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Depends on who I'm on the date with--if I really, really like the guy--I suppose...but I've learned only a kiss on the first date--nothing else--NO MATTER WHAT! But I didn't kiss on the first date with Dave even though I really, really liked him. (I haven't had a first date in YEARS).

'59s question: right now--cats because I'm not home enough to give a dog enough emotional attention.

ditto to FK's question but I want an explanation--is there a set "date" you'll kiss on?

Edited by manderlyh
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Spending time with the love of my life......... ;)

Stick or automatic?

Who, Aria? :D


And to Manders....my answer is I don't have a set "date".....I kiss when the connection is there and I feel its right. Anything else....he has to work for it! ;) Its far too precious to just give it away carelessly.

What sports do you like to play?

Edited by Firekisses
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None. :lol: I'm too damned clumsy! I do like to bike, walk, hike...I just don't like team sports because I'm too klutzy!

When it's cold outside, would you rather sit inside and drink warm drinks and eat hot food or go outside and play? (or both?)

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I used to have amazing flying dreams when I was in high school. It was more like gliding than true flying, I'd have to catch and up draft and I had this amazing physical sensation of swooping up and down in these arcs. Haven't had one of those in ages, miss it.

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

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I used to have amazing flying dreams when I was in high school. It was more like gliding than true flying, I'd have to catch and up draft and I had this amazing physical sensation of swooping up and down in these arcs. Haven't had one of those in ages, miss it.

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

:lol: I think a lot of people have those. I remember having them too--and a few other people I know have.

Strangest dream--I had a dream once that I was this woman who was recently widowed and I moved into this new town where my mother (who wasn't really my mom) lived. I was moving there because I was heartbroken and I needed a new start. I'd never been to the town my mom lived in because I'd lived across the country or something so I was brand new to this community. It was a small town with small town BS. I was this "new school teacher" who lived with my mom in an old victorian house at the turn of the century (1900--not 2000), and I was a school teacher. It ended up that I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have and it was a scandalous affair with me being out of wedlock pregnant. :huh: I woke up at about that point and I wrote it down because it sounds like it could be a really good novel. There was a lot more to it, but I don't want anyone stealing my plot. :D

Name somethinn you should/could be doing today but aren't.

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Yes I do. I cried all the time, and i took the servant by hand and wnt to my home. It was in a apartment condominium that still today i feel lost, coz it's almost 100 buildings, and there are no diferences each other...

what was the worst thing you made in your life, and you still are ashamed

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I should recycle them, but I have a huge pile in the laundry room dating back years.

Do you remember your first day of school?

I should too...I have some that are still in their packages that are from 2006. I won't be renewing that one.

Yes I do. I cried all the time, and i took the servant by hand and wnt to my home. It was in a apartment condominium that still today i feel lost, coz it's almost 100 buildings, and there are no diferences each other...

what was the worst thing you made in your life, and you still are ashamed

The worst thing I made in my lfe? Oh! This is a major-bad blunder! I have an employee who is pregnant, and I told a coworker that her baby had down syndrome. (I mixed her up with someone else who was PG and whose babys really DOES have down syndrome. I explained it all to her immediately-so it wouldn't end up looking like I'm starting rumors...oh...it was not good...I felt like a TOTAL dumbass...)

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