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Do things ever get better?


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Great are You, O Lord, and greatly to be praised; great is Your power, and of Your wisdom there is no end. And man, being a part of Your creation, desires to praise You, man, who bears about with him his mortality, the witness of his sin, even the witness that Thou "resistest the proud,"—yet man, this part of Your creation, desires to praise You. Thou movest us to delight in praising You; for You have formed us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in You.

Before I'm condemned for posting this, understand that one does not have to be Christian to find meaning in Augustine's Confessions.

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I do know this really cool chick that is about my age. She's REALLY smart and moderately attractive. Not hot, but attractive. That's my way of saying, "I'd do her". We have a really good time talking and I enjoy seeing her. Too bad she's my psychiatrist.

Next session, maybe ask her about your Tony Soprano complex.

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I mean, my life sucks. Sure I've got friends. Too many sometimes if you ask me. I'm a loner. But I work a shit job. I'm divorced (I divorced her by the way). But I just don't seem to be happy. Right now I think dating would really be complicating my life. Not to mention the only cool chicks I seem to meet are 10 to 15 years younger than me.

Maybe I'll just start drinking more.

Well, it could be worse.

At least you don't have a spear through your head.

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Hi Empire,all,

I mean, my life sucks. Sure I've got friends. Too many sometimes if you ask me. I'm a loner. But I work a shit job. I'm divorced (I divorced her by the way). But I just don't seem to be happy. Right now I think dating would really be complicating my life. Not to mention the only cool chicks I seem to meet are 10 to 15 years younger than me.

Maybe I'll just start drinking more.

Everyone's life sucks,at one point or another.

If you can count your friends on one hand then you are doing well, a true friend will call you,just to ask how the heck are you,and will drop everything when you need them.

Shit job? How about scrubbing john's,blood,vomit and doing first aid for $15 an hour sound,how about teaching rape victims how to defend themselves for a whooping $35 an hour sound?(story on that!)

One more thing my friend,the *cool* chick,will be a cool chicks no matter what her age,they may look good,but when they open their mouth,....it is what they DO that will matter.

Chin up,boyo!

KB (knows nothing)

Edited by zepyep
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I mean, my life sucks. Sure I've got friends. Too many sometimes if you ask me. I'm a loner. But I work a shit job. I'm divorced (I divorced her by the way). But I just don't seem to be happy. Right now I think dating would really be complicating my life. Not to mention the only cool chicks I seem to meet are 10 to 15 years younger than me.

Maybe I'll just start drinking more.

look if your recently divorced it just takes time cuz your life revolved around her change is a weird thing even when its for the better. i dont know the situation but your brain was used to things being one way for so long it just takes time to adjust even if things are better i hope there better for and good luck my friend!!

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