So, no draft people, and hopefully one day real immigration reform allowing a path for these hard working people to become citizens without becoming America's cannon fodder.

Bravo i say...Bravo!

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Sagittarius Rising, at first glance I want to echo FunkyPhantom's "Bravo!" in reply to your post.

All except for the part about the immigrants rising up at the end. If they dream about a better life, instead of rising up against the U.S., why don't they expend their energy to rising up against the country they came from to improve conditions and job opportunities for them and their fellow countrymen? That way they don't have to break the law by illegally entering this country in the first place.

By the way, it's not just Mexicans crossing the border...it's damn near every country in the Southern Hemisphere.

Anyway, there's no way in hell the draft is coming back. Nada.

Edited by Strider
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The reason why they will never bring back the draft is Vietnam...protesting and mass civil disobedience.

There is something to be said for the importance the Baby Boom Generation still places upon the Vietnam-era protests and civil disobedience. Most members of Congress (the decision makers on this issue) are of the Baby Boom Generation and would not support a draft because it would be politically unpopular among older voters. It also would not square with their left-wing leanings, among which are their incessant demands to CUT the overall defense budget as well as military end strength (total number of personnel in uniform)

A secondary and perhaps more permanent reason why a draft will never be re-instituted is because there is not one branch of the American armed forces even remotely interested in attempting to integrate unqualified, minimum service commitment draftees into what has fully evolved since 1973 as an all-volunteer professional military force. A compelling argument can be made that any compulsory service (conscription) personnel programs would dramatically undermine the existing all-volunteer military culture.

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Most members of Congress (the decision makers on this issue) are of the Baby Boom Generation and would not support a draft because it would be politically unpopular among older voters.

Steve, I am pretty sure it would be politically unpopular with younger voters, too. You know, the ones who would be draft-age. ;)

Edited by Strider
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So, no draft people, and hopefully one day real immigration reform allowing a path for these hard working people to become citizens without becoming America's cannon fodder.

While our border remains porous the US Gov't. has no problem wanting to 'secure' Mexico's southern border. :thumbdown:


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