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Super Stupid off Maggot Brain !

Good choice!

I knock on wood for luck. I also don't walk under ladders, but I just think that's a sensible thing to not do.

What is the worst bodily injury or illness you've ever suffered?

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All I can think of are the various athletes who have been on the Simpsons. Mark McGwire telling everyone that Major League Baseball wasn't spying on them was good!

If you could do away with any law, which would it be, and why?

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I'd do away with the Federal laws against Marijuana, because I think prohibition doesn't work and it's too valuable a plant (for hemp oil and fiber, never mind medicinal purposes) not to be cultivated. Throwing hippies in jail for possession might make conservatives feel good, but it isn't winning the war on drugs anymore than it's winning the war on tye dye.

What is your favorite painting?

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Before my dad got his job at the city, we lived in a funky mexican neighborhood. It had style, and I think it's a big part of who I am now. On the fourth of July everyone brought their fireworks into the middle of the street (this is before they were outlawed which dates me, LOL.) Those fireworks in my mind are better than the Boston Pops.

If you could ask any famous person three questions, who would it be and what would you ask?

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