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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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So have come to your senses and realize my Bills will be in the Super Bowl again next year. I tell you now, if they get a good QB, and I have my eye on a few, look out. My short list of FA guys that are unrestricted are Matt Moore, Blain Gabbert and Christian Ponder.

:hysterical: :hysterical:

Stop...you're killing me! Blaine Gabbert?!? Hoohah! Christian Ponder?!? Let me ponder that for a moment...bwahahahahaha! If that's what you're counting on to fill your Quarterback needs, then your Bills would be better off drafting a QB. Sexy Rexy or not, I predict the drought continues.

Top 10 Current NFL Playoff Droughts

Team - Last playoff game appearance - # of seasons since last playoff game

1. Buffalo Bills 1999 AFC Wild Card Playoffs 15

2. Oakland Raiders Super Bowl XXXVII 12

3. Cleveland Browns 2002 AFC Wild Card Playoffs 12

4. St. Louis Rams 2004 NFC Divisional Playoffs 10

5. Jacksonville Jaguars 2007 AFC Divisional Playoffs 7

6. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2007 NFC Wild Card Playoffs 7

7. Tennessee Titans 2008 AFC Divisional Playoffs 6

8. Miami Dolphins 2008 AFC Wild Card Playoffs 6

9. New York Jets 2010 AFC Championship Game 4

10. Chicago Bears 2010 NFC Championship Game 4

Edited by Strider
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:hysterical: :hysterical:

Stop...you're killing me! Blaine Gabbert?!? Hoohah! Christian Ponder?!? Let me ponder that for a moment...bwahahahahaha! If that's what you're counting on to fill your Quarterback needs, then your Bills would be better off drafting a QB. Sexy Rexy or not, I predict the drought continues.

Top 10 Current NFL Playoff Droughts

Team - Last playoff game appearance - # of seasons since last playoff game

1. Buffalo Bills 1999 AFC Wild Card Playoffs 15

2. Oakland Raiders Super Bowl XXXVII 12

3. Cleveland Browns 2002 AFC Wild Card Playoffs 12

4. St. Louis Rams 2004 NFC Divisional Playoffs 10

5. Jacksonville Jaguars 2007 AFC Divisional Playoffs 7

6. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2007 NFC Wild Card Playoffs 7

7. Tennessee Titans 2008 AFC Divisional Playoffs 6

8. Miami Dolphins 2008 AFC Wild Card Playoffs 6

9. New York Jets 2010 AFC Championship Game 4

10. Chicago Bears 2010 NFC Championship Game 4

Not me. And neither do most football minds other than a jealous Raiders fan that wishes he had a team like ours. Buffalo is one player away from getting it done.

Back to the imminent matters. ESPN is really not on New England's side on this. They think Kraft stuck his neck out and there is footage out there of a "person of interest" carrying the footballs off to perhaps a room to deflate them. Belechik and Brady look like two cats that ate the canaries on their "mug shots" and that is what they look like. I am really shocked the line has not moved on this game. It is a pick all the way. 47 1/2 is the O/U.

Strider, I do not understand how you can not think Buffalo will be a contender with their defense and so many good players at the skill positions? Kiko Alonso will return to make this defense even better. It is the best defense in the AFC. Only Seattle can boast perhaps a better D but next year I think not. I will predict the Bills will be on National TV and the Raiders will not. I am glad to see Orton go.

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Following Belichick's usual defensive game plan, they are gonna try to eliminated Lynch and the running game he fuels. It will be interesting to see how he is able to do this. Is the secondary ready to cover all of Seattle's wide receivers/tight end in order to keep as many guys in the box against the run? We will find out soon enough.

Read where the fire alarm went off last night at the Pats hotel....more conspiracy? ;):P

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Following Belichick's usual defensive game plan, they are gonna try to eliminated Lynch and the running game he fuels. It will be interesting to see how he is able to do this. Is the secondary ready to cover all of Seattle's wide receivers/tight end in order to keep as many guys in the box against the run? We will find out soon enough.

