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Micheal Lee's drum head writing


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I have been playing this over and over again, and like you, I can't make it out. The first letter on the top line looks like a 'J' or possibly a 'T'. I doubt if ML would have the running order transcribed on his drumkit. The second line looks shorter in length.

Perhaps there is a way of taking a snapshot of this, and then blowing up the size, using 'View'.

I think one of the younger, more IT adept members might be able to help you.

really enjoyable piece of footage btw.

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There's also an 8 second sweeping camera shot behind Michael starting at exactly 47 minutes in that shows slightly more of the text. Here's a still from there.

Looks to me like there are three lines of text, the first starts with a "T", and the final line is three words, the last of which is a two-digit number. Maybe "95"?


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Good stuff Cookie. I was wondering if the writing relates to something written by a personal roadie as to the storage of the piece of equipment. Maybe on the other hand, it was a message that was personal to Michael Lee

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