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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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Who saw this coming? ME. Perfect start for the Lions. Certainly not an insurmountable lead. But Detroit, if they can continue to move the ball and score, its bad news for Dallas. I honestly do not hate Dallas. There are some teams I do hate. But I would love to see the Lions win. I will cheer for them as far as they can go. No matter who they play. Winning in Green Bay is going to be a bitch.

Listen to this Indy receiver. dumb ass. Not worried about Denver yet. Well start worrying bitch.

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Pathetic. Just got your ass's handed to you and you go shake hands and smile like you don't give a rats ass you lost. Incredible. Almost like whew, now we don't have to go get embarrassed in Denver and we can just collect our inflated checks and go to Miami Beach or Honolulu and gang bang a bunch of stupid sloppy tattoed bimbo's without having to worry about fines because OUR PATHETIC FUCKING SEASON IS OVER. . :unsure:

Send them to LA or please send them to Buffalo next year. I will put that one in the W column. Shit heads

You're that surprised by a Cincinnati Bengals loss? They are known the world over as the Bungles (or Bungholes) for a reason, Rick. Have you ever heard of a little thing called 'Institutional Memory'? The Bengals have it in spades.

As a matter of fact, both of today's games were instructive for illustrating the curse of institutional memory. Usually when this term is used, it is meant positively to refer to a company's or organization's success and influence through the generations. In terms of football teams, the New England Patriots, Green Bay Packers, Pittsburgh Steelers, San Francisco 49ers all have positive institutional memory coursing through their organization's veins. In other words, winning breeds winning.

But there is a negative institutional memory as well. As I wrote about in my post about the Detroit Lions a couple weeks ago, certain teams are perennial losers for a reason. Losing leaves a residue...and constant losing means this residue accrues to the point that it seeps into the entire team's infrastructure, its DNA. It permeates the entire franchise with its stench and nothing short of a clean sweep of biblical proportions, an exorcism, will wash it away. No mere changing of coaches or even owners will be enough. It has to be a forceful purge...a la Pete Carroll's successful takeover of Seattle. Within two years, all of the losers from prior regimes were eradicated from the team by Carroll.

Sometimes the negative vibe is so entrenched it takes a powerful confluence of events to change the institutional mindset. Take New Orleans, for decades a sad pitiful franchise seemingly doomed for eternal failure. But then three groundshifting events unfolded in short order...Hurricane Katrina, snatching coach Sean Payton away from Dallas, and signing Drew Brees, the first real franchise quarterback in Saints history. Almost immediately, the demeanor and fortunes of the team changed, culminating in their first Super Bowl win.

Can Detroit do the same? Possibly...but not with this crew. Jim Caldwell is just another Morningwheg or Wade Davis or some other nondescript coaching retread. Matthew Stafford may be a good quarterback, but to change the effects of institutional memory you need a supernatural talent like Drew Brees or Tom Brady.

I spent the whole first half of today's Detroit @ Dallas game talking my Cowboy-loving brothers off the ledge. When Detroit was up 14-0 and seemingly could do no wrong, I said "relax...Detroit's ineptitude and history of failure will rear its ugly head soon enough". In a football game of 60-80 plays, not every play is a positive one. The good teams limit their negative plays, while the bad teams have a preponderance of bad plays. Detroit's incredible run of good plays to start the game only meant that they were saving their usual allotment of bad plays for the rest of the game.

By halftime, you could see the writing on the wall...Detroit should have been up by a lot more than 17-7 and momentum was shifting. Winning teams go for the jugular and play to win. Losing teams are indecisive and play not to lose. When Detroit turned the ball over on the first possession of the second half, that was it...it didn't even matter that Dallas didn't score off the turnover. Detroit's institutional memory set the wheels of failure in motion.

Take those horrible fourth down plays Detroit wimped out on. Winning teams such as New England approach a 4th and 1 situation with a play in mind. When Brady and Belichick decide to go for it on fourth down, they run an actual play! They are not afraid to fail, which is why they are successful more often than not. They know that even if the play doesn't succeed, they have sent a message to their opponent that they aren't messing around; they are here to win and they believe in themselves. They don't go out there and hope to get the other team to jump offside and if it doesn't happen, simper off to the sidelines and punt.

For one thing, only stupid teams fall for a hard count on fourth down. Sure, teams will jump offsides on first, second, or even third down...the players' focus is caught up in the game. But on fourth down, the first thing coaches and defensive players tell each other is "DON'T BE TOO EAGER! Don't fall for a hard count and jump offsides!" Since stupid teams routinely fall for that trick, it only makes sense that the coaches of these stupid teams would think they could fool other teams into doing the same thing. Hence, clueless Lion coach JIm Caldwell sends Matthew Stafford out there twice on fourth-and-one with nothing other than a wing-and-a-prayer to try and draw Dallas offsides. Of course, it doesn't work as the Dallas defense is rooted to the ground like granite. Instead of having the balls to go for the first down, Detroit pussies out and punts. Detroit basically told Dallas "We are afraid of your defense and have no confidence in our offensive line to get even one measly yard...please don't hurt us and make us your bitches."

That is the bad institutional memory haunting Detroit all these decades. They've been cowards for years and will continue to be cowards because that is all they know.

The Football Gods were so affronted by Detroit's cowardice, they punished the Lions by having their punter shank a punt barely past the line of scrimmage. It was as if they were saying to Jim Caldwell, "Okay, you want to be a wimp and not try to win, we are not going to let you pin Dallas deep and instead we will reward Dallas with great field position and let them get all the calls."

