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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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If it brings Manning back for another season, it is to Denver fans. Otherwise they are probably screwed next season. Overall, it doesn't matter as I believe next year is Peyton's last season regardless.

John Fox going to Chicago....yawn. They need a major overhaul - starting at qb.

Kubiak runs a westcoast offense, which is not Manning's forte. One of them is going to have to compromise and learn to switch systems if Manning indeed returns to Denver.

Odds Brian Bostick is still with the Green Bay Packers next season?

Odds Mike McCarthy (and his bungling special teams coach) is still with the Packers?

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Gary Kubiak--doesn't exactly scream excitement, that hire. I have to think fans in Denver may be more concerned about whether Peyton is going to hang up his cleats. The window of opportunity has to be looking real small--as far as Manning winning another Lombardi trophy...

Denver has big cap $ issues and Demaryus Thomas is a free agent. I don't think Manning can get it done either at this point, especially with their soft defense.

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I'm not a Patriots fan by any stretch, but this "deflated ball" story has got to be some of the silliest bullshit I've ever heard....

It's like when they accused Ray Guy, punter for the Raiders of using helium in the ball. He was just a great effing punter, period.

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I'm not a Patriots fan by any stretch, but this "deflated ball" story has got to be some of the silliest bullshit I've ever heard....

I was with you. But now, 11 out of 12 balls were 2 lbs. under deflated? Belicheat is now the Richard Nixon of the NFL. He cheats to win, even when he doesn't have to. Do I believe the balls were the reason for the 45-7 butt kicking the Colts received, no. Does it look really bad, especially after his past history? Yes, absolutely.

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I was with you. But now, 11 out of 12 balls were 2 lbs. under deflated? Belicheat is now the Richard Nixon of the NFL. He cheats to win, even when he doesn't have to. Do I believe the balls were the reason for the 45-7 butt kicking the Colts received, no. Does it look really bad, especially after his past history? Yes, absolutely.

Eli was quoted in the NYT that he likes the football under inflated.

Aaron Rogers see: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/12201369/aaron-rodgers-green-bay-packers-upset-referees-take-air-footballs

A former NFL equipment manger says it was a common practice with all teams.

Now, the refs who handle the ball on every down, have a pressure gauge and check the football before every play?Really?

Edited by Anjin-san
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Mr. Belichick, would you please deflate my balls??? :rolleyes:

I don't think the balls had anything to do with a 45-7 ass whoopin'--but I guess it's like Jerome Bettis said yesterday; when you're a known felon & something suspicious goes down, you're going to be called into question....


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^^ I don't know if it's been proven, but with the Patriots history under Belichick, this story has certainly caught fire. It's a pity this is what we're talking about days before the big game....

it's burning up the interwebs! :)

Are they testing the balls the Colts used?Nope,they are the same ones.

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Has it been proven yet?

According to an espn report 11 out of the 12 balls the Patriots brought into the game (each team puts in 12) were found to be 2 lbs. under-inflated. That's all I know. Again, I'm sure that's not why the Pats won Sunday against the Colts - it just looks really bad for a coach/team that has a bad reputation already.

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As a Patriots fan, I don't like this storyline of underinflated footballs at all.

This looks VERY bad for Bellichek and Brady, and if true, in my book, definitely takes away from their legacy.

The only thing I don't get, is if the ball is underinflated, and that makes it easier to grip and gives you an advantage, wouldn't it also be good for the Colts? Shouldn't they have been able to use it to a competitive advantage?

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Ok. So it looks like this story has more bounce than I thought it warranted.

But even if it is true that 11 of the 12 balls were under-inflated, that does not prove intent. It could have been the result of a faulty gauge. Unless they can prove Belichick ordered the balls to be under-inflated it's still a non-issue with me. The Patriots would have beaten the Colts if they were playing with rocks or rugby balls.

Why doesn't the NFL provide the game balls instead of leaving it up to the teams?

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I'm just ready for this story to go away--but when you still have over a week before you actually kickoff the game, I guess the media needs some kind of bone to chew on. Never thought I would say this, but it kind of makes me wish there was a player on either team who would get caught in a hotel with cocaine and hookers--at least then we could stop talking about under-inflated balls....

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