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2014 Baseball Thread


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The 'ol pine tar days. :)

Yeah, that was quite a game! George is a close family friend and I've had a conversation about that day with him. Even being a Yankee, I agree that was bullsh!t! If anything, pine tar would hamper how a ball comes off the bat! I always told him he pissed me off so bad when he hit that homer off Goose Gossage to end the '80 ALCS, when we had tickets to game 4 - he had a good laugh about that. Really, really good guy. Johnny Damon owes his career to George.
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A lot of sweet posts in here, quite a few of you guys are peaches. :bravo:

So sorry E, time to jump to football focus I guess.

E is doing quite well in the football picks, isn't she! :)

I do feel so bad for those guys, they live for and love their team so much!

Hope all is well! You're the best, jb126! :yourock:

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Thanks Strider, Paul, jb and Walter. I managed to get myself to work today and feel a bit better physically. But I'm still sad. I spent the season waiting for us to collapse and when I finally bought into it...poof! There's always next year...

Go Giants! :)

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Well Paul, we won't have to worry about too much rest affecting the Royals now, thanks to the Giants taking care of business tonight.

Congratulations to San Francisco and Kansas City advancing to the World Series. They certainly are playing their asses off...the Royals mowing down the Angels and Orioles without a loss and the Giants almost as ruthless in their march thru the National League playoffs.

Purists will cringe, but once again we have Wild Cards playing in the World Series. It is often said the baseball season is a marathon, not a sprint. But the Wild Card puts that viewpoint in doubt. It's truly not how you play from April to September...it's what team catches fire in September-October.

One thing I hope for as a sports fan: a truly competitive World Series between Kansas City and San Francisco. No sweep or 4-1 series, please.

While I have a liking for the Giant's Tim Lincecum as a player, because Kansas City has endured a 29-year drought, I have to cheer for the Royals to win the Series. It would be good for the city and their long-suffering fans.

Let's have a good World Series. Play ball!

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I would also like to congratulate the San Francisco Giants in defeating the Saint Louis Cardinals in the 2014 National League Championship Series. Although I had hoped for a different outcome, I will admit that the Giants did indeed outplay the Cardinals this series.

Although temporarily disappointed, I will always have complete faith and confidence in the Saint Louis Cardinals and Their World-Class Baseball Organization for the rest of My life. With that being said, I will also have the same complete faith and confidence that the 2015 Saint Louis Cardinals will come back with a vengeance and dominate the National League and make it to a 5th NLCS in 5 straight years.

This is how True and Honest Baseball fans react when Their Team loses a series so deep into the Post-Season. With Dignity, Honor and Respect. Not with derision, scorn and especially lame excuses. So far I have only read a few that frequently post in this topic that have done the same and congratulated the winning teams.

GO CARDINALS!!! ...Next Year...

Edited by kingzoso
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Guys, I am as shocked (but happy as hell) with the Giants making it this far as are most, especially after them being totally unable to catch the Dodgers during most of the season. I had figured it to be a 'see ya next year' season for them. (Maybe they were just sandbagging??) Actually, I had just about believed that the Orioles were going to mow everyone down and take it all. It's a damned, fickle game that's for sure. The wild cards are running wild. :)

See you in Kansas City

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Yeah, that was quite a game! George is a close family friend and I've had a conversation about that day with him. Even being a Yankee, I agree that was bullsh!t! If anything, pine tar would hamper how a ball comes off the bat! I always told him he pissed me off so bad when he hit that homer off Goose Gossage to end the '80 ALCS, when we had tickets to game 4 - he had a good laugh about that. Really, really good guy. Johnny Damon owes his career to George.

Cool story. Billy Martin always was a shit disturber.

Never forget Gossage beaning Ron Cey. :(

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Guys, I am as shocked (but happy as hell) with the Giants making it this far as are most, especially after them being totally unable to catch the Dodgers during most of the season. I had figured it to be a 'see ya next year' season for them. (Maybe they were just sandbagging??) Actually, I had just about believed that the Orioles were going to mow everyone down and take it all. It's a damned, fickle game that's for sure. The wild cards are running wild. :)

See you in Kansas City

Glad for you redrum. Enjoy the series!

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If anyone considers themselves true baseball fans, it is My belief that you have to have some sort of admiration and respect for teams such as the Saint Louis Cardinals and the San Francisco Giants. You may not like these two teams (perhaps even despise them), but these two teams have proven themselves in the past and especially in the past 5 years.

