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Unwanted Adverts Playing In The Background


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Every five minutes or so my computer has Unwanted Adverts Playing In The Background

It's either Vanish , Dettol or Optrex

I have used Search and Destroy programme to get rid of unwanted downloads , and i thought they had stopped.

but tonight they have started up again and I can't find their source of origin

I must have downloaded them somehow

Has anyone else got unwanted adverts playing in the background ?

any ideas how to stop them , i have e-mailled all three companies mentioned but have got no responce

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Have you installed any Video/media players recently ? or logged in using social media ?

My last guess would be have you entered any online cleaning products contests...I do hope you find the cause.

I have used the Search and Destroy programme again ... fingers crossed it appears to have stopped them

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ok,it must have windows on it then,I have used search and destroy too,hope it works for ya now

I have used search and destroy and they appear to go , then out of the blue they reappear , i think they're linked to PC performance website downloads which reappear everytime i switch the computer back on even though i thought i get rid of them in the previous session

they can go days on end without playing then they start again , like today again

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