I was laughing repeatedly at Detroit in the second-half...and not just because I picked Dallas in the pool. It was a comical example of why teams such as Detroit never win...and Cincinnati is the same.

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A pathetic call and series of events for sure, but that game was lost for the Lions when Travis Swanson (a rookie himself) went down with a knee injury, which put 3 rookies on the offensive line. We lost our running game after that. It's more than likely the reason that Caldwell didn't go for it on 4th down. Since we had the lead, it was conservative, yet wise to play to our defense and try to bury them in their own territory at that point. Of course, who knew a 10 yard punt was coming. :mad: (actually 5 yards with the delay of game call)

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A pathetic call and series of events for sure, but that game was lost for the Lions when Travis Swanson (a rookie himself) went down with a knee injury, which put 3 rookies on the offensive line. We lost our running game after that. It's more than likely the reason that Caldwell didn't go for it on 4th down. Since we had the lead, it was conservative, yet wise to play to our defense and try to bury them in their own territory at that point. Of course, who knew a 10 yard punt was coming. :mad: (actually 5 yards with the delay of game call)


Shanahan's name is all over the Buffalo News and there is a real possibility he could be the next head coach of the Buffalo Bills. I for one, HOPE NOT. I do not like the man one bit. His son is another story. Would rather give him the reigns. But lets say its happens. I have to hope he leaves Swartz the hell alone. Swartz has become very popular here. He did a great great job on this defense. Next year with him at the helm it can be even better when Alonzo returns. They could very well have the best defense in the NFL next year. So the search for the QB is the big big item. I have to find a list of UFA's and see who would be a good fit.

Then I go to work with all I have. This is my laptop. There are many like it but this one is mine!!!!! :lol:

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Mike Shanahan may go down as the most overrated coach in the history of the league--or at least the most overrated in all the time I've been watching the NFL. John Elway and Terrell Davis are the 2 major reasons Shanahan has any Super Bowl rings. Hell, if I was Buffalo, I think I'd rather have Rex Ryan as the head coach...

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Mike Shanahan may go down as the most overrated coach in the history of the league--or at least the most overrated in all the time I've been watching the NFL. John Elway and Terrell Davis are the 2 major reasons Shanahan has any Super Bowl rings. Hell, if I was Buffalo, I think I'd rather have Rex Ryan as the head coach...

Well I agree. But I would rather have maybe Shanahan's son and he may come with the package? With Swartz on the defensive side we are in good shape. I hope they do not replace him. And I would also consider making an offer to these two coaches that are going to go at it in the title game in college. But there are many options. To me the search for the QB is far more difficult.

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Yep, the search for a solid starting QB may be a tough one--if Buffalo had that, they could definitely challenge the Pats for the AFC East...

Of course, there are many teams that could do better if they had a QB--see the Arizona Cardinals....

EDIT: Rick, I see the list you posted and none of those names inspire confidence in me. You better hope the Bills can find a diamond in the rough through the draft...

Edited by paul carruthers
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You are out of your f^ckin mind! First off, that play should have been off-setting penalties. There was a face mask on Pettigrew at the start of the play. Plus the ref 40 yards down field made the call, not the ref near the play. What did they do when they had the ball with over 2 1/2 min. to go, two time-outs and the 2 min. warning??? Nothing. Detroit f^cked themselves, as usual. But then, what would I expect from someone who takes no responsibility for how his team performs - only on what they can't control, namely the refs. Loser mentality....:rolleyes:

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You are out of your f^ckin mind! First off, that play should have been off-setting penalties. There was a face mask on Pettigrew at the start of the play. Plus the ref 40 yards down field made the call, not the ref near the play. What did they do when they had the ball with over 2 1/2 min. to go, two time-outs and the 2 min. warning??? Nothing. Detroit f^cked themselves, as usual. But then, what would I expect from someone who takes no responsibility for how his team performs - only on what they can't control, namely the refs. Loser mentality.... :rolleyes:



I did not miss it. I saw the hold right in front of me and could not believe they let it go

Your team is ONLY ALIVE BECAUSE OF THE REFS. MY TEAM IS ONLY HOME BECAUSE OF THE REFS. Next year we play. Cant wait to see Mario eat Romo for breakfast

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Again no accountability for losing to Oakland with a possible playoff chance on the line - enough said! Didn't see the refs score 17 unanswered points, didn't see the refs strip the ball not once, but twice when the Lions had the game on the line. Always the blame game and excuses from you....:rolleyes:

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I did not miss it. I saw the hold right in front of me and could not believe they let it go

Your team is ONLY ALIVE BECAUSE OF THE REFS. MY TEAM IS ONLY HOME BECAUSE OF THE REFS. Next year we play. Cant wait to see Mario eat Romo for breakfast

Always next year with you, no matter the sport.... An aging Mario vs. a young Tyron Smith - I like our chances! :yesnod: That's not even taking into consideration your lack of quarterback talent and that your coach LEFT your organization, even without another job lined up! :hysterical:

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Even the President of the United States weighed in on Detroit getting robbed in this game. Its a disgrace to the NFL. And Walter, you can stick it. You and your BS is wearing thin. Your team did not win that game fairly. Admit it. Our team will be better than yours for the next decade with Pegula owning it instead of Wilson. Nothing personal Ralph but you were cheap. Dallas will be out Sunday anyway

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