These two dominant National League teams have been in the World Series every year since 2010. How many other teams, American or National, can make the same claim? I am referring to the past 5 years and not overall.

The past 5 World Series (2010 -2014) teams and eventual winners:

2010: San Francisco Giants versus the Texas Rangers. Winner: SFG

2011: Saint Louis Cardinals versus the Texas Rangers. Winner: STL

2012: San Francisco Giants versus the Detroit Tigers. Winner: SFG

2013: Saint Louis Cardinals versus the Boston Red Sox. Winner: BRS

2014: San Francisco Giants versus the Kansas City Royals. Winner: TBD

Where are the Baltimore Orioles, Washington Nationals, Los Angeles Dodgers, Oakland Athletics, Anaheim Angels, Pittsburgh Pirates, Chicago Cubs, Milwaukee Brewers, Seattle Mariners, Toronto Blue Jays, Cleveland Indians, Philadelphia Phillies, etc... and even the New York Yankees in this past 5 year Baseball equation? The answer is: NOWHERE.

Me, personally, cannot stand and do not like the San Francisco Giants. However, I DO RESPECT them as a Team.

Mark MY words, the 2015 Saint Louis Cardinals will be Back and back with a Vengeance. It would not surprise Me in the least if the 2015 Cardinals make it to and win the National League Championship Series and make a return to the 2015 World Series. It may come down to a repeat of Saint Louis versus San Francisco but I have complete Faith and Confidence that Saint Louis will prevail.

GO CARDINALS (2015)!!! ... GO ROYALS (2014)!!!

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2010: San Francisco Giants versus the Texas Rangers. Winner: SFG

2012: San Francisco Giants versus the Detroit Tigers. Winner: SFG

I am just happy that the Giants finally won the World Series in my lifetime. They came to SF in 1958, but I'm sad that my 3 brothers (all deceased) were not here to see them finally win it.

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World Series Game 1 tonight & both teams have had almost a week off--so, the rest vs. rust argument may go out the window. I think it will be a short series whoever wins--but I like the G-Men in 5...

IF the G-men win their 3rd in 5 years, THAT would be impressive.

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IF the G-men win their 3rd in 5 years, THAT would be impressive.

They might but there is no way in hell I am going to say they are the best team in baseball. I expect KC to beat them with pitching but who knows. I know two things. I will not watch any of it. And it may set the record for the lowest all time ratings. Baseball had already been hurting as they dropped them from National TV other than the Series. But this is a ratings nightmare for baseball. KC expecially. SF is a big market. But LA Dodgers is what they wanted. I am still in disbelief that the Dodgers and Nationals are not in. I thought one of them would have made it. San Fran got in by the skin of their teeth. And why did they wait to suspend Davis until it would really hurt us the most? It killed us on defense more than anything. That missed catch at first by Pearce was a fucking killer. 3 run inning. Game. Series.

Very little interest will be generated in this series. I know I am right about that.

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The World Series ratings have been low for a long time, seemingly no matter who is in it. The Giants & Royals have proven once again that the MLB playoffs are a virtual crapshoot. The regular season matters not--it's who gets hot at the right time in October and the G-Men have proven in the past, they know how to get it done this time of year, which is why I think they are very worthy of being in the big dance--Kansas City too.

Whether or not you like it Rick, the Royals smacked Baltimore in the mouth & proved they were better. I'm not rooting for anyone, may the best team win--and as I said before, I think the Giants are that team....

Edited by paul carruthers
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IF the G-men win their 3rd in 5 years, THAT would be impressive.

Hell yeah that would be impressive! Much more impressive than the Cardinals, who so far have only shown themselves to be the Atlanta Braves of the 2000s.

I took a break from thinking about baseball but now that Game 1 of the WS is finally here...I thought Bud Selig might wait until Thanksgiving to schedule the Series...I guess my heart says Kansas City and my head says San Francisco.

My mom is rooting for San Francisco as well as some friends of mine. But I feel so bad for the fans of Kansas City and it's always fun when some new blood wins.

Just want to see some good competitive games and may the best team win.

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They might but there is no way in hell I am going to say they are the best team in baseball.

Who was the best team in baseball in 1980? Philadelphia

Who was the best team in baseball in 1983? Baltimore

Who was the best team in baseball in 1985? Kansas City

Who was the best team in baseball in 2000? NY Yankees

Who was the best team in baseball in 2013? Boston

Why? because they won the World Series!

Who is the best team this year? Who ever wins the World Series!

You can argue all you want, but the scoreboard tells the story.....

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