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I dream almost every night;unless I'm loaded,but I always remember the bad ones,and never the good ones.

I especially hate it when I'm dreaming about something good;and the alarm goes off right before the uh,"payoff".Sometimes;I can make myself dream about whatever I choose.

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I dream in color and smell-o-vision, sometimes long ones with plots. I used to have terrifying nightmares, but not so frequently for a while now. (BTW, if you take an allergy medicine and you have nightmares, Goggle the side-effects...) A couple times when I was really blown away by a dream (good or bad) I've turned on the light and written it down, but that really only works for me if it's nearly morning -- the ones I write down in the middle of the night, I can't make sense out of anyway (I mean, I can read my writing, and I can remember how clear it all was to me when I was writing it, but, it doesn't make sense...) When I was little, I'd often refer to events that had happened that *nobody else remembered* and it used to really piss me off that whoever it was had forgotten we went sledding or whatever--it took me a long time to understand that a lot of my 'memories' were dreams.

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Swansea, I still have that. I remember all these things, but everyone says I don't. It messes me up. I love having dreams. I hate when I have a good one and can't remeber. I once dreamed that I met Robert Plant and went to the O2. I can control my dreams too, every once in a while, that's fun.

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Yes...well I think I was asleep. I could have been awake, I suppose...who really knows...

I was going to say...maybe ask Robert something about a long night laying on a bed of sweet pink cotton candy

( :cheer: ) and see what he has to say...

but then reality hit...


it was a dream.




What about?

Oh REALLY?????

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I dream all time, in color, and everything in dreams feels just like REAL LIFE. But my dreams are always kinda surreal, as in: I'll be walking down the sidewalk and pass the same tree 5 times, OR I'll own like 500 of something, OR I can't remember how to do something simple like drive to work, OR I keep tying the same knot over and over but it just dissappears and I have to do it again, stuff like that. And despite being a horny bastard during the day, I pretty much never have a sexual dream. When I do have a dream that is starting to head that way, I ALWAYS wake up before it gets to anything dirty.

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I do, But I haven't been having many lately- well I should say I haven't been remembering them. The last one I remember was about this guy trying to kidnap me and I stabbed him in the tummy with a pocket knife which stopped him and made him bleed really bad. It kind of scared me. :wacko::blink:

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".Sometimes;I can make myself dream about whatever I choose.

That's called lucid dreaming and is supposedly a high stage of "spiritual" path. Like, once one is able to control their dreamstate then next step is being able to control their reality. At least that's what I've read; I've only experienced it twice, long time ago but remember them vividly. I've also had a couple of ocassions that I foresaw an event in a dream, one was the tsunami on Christmas day a few years back.

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I keep going back to previous dreams. Like I dream that I'm in a particular "dream" city and then remember that I'd been there before (in a dream I had a couple of weeks before, though I don't remember it was a dream) and what I did there and how to get to a particular building or that if I go down that particular street I'll get to a nice park and so on. I even keep "going on holidays" to the same "dream location" in various dreams. It's like an entire second life.

I'd love to go back to that dream version of Mongolia I "visited" a couple of times. Loved those red mountains and green/blue veld... :rolleyes:

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I'm having a recurring dream at the moment...for the past three nights in a row I've dreamt that it's Christmas Day and I've not bought any presents yet.

In the one lastnight it was because I'd been to see Ian Brown when I was meant to be out buying presents.

I suspect it reflects my current stresses about all the work I've got to do for uni. It's the same having loads of things to do and running out of time sorta thing.

And I also think it has something to do with the fact that I now have to work on Christmas Day for the first time in my life.

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Everyone DOES dream anytime they get thier REM sleep at night. I have heard that you only remember the ones that you wake up during, but I don't know if that's accurate.

I remember my dreams all the time. I will be sitting at work and go, "Oh yeah..."

I have strange dreams. Very strange dreams. Sometimes, they're about people I don't know, like I'm watching a movies. Other times, they're about my family and friends. The former is the most common.

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  • 2 months later...

"We all dream. But do we REALLY dream?. yes we do, but do we REALLy dream? yes. but do we really?"

I had a dream last night that I was hit by a car and became a Genie and I whent to a hight school to investigate any suspitious activity, and I found a lot of trap doors filled with monye and the principal was trying to get me to leave and he was annoying me, so I shot him with a bow and arrow, and I became a hero to the kids there.

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I never remember normal good dreams, I usually only remember scary dreams.

or dirty dreams, but that is another story. :D

have had a couple about robert, can't lie....heh.

i had a dream a couple nights ago that i saved my little brother from a haunted house. lame now that i think about it, but at the time of the dream, i was scared shitless.

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