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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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According to NFL Network right now, Rex Ryan will be the next head coach of the Buffalo Bills--thoughts, Rick...

Yes it sounds like its a done deal. I know he has passion. Nobody can deny that. He is going to try and solve this QB nightmare. That is all that is our way. We get a QB and look out. He can take them to the promised land. I am not against this and if Ralph was here I doubt he would be coming. Pegula has the money and wants to win. He is willing to pay the guy who seems to be the biggest fish in the pond. And they are for keeping Swartz on and that is huge. I want Swartz to stay. If Rex signs, we will be behind him. I would not want to be the NY Jest when they play Buffalo. Or Doug Marrone if he winds up there. The Bills have them on talent big time.

Its a very tall order winning in GB. Dallas has had its best season in ages. But I just cant see GB losing this game. A GB at Seattle title game would be a tough call. I think Denver wins today regardless of if its close or not. Denver wins. I am really surprised Baltimore did not play better in their secondary

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It sounds like a done deal. 5 years, $27 million, and Swartz will STAY!!! Huge. Defense gets Kiko back and should be lights out. Offensive coordinator coming from San Fran. Now the search for a QB that can win it all for Buffalo and Rex. That is all they need. Its alot, but its only one man

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There's no denying, Rex knows defense--the question, as you brought up Rick, is the QB position & I would say the entire offense in general, save for the RB spots. But who knows--maybe now that Rex is on a team with management that will probably spend some dough to get the pieces on offense they need, Rex will be much better off in Buffalo than he was in Jersey--time will tell...

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There's no denying, Rex knows defense--the question, as you brought up Rick, is the QB position & I would say the entire offense in general, save for the RB spots. But who knows--maybe now that Rex is on a team with management that will probably spend some dough to get the pieces on offense they need, Rex will be much better off in Buffalo than he was in Jersey--time will tell...

Well I know they are far better than the Jets. They beat the hell out of them twice to boot. But we are not worried about the Jets. As for this game about to kick off, I just do not feel good about it. Toss up. I do not think Green Bay is as good as many think. And i still think Seattle beats either. But its a horse race for sure. Dallas had a great year and I would say deserve to be hear if not for the fiasco in Dallas vs Detroit. They will have to play far better to win this one

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Rex Ryan shuffling off to Buffalo is certainly interesting choice but considering what a hash Rex made of the QB situation in New York-Jersey, I don't see how anyone could be confident in his ability to sort thru the QB mess in Buffalo.

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Nice dive to draw the flag. The refs love Dallas

I was thinking the same thing. That was a dive no doubt.

Already complaining about the refs? Come on guys...that Green Bay guy totally ran up the back of that Dallas receiver's feet.

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I'm just saying it was a dive. You're a hockey fan, you know a dive when you see one....lol. Yes the defenders hand was there, and knowing that, the reciver played it perfect.... Now in Dallas's defense, the refs should have called that a late hit on the TD pass play.

Edited by zepscoda
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I'm just saying it was a dive. You're a hockey fan, you know a dive when you see one....lol. Yes the defenders hand was there, and knowing that, the reciver played it perfect.... Now in Dallas's defense, the refs should have called that a late hit on the TD pass play.

He took one for the team hehe. :D

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