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2 American Youth Kill 88 Year Old World War 2 Veteran

Charles J. White

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America is a broken country. The urban ghetto culture is destroying America.

That's one of the most thinly-veiled racist remarks I've ever seen.

It's time for public execution of convicted murderers.

Overreaction much? Not to mention the fact that capital punishment does not work as a deterrent.

Seriously, though...domestic violent crime rates in the States -- specifically related to murder -- have nearly halved in the last twenty years.

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Tell that to the one who's received the punishment.

I believe Melcore's point was that once you get to that point, it's too late to deter anything. The murder has already been committed; the victim is already dead. The threat of the death penalty didn't prevent it.

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That's one of the most thinly-veiled racist remarks I've ever seen.

Overreaction much? Not to mention the fact that capital punishment does not work as a deterrent.

Seriously, though...domestic violent crime rates in the States -- specifically related to murder -- have nearly halved in the last twenty years.

FWIW, it's a fact that black males comprise about 6% of the population but commit more than 50% of the murders.

Public executions (capital punishment) of convicted murderers may not serve as a deterrent, but it will positively impact the rate of recidivism and affirm our society finds murder of the innocent unacceptable. The same people who object to public executions as insensitive or offensive or whatever are the same people interested in putting mass murderers on the cover of Rolling Stone instead.

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That's one of the most thinly-veiled racist remarks I've ever seen.

It’s not racist it’s White, Black, and Asian urban ghetto culture…Sod off with the race garbage...

You think a culture where women are called hoes is good for America? A culture based on gang fundamentals is a good thing? A culture where education is laughed at is good for America? A culture where growing numbers of individuals are incapable of speaking English correctly is good for America? You think a culture where men get women pregnant, and proceed to not be involved in their sons lives as good for America? A culture where innocent people are killed because other individuals are bored and have no problem ending life is good for America? A culture where individuals think it is acceptable to be on the dole and not contribute to society is good for America?

Scotland has been going through similar problem as what America is discovering and the gang culture in Glasgow Scotland has created big problems for regular working folks who are jumped at any opportunity.

It’s not racist either it’s White, Black, and Asian urban ghetto culture…Sod off with the race garbage...

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FWIW, it's a fact that black males comprise about 6% of the population but commit more than 50% of the murders.

Public executions (capital punishment) of convicted murderers may not serve as a deterrent, but it will positively impact the rate of recidivism and affirm our society finds murder of the innocent unacceptable. The same people who object to public executions as insensitive or offensive or whatever are the same people interested in putting mass murderers on the cover of Rolling Stone instead.

Where is your proof? What statistical source are you using to come with your 6% and 50% figures?

As for public executions, we've already been there and done that. There is a reason American society decided to abolish them. They had become social gatherings and media circuses, not the solemn delivery of society's ultimate punishment. For the record, I'm against capital punishment on principal. How capital punishment is carried out is only a secondary concern. I have no desire to watch another human being die; even another human being who has been found guilty of a heinous murder. That is just too ghoulish for my taste. It this makes me too "sensitive" then so be it.

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the guys who shot up Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc were not from urban ghettos.

That doesn't mean what has been referred to as "urban ghetto culture" isn't a problem; it most certainly is. But it's a subset of a bigger problem in America, which is culture in general. Anything violent, crass or sexually exploitative is magnified by Hollywood in a way that it wasn't one or two generations ago.

Our culture has always been one of our greatest exports, just ask Page, Plant, and a generation of their peers. But it's one thing to export Sinatra, Elvis, and Ray Charles. It's another thing to export the "bitches, hoes, and $$$" crap we export now, it makes me ashamed to think kids here and around the world might aspire to that, not to mention our movies. Granted I'm getting older but we need more Ray Charles and less Lil Wayne, probably more Frank Capra and less Tarantino too.

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People have been concerned about the influence of popular culture for generations, that's really nothing new.

However, consider this:

One in four American children are being raised in single parent families.

72% of black American children are being raised in single parent families.

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You mean, the proliferation of nuclear families, right? Think about it SAJ, 1/3 of Japanese marriages end up in divorces, and you know as much as I do that there is scarcely any "ghetto" culture here. So what gives?

It's an apples to oranges comparison.

Japan has one of the most homogeneous populations on earth and they place great importance upon the collective. Additionally, they have the lowest birth rate in the world.

United States is a melting pot that places great importance upon the individual.

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100% agreed (I am not part of any "anti-SAJ" conspiracy, so please don't ignore me yet). So the problem is not really kids raised by their dad or mom alone then? The problem is more this pesky lack of "homogeneous" population, isnt it? So what shall we do? Kill the blacks (and the arabs, although you have less arabic "heterogeneity" issue in your home country)? Or trying to get everybody to the same "homogeneity" level (socially and economically, through education mainly), even if it's long, costly, not popular and easily dismissed as hippie talk?

