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USA, east to west, south to north journey... 2014


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Hi. Some of you might know me, cos I am pretty regular in here :). Anyway, a bit about me:

Today is my birthday. I am 30 years old now :). I have been living in Czech republic for whole my life and I love traveling and music the most :). I have been a Led Zep fan for apx 18 years now, so I am sort of turning Led Zep Adult :))). I have a masters degree (university) in economics and last 4 years, I have been working on a Prague (Czech capital) city hall. Like a year ago, I realised I im still too young to settle and that I want to travel some more and enjoy my life before things get a bit serious (starting a family etc). So I am quitting my job at the fall of this year and I am going to travel to States next year...

My plan is to travel around USA and possibly also to Canada for a apx a year total (depends on how it goes). I want to find a job (or jobs) to cover at least some of my expanses too, it will depend on what I will come across, but my main plan is to travel a lot! In summer, I want to visit USA national parks and maybe some part of Canada. I want to hike in mountains, particularly I want to go to Yosemite and maybe do some part of Pacific Crest Trail. I am an experienced hiker, I have done some of the worlds most famous hikes already (GR20 on Corsica, Kepler, Routeburn, Queens Charlote, Tongariro pass on New Zealand, Santa Cruz in Peru, Pico Turquino on Cuba, Zangskar Valley in India, Himalaya etc etc), so I know what I can do and what I can not. I will have plentiful time to explore whatever I will want and I am so looking forward to this wonderful adventure. In winter, I would want to move more to south and maybe work a bit. In my profile, you can find a link to my band web site and to a "post a picture of yourself" page on this forum where I put some photos of myself :).

Right now, I am doing preparations for my journey, completing equipement, doing some research on destinations I wanna visit, contacting friends out there in USA... and I thought, why not ask fellow Led Zep forum members :). I have a lot of passion for music, I play bass guitar and I am sure some of you people love to travel around as well. I thought I could meet some of you on my travels around States, it would be nice to make a new friends and hang out a bit. Not just to wander around, but also have somewhere to go on my way :). Also, any contact in a foreign country is always a big advantage to have, so if you were interested in meeting me (that would of course depend mainly on whether I would go at least aproximatelly around your town anyway :)), you are more then welcome to PM me or leave a message here :).

Gonna be fun :).
Edited by Stormbringer
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Yes, buying a car (and selling it afterwards) is most probably what I am going to do. I need to cover some long distances and car seems to be the best option to be free in where on the way I would go. Public transportation would only take me to a specific place, which is too limited for my purposes.

When I get to a desired area, I am going to hitch hike a lot too. Car would only be for the long distances, to be able to find a job easier and its good that I can sleep in it, which makes traveling a lot easier.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, some news. That part of Pacific Crest Trail is gonna be a John Muir Trail hike through. Since I can start this hike no sooner then June/July, I am gonna have 4-6 months to work/travel beforehands (I plan to leave Czech republic at the beginning of March). I can go literally anywhere in the world and I would prefer to work a bit, so, if by any chance anyone knew about anything, it would be lovely :).

I have no plans about what to do after i finish John Muirs Trail. I think I will meet some people in there and maybe get some ideas form them :). Also, it should still be summer in its prime, so I think I will just go hike some more in the mountains or head towards an ocean to take a swim hehe ;).

I think I am gonna like whatever this adventure brings, I am really looking forward to it :).

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  • 2 months later...

New update, yay! At the edge of March/April, I am going to CANADA. I just got a working holiday visas and I am going to stay in Squimish, BC and work a bit. Plan is still to move in june/july to Yosemite, USA, for John Muir Trail walkthrough after which I will decide if i go on traveling or come back to Canada for some more work before further travels. Looking forward to all adventures ahead of me!

Anyone from around there? Whistler or Vancouver? To go to some concert, for a beer, or even, if possible, I would love to maybe jam a bit with some band :)?! Dont wanna stay a year or so without music... :(. Yea, as my profile picture says, I play bassguitar (for 13 years - no pro, but can handle ;))!

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  • 1 month later...

It's great that you're traveling around the U.S. and Canada--I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.. You're also very smart to be doing your hard-core traveling while you're still relatively young--once you're over 35 it's not the same.

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Hi guys, yea, well as for Canada vs US, I really wanna do the John Muir Trail. Its something I am totally looking forward to. I love Yossemite (as seen in pictures). But I have a one year working holiday for Canada, so I am gonna spend most of my time there... well it will also depend on where the wind will blow me :).

And yes. Im 30. Like last chance to go out and enjoy every bit of what is around :). And I WILL!!! Gonna be fun :).

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  • 7 months later...

Ok, just for the Full Circle...


I flew to Vancouver, Canada on 2nd April. Then I was working in Squamish, BC, for three months on a golf course, after which I went hitchiking to Vancouver Island, down to Seatle and all the way east to Yellowstone. From there I wanted to hitchhike down to Salt Lake City, but a guy with a sound board stopped me... he was going to Oregons mid west coast to hold a music festival... so I went with him and helped with the stage and sound there!!! I bought a car in Eugene, Oregon and drove south to San Francisco, then Yosemite, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, down to Monument Valley and Grand Canyon. Then I stopped at Slab City (from Into The Wild movie) and Salton Sea and drove to San Diego and along the coast through LA up to Santa Maria. I flew back to Europe from LA on 15th November.

So that was it. Shame I didnt meet anyone of you guys :(. I had so much fun anyways, tho...!

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Congratulations. That's an awesome, amazing trip, Stormbringer. I'm glad you had such a great time here in the States. If you ever come back again, I would suggest you consider doing an East Coast trip. You could start in Montreal or Quebec City, then make a detour over to see Niagara Falls, and then pass down through New England to see Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and DC. Then, if you had the time and interest, you could head down through Virginia to see Jamestown and the outer banks of North Carolina, and then on to Charleston and Savannah, and then on to Atlanta, Natchez, MS, and New Orleans. (You could also add Florida or Texas to your itinerary.) If you ever decide to make such a trip, let me know, because I can give you some good suggestions and advice. Again, congratulations on your wonderful adventure.

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