Read where the fire alarm went off last night at the Pats hotel....more conspiracy? ;):P

It was that sneaky Brady no doubt. As for Strider making fun of the 9-7 Buffalo Bills who are clearly on the rise, lets not forget who his team is, the Oakland Raiders Yes they are still in the league though one would not know it. Do us a favor and snub their arse's from prime time forever. I guarantee you that my boys will be on Prime time with Rex and their improved team. Monster defense. Running backs Spiller and Jackson and Brown and an excellent receiver chore in Watkins, Woods, Goodwin, Chandler and Hogan. I may try and get tickets to the Dallas game. I won tickets in early 90's and Todd Collins played that day in a 10-7 Bills win in on a rainy day. My ex wife, every time she went the weather was inclement. A sure contributor to my divorce. Maybe Walter remembers that game. We beat them in Dallas after that fiasco in Pasedena when we turned it over 9 times. I still believe if Kelly had tied that game at 14 rather than thrown that pick in the end zone the result would have been far different. Thomas was stopped at the one inch line. But that was then and this is now and Dallas comes in and I believe the Eagles too? My buddy, an Eagles fan from Philly who now is in Carolina will no doubt want to go. The Dallas game will be a fast sellout as would be the Giants if they were coming here. We will make it next year Strider. Believe it.

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It was that sneaky Brady no doubt. As for Strider making fun of the 9-7 Buffalo Bills who are clearly on the rise, lets not forget who his team is, the Oakland Raiders Yes they are still in the league though one would not know it. Do us a favor and snub their arse's from prime time forever. I guarantee you that my boys will be on Prime time with Rex and their improved team. Monster defense. Running backs Spiller and Jackson and Brown and an excellent receiver chore in Watkins, Woods, Goodwin, Chandler and Hogan. I may try and get tickets to the Dallas game. I won tickets in early 90's and Todd Collins played that day in a 10-7 Bills win in on a rainy day. My ex wife, every time she went the weather was inclement. A sure contributor to my divorce. Maybe Walter remembers that game. We beat them in Dallas after that fiasco in Pasedena when we turned it over 9 times. I still believe if Kelly had tied that game at 14 rather than thrown that pick in the end zone the result would have been far different. Thomas was stopped at the one inch line. But that was then and this is now and Dallas comes in and I believe the Eagles too? My buddy, an Eagles fan from Philly who now is in Carolina will no doubt want to go. The Dallas game will be a fast sellout as would be the Giants if they were coming here. We will make it next year Strider. Believe it.

I also remember the night when Romo threw 5 picks against Buffalo, but Nick Folk hit a 50+ yd FG to win it.

Btw, your Bills know the Raiders are in the league - they were the team that knocked the Bills out of the playoffs this past season, right?!?

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Do you think the ball boy perfectly deflated 12 balls in 90 seconds? He was in a tiny bathroom with one toilet and one sink for 90 seconds.. It is impossible. This has been a witch hunt. I would say it no matter what team was being accused.

Edited by the chase
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I am now convinced that New England cheated. Time to take their # 1 pick next year. Take a home game from them too.....send them on a 5 year tour of Europe.


Footballs changed at halftime,what happen then? 28 UNANSWERED points!

Go Pats!

Edited by Anjin-san
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Do you think the ball boy perfectly deflated 12 balls in 90 seconds? He was in a tiny bathroom with one toilet and one sink for 90 seconds.. It is impossible. This has been a witch hunt. I would say it no matter what team was being accused.

We're not talking about an 8 year-old kid and a tire pump. This is 2015 and a multi-million dollar industry based on winning at all costs. NASCAR crews can change the air pressure in 4 tires by exactly 1/4 psi in a matter of less than 10 seconds. It is a gadget that is inserted, after being calibrated to the desired psi, and can change it in a matter of 2-3 seconds. So don't think IF this person was sent to change the pressure in the balls, that he didn't have the proper gadget to do it swiftly and precisely. Why would someone leave the officials room with the bag of balls and go into another room for 90 seconds anyway? To take a leak? Don't think so.

They said it will take several weeks to release the findings. I'll wait to see what, if anything, transpires.

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We're not talking about an 8 year-old kid and a tire pump. This is 2015 and a multi-million dollar industry based on winning at all costs. NASCAR crews can change the air pressure in 4 tires by exactly 1/4 psi in a matter of less than 10 seconds. It is a gadget that is inserted, after being calibrated to the desired psi, and can change it in a matter of 2-3 seconds. So don't think IF this person was sent to change the pressure in the balls, that he didn't have the proper gadget to do it swiftly and precisely. Why would someone leave the officials room with the bag of balls and go into another room for 90 seconds anyway? To take a leak? Don't think so.

They said it will take several weeks to release the findings. I'll wait to see what, if anything, transpires.

