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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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How about those Taters?!! ;)

Did everyone see the referees blow the end of the Seattle-St. Louis game? Terrible...just terrible. Every week there are horrible calls that are inexcusable. What has happened to the quality of refereeing?

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Cool pics zepscoda. Looks like at least you're not in the sun-glare zone.

Seriously, what is wrong with Dallas architects? Can't they design a simple football stadium? No other city in the country has the design problems Dallas has. First it was Texas Stadium, and now Jerry World has the same issues. Embarrassing.

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There appears to be no stopping Big D--and the schedule is certainly favorable in the coming weeks. Home vs. Arizona may be a big test, I'm looking forward to that game. Right now though, I have to imagine the Cowboys bandwagon may be overflowing....


Edited by paul carruthers
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Kind of tired of the little "d" myself. I actually turned off first Fox and then ESPN, because it seems the other 31 teams don't exist. I'd rather hear about Andrew Luck and a host of others. I was especially pleased to see a LIon victory after Jimmy Johnson and clueless Terry both picked the Saints as their upset pick of the week.

I was cracking up yesterday after both kickers in the Lions v Saints game clanged the heck out of the goal post....I mean clanged ! One echoed for about 10 seconds like a tuning fork and totally hushed the stadium and the announcers. Must be our latest hex.

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Kind of tired of the little "d" myself.

detroit? ;)

I am sick of all the pregame shows talking about the Cowboys yesterday - good god, they are on a winning streak - it's not the 2nd coming of Christ! Seriously, that's why so many hate Dallas, they won't stop talking about them!

Btw, there was a survey released last week that said Denver was voted "America's Team" and the Cowboys placed 4th. Seriously, even with Manning breaking the TD record the Broncos are AT BEST the 2nd or 3rd story covered - that is NOT "America's Team". The team that everyone either loves or loves to hate is "A T" and that is without question - Dallas.

I'm not getting crazy until the stretch from Thanksgiving to the end of the season is complete. That's where all of potholes lay in the road.

Can you imagine how unbearable Rick would be if the Bills were on a 6-game winning streak??? :lol:

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^^ Nice, Paul! :)

redrum, that's what I'm talking about. There is something very wrong with the niners this year. Their record says one thing, but their attitude says something else. They don't seem to have the heart this year. Last night was a curb stomp and you haven't seen that the past 3 seasons or so from SF.

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I haven't seen enough Ram games to form an opinion about Davis--all I will say is that the Seahawks going back to last season were always less formidable on the road as opposed to their home games & everyone is going to give the champs their best shot. I believe the Rams are somewhere closer to the team we saw get beat by the Niners on Monday Night...

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redrum, that's what I'm talking about. There is something very wrong with the niners this year. Their record says one thing, but their attitude says something else. They don't seem to have the heart this year. Last night was a curb stomp and you haven't seen that the past 3 seasons or so from SF.

They kinda stumbled last year too. They have also allowed 30 more points so far in 7 games. But I have faith that they will still be competitive. Hopefully, when Aldon Smith returns the defense will really get at it. I just hate when they can't take advantage of a lead over the Seahawks, just like the Giants did with the Dodgers. But look how that turned out. :)

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So what's everyones opinion of Austin Davis ? His play is surprisingly strong...almost scary. Its almost like Fouts all over again. Suddenly the Rams are a team to be reckoned with instead of laughed at.

Nice win by the Lions and a nice TD by Houston right now. I can clean up if Houston covers. I do not like to read comments that my Bills will lose to the Raiders. No way. Not happening. We are not that bad. IN fact, 4-3 puts us ahead of much of our competition for a wild card and keeps us in the race. Yes Spiller is done. But Jackson will return I am sure. I just returned from the Big Apple and Hoboken. I may post a pic or two if I can figure how to transfer from my cell. I have posted on my facebook page. Back to the Lions, my son in law has Red Zone so I got to see the end of that and the Bills. Loved both. Hate New Orleans. I want the lions to win that division. If I had a brain in my damn head I would have booked my trip for next week and I could have seen the Bills at the Jets.

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Bryce Brown the ex Eagle will start for the Bills next week. To beat the Jets you must THROW THE BALL MARRONE. You fucking douche bag idiot. We would have beat these Texans if not for EJ. SHITSpatrick is now out there with my money in his hands. A FG instead of a TD because the stumbling, bumbling "genius" from Harvard must have had a Ghost Writer doing his homework and just fucking threw the ball away as usual. He throws game killers at the end of games. So why was I stupid enough to bet these clowns? Because I believe Pittsburgh sucks more. Buffalo has more talent at receiver than most teams.. But babies like Williams who now wants a trade because his pride was hurt are doing us no good. So we will throw Watkins, Chandler and Woods down your throats and hope that vaunted defensive line plays with heart from here on out. Dont count Buffalo out just yet. Every week is different in this league. Ask Cincy and Cleveland and San Diego. So far so good here.

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I keep reading these relentless little rumors that NE is toying with trading Brady to Houston for a 1st round pick and a receiver. It makes a decent amount of sense, seeing as Brady is 37 and likely has a small amount of great games left in him. And NE is pretty well known for trading someone who still seems to have a lot left (remember the Richard Seymour sendoff)? I still remember the shock of SF trading Montana away, though they really had no choice, Steve Young was ready to roll and if they didn't give him the starting job, it was likely he would go somewhere else.

I can't see the Jets winning this week, they are totally dysfunctional.

I don't get all the angst about Harbaugh in SF. So for fifteen years before him, your record...sucked....sucked...sucked...and occasionally sucked some more. He comes in and make the playoffs every year. Is he a control freak, a drama queen? Yeah, so are half the NFL players!!

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