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100% agreed (I am not part of any "anti-SAJ" conspiracy, so please don't ignore me yet). So the problem is not really kids raised by their dad or mom alone then? The problem is more this pesky lack of "homogeneous" population, isnt it? So what shall we do? Kill the blacks (and the arabs, although you have less arabic "heterogeneity" issue in your home country)? Or trying to get everybody to the same "homogeneity" level (socially and economically, through education mainly), even if it's long, costly, not popular and easily dismissed as hippie talk?

Not to interrupt but we put huge amounts of taxpayer dollars into education and if the kids who show up to school don't want to learn because they haven't been disciplined at home, there's only so much the collective can do IMO.

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100% agreed too. I am no leftist utopian, probably more rightist than you in fact. Some kids should be forced to attend school, and even in the most extreme cases separated from their dysfunctional families, for their own good and the good of the whole society. Yeah, education is the biggest chance you get in life short of being the son of Bill Gates, so it should be taken seriously. But this has nothing to do with race in itself, that's the point I wanted to make. In fact I am ready to believe SAJ's assertion on the 6%/50% thing (seems a bit under-estimated on the 6% side and over-estimated on the 50% side, though), but is it because of inherent, genetical deficiencies in black people? I don't think so. Who brought the blacks to the US in the first place? themselves? Would LedZep even exist without black music?

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100% agreed (I am not part of any "anti-SAJ" conspiracy, so please don't ignore me yet). So the problem is not really kids raised by their dad or mom alone then? The problem is more this pesky lack of "homogeneous" population, isnt it? So what shall we do? Kill the blacks (and the arabs, although you have less arabic "heterogeneity" issue in your home country)? Or trying to get everybody to the same "homogeneity" level (socially and economically, through education mainly), even if it's long, costly, not popular and easily dismissed as hippie talk?

In a nut shell, there is no longer any impetus for minority groups to assimilate/integrate into what was a predominantly white culture. As a by the way, for the first time in American history white children under the age of 5 are the minority group. Meanwhile, the public education system in cooperation with the private sector has already been parroting the virtues of Cultural Diversity for about 20 years now. It's among the first steps towards the incremental dismantling of what was the predominant culture. At the same time, socialists, liberals and progressives have been beating The Big Government drum for so long now it may as well be the national anthem. Big Government dependency and intervention is the new normal. Once they pave the way for eight million illegals to obtain citizenship and voting rights it'll be game over.


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For thousands of years America hasn't been a white culture (nor a black culture for that matter)... But I agree with you "Cultural Diversity" is mostly bullshit. What made America great is this "melting pot", this great idea that if you try hard and respect others' freedom you have your chance, you can succeed irrespective of your origin. In so many other countries it doesnt work that way.

In a nut shell, there is no longer any impetus for minority groups to assimilate/integrate into what was a predominantly white culture. As a by the way, for the first time in American history white children under the age of 5 are the minority group. Meanwhile, the public education system in cooperation with the private sector has already been parroting the virtues of Cultural Diversity for about 20 years now. It's among the first steps towards the incremental dismantling of what was the predominant culture. At the same time, socialists, liberals and progressives have been beating The Big Government drum for so long now it may as well be the national anthem. Big Government dependency and intervention is the new normal. Once they pave the way for eight million illegals to obtain citizenship and voting rights it'll be game over.


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It’s not racist it’s White, Black, and Asian urban ghetto culture…Sod off with the race garbage...


A friendly heads-up:

In America, the words "urban" and "ghetto" are often used as code words for "Black" or "African-American". American posters may interpret these two words in ways you didn't intend.

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My 2 cents....these are kids whose families aren't like most of ours most likelynd a.....chances are they might be a single parent home...or maybe a home where the parents don't give a damn....who knows...we don't what their home circumstances are. These kids aren't brought up to rob and kill and I am in no way excusing what they did - it was horrific. But how many times does this have to happen in how many cities in how many States? My family is from Chicago and altho I have never lived there I spent enough summers there as a child through now in my adulthood to see racism....and thinly veiled nowadays it still exists there...it's not going away. This wasn't a racist crime...but the public response immediately sparks a racist debate. It happens every time. Someone will invariably say " Well if it had been 2 white kids and a black vet...would it get this much press and outrage???" These kids fall between the cracks until they kill someone then everyone sits up and takes notice. Give 'em a guitar...a gym to hang out in....a place to create.....something outside of school and the home where they can learn that they can be something good in society. That vet made it through WWII ...he did not deserve to die like that and unless something is done....this downward spiral will just go on and on....

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Give 'em a guitar...a gym to hang out in....a place to create.....something outside of school and the home where they can learn that they can be something good in society.

Your intent is noble but it's all been done before...Clinton-era Midnight Basketball programs come to mind. It's time to start cracking skulls and sentencing convicted murderers to public execution.

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Your intent is noble but it's all been done before...Clinton-era Midnight Basketball programs come to mind. It's time to start cracking skulls and sentencing convicted murderers to public execution.

I hope you were just blowing off steam when you wrote the above. I hope you weren't serious. The America you describe where TPTB "crack skulls" and hold public executions sounds like something out of a dystopian fantasy.

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