Doesn't sound like you're waiting to me. 90 seconds to mess with 12 footballs? A leak is far more likely. But yeah I'll wait.
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11 was the count, right? Why does it sound like I'm not waiting for whatever the truth is determined as? What has been said doesn't add up to me. But I don't know what happened, just that it's not as simple as 11 balls leaked air at the same rate - except for one, or being "rubbed" until the psi changed exactly 2 lbs, or that a professional equipment manager would disappear with the game balls that came up soft, for 90 seconds - allegedly. It obviously didn't have anything to do with the outcome as they scored 28 points with legal footballs. Did they come up soft too after one half of play in the same conditions as the others? It doesn't add up and I will wait to see what the findings are, simple as that!

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Because it doesn't. You're always right there with some sort of rebuttal and that's fine ... but don't tell me you've been impartially waiting for the official outcome. I'll freely admit I'm not.. I'm assuming innocent until proven guilty. Something is fishy. The way it has been handled by the press and the NFL with these little leaked half assed allegations is a disgrace.

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Because it doesn't. You're always right there with some sort of rebuttal and that's fine ... but don't tell me you've been impartially waiting for the official outcome. I'll freely admit I'm not.. I'm assuming innocent until proven guilty. Something is fishy. The way it has been handled by the press and the NFL with these little leaked half assed allegations is a disgrace.

Only keeping things up to date, as this is obviously the biggest story leaving the Championship games and heading towards the Super Bowl. As far as leaked half assed allegations, welcome to 21st century "journalism".

By the way, just because I'm not buying every wacked out "excuse" that's being made doesn't mean that I don't think they are innocent until proven guilty.

Edited by Walter
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I don't think they're whacked out at all. 90 seconds to perfectly deflate 11 balls is imo unrealistic whether it's a NASCAR speed crew or an 8 year old with a tire pump. The ball boy went to take a leak. Was going to be on the sidelines for however long and had to go.... The end. Glad you agree about innocent until proven guilty in this case. That's all I really care about. The rest is up for fair scrutiny. Peace.

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I also remember the night when Romo threw 5 picks against Buffalo, but Nick Folk hit a 50+ yd FG to win it.

Btw, your Bills know the Raiders are in the league - they were the team that knocked the Bills out of the playoffs this past season, right?!?

Do you honestly think they are better though? Orton blew that game. Do you think the Raiders will be more competitive than Buffalo next year? you know better than that.

Yo Chase, you should work for the Patsies. You must be a damn lawyer? Nice spin dude. You do not think that maybe they simply switched the damn balls while he took his leak? How do you know he was taking a leak? Were you holding it for him? Ha. I could not resist that. Nothing personal, its just business. monkey business. I do think ESPN has a hard on for Belechick. I mean, the pics they have been putting on are mug shots. And him in his white lab suit is a joke. The fucking guy is not a scientist. And when you get busted once, they do not tend to believe you the next time even if you are truly innocent. GO SEAHAWKS

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Do you honestly think they are better though? Orton blew that game. Do you think the Raiders will be more competitive than Buffalo next year? you know better than that.

Yo Chase, you should work for the Patsies. You must be a damn lawyer? Nice spin dude. You do not think that maybe they simply switched the damn balls while he took his leak? How do you know he was taking a leak? Were you holding it for him? Ha. I could not resist that. Nothing personal, its just business. monkey business. I do think ESPN has a hard on for Belechick. I mean, the pics they have been putting on are mug shots. And him in his white lab suit is a joke. The fucking guy is not a scientist. And when you get busted once, they do not tend to believe you the next time even if you are truly innocent. GO SEAHAWKS

Good one Rick .. you should do stand up.. and what did he do with the switched balls?.. Flush them down the toilet?? Did he have 11 balls stashed in the bathroom?

I'm not a lawyer, have never been to Gillette Stadium let alone to the bathroom there.. I assume he was taking a leak if he went to the bathroom.. 90 seconds for number 2 seems a little quick..

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Lost in all the overwrought coverage of balls is the fall and rise of Brian Banks. So much for those who say "women never lie about rape".


Man, what a story! The 1.5 mil. should go directly to him. What a piece of crap of a human being. Thanks for posting that!

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You're welcome Walter. I was stunned reading that too. I remember when the rape charges happened...as a USC fan, I followed the recruiting news. But after he went to jail, I didn't keep up with the story and lost track of him. God only knows what he endured in prison.

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